Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Originally posted by Dark_Jester
Welcome back Salam, long time no sound a little bleak anything up?

Thanks :)
No worries, just Therapy? working on me :rolleyes:
Maybe I should have used a quete from "Stop It You're Killing Me" instead:

The world is fucked and so am I, maybe it's the other way round I can't seem to decide

Would that make you feel better about how I feel? :lol:
Of course there is always this from "Die Laughing":

Lost in a world with no reality
I'm frightened to move
I'm frightened to speak
and I would kill for a good night sleep
I'm feeling, I'm feeling dead, dead, dead, dead

Or maybe this from "Straight Life":

My tongue is twisted from talkin'
My feet are blistered from walkin' alone
My head is burtin' with thoughts
And every bruise feels so familiar
This city's buzzin' with bastards
Cancer tans and platic disasters
Wannabees and users and makers
Impotents and shake city fakers
I feel pretty bad; just found out that I failed at least one of my most recent exams. :ill:
There will be chemistry textbooks waiting for me under the Christmas treee this year.
Originally posted by rahvin
@|ngenius: there was no direct attack, i was just feeling like a child, frightened and confused facing the situation, so everything's justified.

Yep, I assume that you're ok and feeling in a good mood, then :p . It's the first time that you skip the chance of give your pont of view about something in the board, that's why I asked. (Maybe a headache? A dwarfish mental illness? A spontaneous need of reply with humour sense?) :D

@Hyena: Ties are a strong point in everybody's life. They are the essential fulcrum that makes the world spin. Nah, I wondered how the ties had more relevance than I expected.

@Methapor: Glad to hear the reassuring news. And was the stupid robot who started with the "discussion" of the ties and strange meanings, don't worry ;) Make us know about the process of recovering!


Edit: See my next post.
@metaphor: hooray! i hope everything goes well during recovery.

@|ng: I wouldn't go that far in my appreciation of the objects :lol:

@rahvin: :lol: :lol: :lol:

sorry in advance for the "italians only" joke, but... a banner on a software i'm using - clearly translated by someone with a limited grasp of, well, life ;) - states: "il suo sfondo è molto noioso. vuole scambiarlo?" :lol: :lol: [that translates roughly to: "your background image is very boring. do you want to swap it?", awful choice of words included and intended]

hyena, vuoi scambiare il tuo sfondo? :p

I use to edit my own posts to correct some writting mistakes that I notice when the message has been already posted and to specify things that might be in ambiguity. But when I edit the post twice, the post turn back to the original and I lose the first changes. That happens just sometimes, it's curious. So:

@Hyena: Re-read our interesting post abour transcendental ties, I added something that the board decided not to show.

@|ng: small anecdote adding to your knowledge functional to the tie debate. When I was around 16-18 I used to work during the summer as security in a big Catholic event, namely the meeting of the group called Comunione e Liberazione (which you have in Spain and it's quite big, so you might know what I'm talking about). Normally I would work in the Auditorium, and we had a uniform, consisting of blue trousers and a polo shirt whose color varied depending on the year. One day, me and a friend were displaced to the top floors because there was some Tibetan monk giving a speech, excessive attendance for the small available space, and they needed additional security. When we climbed to the floor where the management quarters resided and we were introduced to the security team we needed to cooperate with for the day I remember being very pleasantly surprised at the fact that those, working in a nicer area, had formal clothing instead of our beach-bum uniform, and I told my friend something about them being cuter than our team. He subsequently snapped at me saying "You only like guys in a suit and a tie!", which sent me on the floor laughing because it's not exactly true and moreover he sounded really angry while there was no point at all, it just came out like that :lol:

So my reflections on the subject date back to at least 1995.

@rahvin: well, my background is quite boring. but i'd rather keep it. would youu consider having dinner with me tonight? (no background swapping intentions)

Originally posted by hyena
@rahvin: well, my background is quite boring. but i'd rather keep it. would youu consider having dinner with me tonight? (no background swapping intentions)

i'm afraid my background wouldn't like that, considering we're out for dinner tomorrow.
will think about it, you don't count on this dwarf too much. ;)

@metaphor: good to know everything's ok so far, keep us informed. :)

@Sun: I knew you'd heed my call.. ;)

Siren (sunny)
Originally posted by Onde Erik
I feel pretty bad; just found out that I failed at least one of my most recent exams. :ill:
There will be chemistry textbooks waiting for me under the Christmas treee this year.

:( That is too bad. I'm not doing well in some courses either. Wasn't too good at chemistry in high school either...

Perhaps your marks will improve if it is not the end of the class, if not you'll probably do better the second time around.

Best of luck in your studies. :)

BTW--had to mention your avatar is adorable, despite your title related to it. :)
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