Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Well I rather go for MASK on the oldies toons I must admit that for a long period I pretended to be a thundercat...I always thought they were cool, but I just could manage to be a thunderdog :loco:

fathervic (Capitan N also did kick major ass (and also most of the minor ones :p )
okay. i haven't felt this bad in ages. first off let me say that i have to give one of them serious academic seminars today in 10 hours, i'm definitely drunk and i'm close to dying. thanks god for angel rahvin who's gonna give me a wake up call around 8.30 or sthg.

all i have got to say is: no matter the cash, the status, the whatever you like - people dumber than you are bound to make you suffer.


not good... my gf and i broke up today... actually...we've been breaking up for a while now..... perfectly understandable reasons... i.e. we spend so much time together that we're afraid of failing in school... when you go to a free school at which you must maintain a certain average, its really important... that and we've been losing a bit of touch with each other... anyway, we've decided to stop for now.... maybe in the future we can try and rebuild what we had... i seriously hope we can... there's nothing more i'd want in the world... but for right now, i wan't her to follow her dream and define herself in this new environment... and if she still wants me when she's gotten to that point, i'll be waiting for her... I honestly think we were meant for each other, and i don't think i'll think differently about that.... i still love her...

~Kovenant That which does not kill you merely postpones the inevitable.
@Ben, Hows the site coming man? By Odin's Fist I vow to avenge your death. \m/ :p

Its about 6 am and Ive been awake for 30 minutes. I went to sleep at 7:30 last night. I have to work in about an hour. My coffee tastes rather good though.

Okay. Seminar=done. My presentation was decent, although I wouldn't dub it worth of any serious meeting. Now I see a bit clearer, after throwing up about five times this morning, getting no sleep at all, and suffering hell on earth for the worst, most violent hangover I've had in the past three years.
Last night I was meant to stay home and work for the seminar. Instead, I went with Wolfy to try and wreck a party where someone had tried to ban us. At dinner I drank two thirds of a wine bottle and two beers. At the party I had one more bottle of wine and two glasses of champagne, all of this resting on bad chinese food. The atmosphere was, namely, shit, because those people who didn't want me at the party (long story, published on some other thread I don't remember now) seemed the happiest thing alive, although they suck so badly.

i'm lucky i avoided alcoholic coma once more, but this morning i had vicious liver pains. i will not survive in the long run.

@Hiljainen: Ohm, poor cat, lost in the streets! Hope the destiny will drive him (the cat) to Rei Toei's house, there he will find several comrades and friends.

|ngenius (Without cats, but loved by them)
My dumber roomie is leaving tonite or early tomorrow morning, so I am feeling rather good :D
Tho I know fate is going to kick me for saying that of course.
oh btw, I fucking hate snow and cold!
@Hiljainen: the cat might not return, but it will easily find a food and shelter elsewhere, cats are like that :cry:

@Sunjammer: she owes me nothing, one should not feel pressed to write me an email since the friendly feeling would be lost, if she doesn't feel like writing, so be it ;)
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