Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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NF: Like I just woke up.
I will put on some music, read something for a while
and then I will see if I can face the day. I feel a bit
better today tho.
Dodens Grav@ i'm very sorry for your loss :cry: it's horrible :( My sympathies to your aunt & uncle....

Salamurhaaja@ Nice to see you doing a bit better... From the little i've "seen" you in here i also (like rahvin) think that you have a lot of strength & personal resources.... Be strong!

as for me,i woke up at 8am today,in a few minutes i'll start writing & studying again...:mad: grrrrrrrr i feel strangely stressed & pretty irritated today........ shitty month :D

@Dodens: Sorry I havent noticed it earlier, and I hope youre doing allright now. :cry:"

@Coronerox: :( ... Cheer up.. *wow, definitely lack of inspiration or what to say* just, be happ..ier u_u,,

@Salmy: Woooh, like Melancholia said, good that you feel somewhat better, keep it up :)

@Melancholia: Owww good luck with everything :) (and remember, koekjes are always there for you :rolleyes: Even in times of trouble, u_u,,,)(or especially then :p :rolleyes: )

NF: Sort of sad, reading all this.. (Tssk those metalforums :rolleyes: ..)
And I have to study today :yell:
In my holidays!!
*sigh* Ah well, I choose for it *shrugs*
I'd better get to work now. :wave: Ciao
I feel like listening to Therapy?...
I wish today wouldn't be so busy and i could just start studying too.
I also feel hungry. :p
NF: :) :)
It's amazing how much better you feel even with a
shitty amount of money on the bank account, I just
checked mine and it appears I have a lot more there
than I had expected, so I may be able to pay my rent
after all, this truly made my month :)
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Salamurhaaja said:
NF: :) :)
It's amazing how much better you feel even with a
shitty amount of money on the bank account, I just
checked mine and it appears I have a lot more there
than I had expected, so I may be able to pay my rent
after all, this truly made my month

Our lives go on in parallel, my friend Salamy. I also have certain problems to get a job, and just yesterday I checked my bank account and I got paid for some works I did, curiously enough, I felt better. It's been a surprise to read what happened to me written by another person. Metaphisical connections? Interestellar links? Stupid coincidences? Hedge your bets. :rolleyes:

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I'm feeling OK, but I'm going to be busy this week since my mom is refinancing a mortgage and someone is coming here to appraise out house, and I need to clean stuff, mow lawn (evil hill!), etc.
but this is good since it will mean an extra few hundred dollars per month so we can afford to live here and not move :D

@Coronerox: Hang in there... things may get better; don't give up hope.

My day was not so great; I wish I hadn't gotten out of bed. I failed a government test by 1 question, so I have to cough up $16 more dollars to retake it, in addition to the $16 I already paid for it. It made me feel not so happy, as things are going badly as it is and it makes me feel much more bad about myself and my depression worse. To top this off, my dad's annoyed and will snarl at me for at least a week for not passing the test nor cheating on it (as I could have) and losing our money. I'll skip on buying treats/meals outside to make up the money. I feel so horrible and guilty.
Only good thing in my day is I went to a job interview and may get the position I wanted if I'm lucky...? but my luck may have run out.
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@mouse: i'm curious what kind of test was that, but it's of course up to you to tell or not. :)
from what you said, it doesn't seem to me your luck is out, as things are already not going very well... the tide will turn sooner or later, don't give up hope..
@Siren: it was an auto test (I've had an urge to drive to New Orleans and Sweden... well not Sweden:p ). It used to be very easy, but they really upped the difficulty of the questions and 17/20 is still the minimum to pass... and I didn't do so well. There are also different tests, so I may not do well on the next one either ... but hopefully I will. Thanks for your comments. :)

Salamurhaaja said:
Really starting to hate the words:
"there are no new messages on the server"

other than that, I am feeling quite ok :)
You mean personal messages on this server? Go check. ;) Glad to hear you have more money than you expected.
@mouse: I see. Maybe you can find all the different versions somewhere? I wish you good luck for the next time. :)

@Salamy: Good to know things are better. Good luck in finding a new job. :)
mousewings said:
@Siren: it was an auto test (I've had an urge to drive to New Orleans and Sweden... well not Sweden:p ). It used to be very easy, but they really upped the difficulty of the questions and 17/20 is still the minimum to pass... and I didn't do so well. There are also different tests, so I may not do well on the next one either ... but hopefully I will. Thanks for your comments. :)
Is it just me or are you talking about the learner's test? Hmm...cause I know you can't get any less then 17/20 on that test. AH! Alberta is messed up. Anyway, good luck next time. :)

NF: A little bit of everything. I'm happy I learned Bloodbath's Mass Strangulation on guitar today, though.
Incendiare said:
Is it just me or are you talking about the learner's test? Hmm...cause I know you can't get any less then 17/20 on that test. AH! Alberta is messed up. Anyway, good luck next time. :)
That is the test I'm talking about. Everyone said it would be easy with a bunch of pictures on the computer. Well, they changed it to a lot of scenario's and no pictures at all (except identifying the signs) in time for me to take it. :p :/ Yeah, it is messed up. Like I need to know how many demerit points I'll lose for crashing a mailbox to drive appropriately. I can look up that information later after the problem arises. Thanks for your good wishes.

@Steve: :p

NF: Okay. My head hurts though.
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