Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Well, somehow I suspect that Rahvin was expecting something more specific to comprehend that there are indeed yellow dwarves in the world. ;)

I simply introduced a concept that possibly everybody have in mind: when are you an "adult"? Officially you're an adult depending on the established age in your country (18 y-o, here), but we often use the word in more strict and deep terms, refering to a determinate state of counsciousness, matureness and responisbility. That's why I found a funny tinge when Methapor mentioned that she must behave like a "responsible adult".

Because when one is a child there are immovable things that you believe in, things that change when you grow up and realize that your parents aren't that self-confident, you realize about the humanity behind their protective appearance. And then the term "adult" slightly changes, and you're not sure about the adult state of all those politicians and their pretty ties. "Adult" is just an unappropriated word that barely defines something.

In conclusion, in my opinion one is never mature enough, and you can always feel again like a child, frightened and confused in front of certain situations. It's positive to be conscious that you're not forced to become an adult, there are several things of our chilhood that should remain. :)

|ngenius (who is sooo tired today)
Originally posted by |ngenius

and you're not sure about the adult state of all those politicians and their pretty ties.

ha. completely agreed. i reckon i wouldn't be able to define the age bracket of a tie :lol:

@metaphor: good luck. let us know what happened. and nevermind people who accuse you of saying "funny" stuff when you write that you want to behave responsibly.

there's an horrible weather here today and i'm very tired.. uhm, i guess i'm only claiming to be what i think the word "tired" means. :p

@metaphor: good luck for your husband's surgery. :)

Originally posted by Miolo
there's an horrible weather here today and i'm very tired.. uhm, i guess i'm only claiming to be what i think the word "tired" means. :p

no, what you think it means. ;)
but... what horrible weather are you talking about? it's cold and maybe not that sunny, but we're in november after all. i kinda like the climate. :)

i'd prefer if it was raining... i know we're in november, this weather is just normal and probably i shouldn't complain about it, but it's just too cold for me in this moment. (usually i like cold weather) :)

Cold is wonderful!
I feel good today, a bit sleepy but good

About the italian meeting, somebody with the car please tell me where are you able to come near here (i barely understand what i wrote!) for example the station or smth..? :)

Hilj--> now feeling far away and needy ;)
@Metaphor Good luck! I wish you and your husband the best!

@Ingenius, I think the word Adult is very misconstrued... general concensus would probably be someone who is, serious and responsible and having the wisdom of age, giving up childish attachments.

Personally, I'm 34, but I'm not an Adult... sure I'm grown up, but I still have my toys, my very silly moments, and I try not to take life seriously unless there aren't any other REAL alternatives. Oh well, I guess discussing what an "adult" really is, is just subjective banter anyways....

Today I feel great! I wake up with an almost smile, and my pains are gone... I've been feeling much happier the past few days, knowing that things change, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse, and sometimes changing into something different.

Life is good, but I'm still thinking too much about things that are trivial, though those thoughts are no longer bound with pain, they are scattered with longing and dissapointment.

I look foward to what life is trying to offer, though be it bleak and empty, or strong and fulfilled.

It's going to rain today, most likely. Hopefully. I've been waiting for it to happen for a while. Cleanse the soul and replenish the spirit... some might say...
I'm pissed. My r-hand hurts like hell and I can't work properly. "State of the art technology" my bu. When will people code a kickbu engine that can be used with ONE hand, instead of constant ctrl+alt+mouse+shift to fix a vertex. Bubu.

@ hyena
geez now THAT'S the punishment for not having checked the forum, and just have kept the page minimized. My wicked plans revealed! :(
*j_kidding* I'm afraid nothing stated above could ever happen [...] xpecially now that the master plan was spoiled, anyway.
@metaphor: My best wishes and good luck for your husband's surgery. :)

@|ng: I see your point and i couldn't agree more. :) Perhaps the thing that is most worth keeping from childhood is the purity of heart (in a broad sense, regarding (almost?) all areas of human activity and interaction), something that gets so easily lost later..

@weather: you suck today, let there be sun!

As for this thread's topic, i feel more or less ok now..
there's something eerily funny in this discussion with the weather :lol:

@xenophobe: Thanx for replying, I thought that my post had its strong point on the ties! :lol: But be conscious that when you're 32, you're basically old! :p (Just kidding, you know).

@Siren: I'm always happy when I'm the owner and main overlord of the sacred truth. ;) You, my wise greek friend. (This is a proof of what we call in spanish "peloteo").

@Rahvin: That irony is an unavoidable evidence of a straight attack! :p ;) (I expected such a reply by your side, big boy, what's going on?)

|ngenius (Pelota)
@Salamy: don't let me think about the times when I played Therapy? night and day... oh so depressing...

@|ngenius: ties are a strong point indeed for me. You know, ties that bind, and the likes: quite important. Not to mention the 24k things that hold them steady.
Rahvin "big boy"??? You must be kidding :lol:

First of all I’d like to thank |ngenius, rahvin, hyena, Miolo, xenophobe, Siren… for the support and for wishing us good luck.
The operation went well. I took more time than expected – over an hour, which didn’t help reduce my nervousness. Fortunately, my husband was very calm and patient, and that was what mattered. His left eye is now under white pirate patch but he can still use the right one. So far everything looks under control. There will be several follow up consultations with the surgeon. The healing process will take at least 6 months to one year.

I didn’t mean to raise a discussion about being, feeling, or acting like adults with my babbling but it was nonetheless very interesting to read your opinions. What I maybe had in mind at the time I wrote my post was that no matter want age I am, most time I look at the world with the wide eyes of an amused child. And for a change, today I had to be responsible and serious.
OK, I know it doesn’t make much sense but I feel tired and thus my mind refuses to work consistently :)

metaphor ( always enjoying reading the most sophisticated of the forums )
@metaphor: i'm happy to hear everything went well. :) discussions pop up often, but we're usually able to face them like people claiming to be what they think the word "civil" means. ;)

@|ngenius: there was no direct attack, i was just feeling like a child, frightened and confused facing the situation, so everything's justified. :p

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