Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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@Salmy: chat room you mean? :p

@D_J: What kind of room? Will you take it now or shall we pack it for you? :D
I am annoyed by the conclusion of the Andreotti trial. It is just so stupid. Corrupt or not, i cannot *begin* to think that a statesman that relevant would waste time and rep ordering the killing of an editorial writer in a sort of soft-port magazine because this person announced the big revelation. It does not seem to matter that not a single note about such revelations was found by prosecutors subsequently. I'm sorry that the guy got killed, but this situation reminds me of people accusing rahvin of conspiring against everyone in sight - if they were judges he'd probably be locked up on account of evil plots intended to make innocent kids fail in school.

I just detest this pattern of reasoning.

h (better mark my words cos I'm history)
i'm also... amazed by the way things have turned out. despite my usual trust in the ways of (human) justice in this country, there are a couple of facts that don't really fit in this scenario. for once, out of six people standing accused, two of whom charged of being the actual killers, only those who supposedly ordered the murder have been found guilty. the implications are not irrelevant: the judges are telling us these individuals have payed to kill that journalist, but they paid someone else, who is as of yet entirely unknown to italian courtrooms. it does sound a little odd.
moreover, political reactions to the outcome of the trial have been of incredulous, doubtful surprise from every side. this, far from meaning the sentence is unjust per se (heh, now that would be news ;) ), implies nonetheless that the judges came out with a fairly unpopular solution in a time when magistrates are better off ducking and taking cover or running for their life. i can't really believe they didn't do this on purpose, since of course they knew what the reaction would be.

this said, i still rest the case as to who did what in the first place. i'm not part of a jury, and i wouldn't assume to know better.

I just saw a short review about the case Andreotti, so I cannot add more information or even make a serious evaluation of it in (my) subjective terms. But concerning the justice, I don't trust so much on it. Recently we (spanish people) are reviving an old case about a triple sex homicide that was quite relevant ten years ago, and after a lot of incongruent clues, there are just one person guilty and a fugitive killer who, I still wonder how, escaped to the international sight by himself, living in Portugal, UK and South America. That man is an illiterate killer that can perfectly be compared with James Bond, and accused of the crimes... without concrete proofs Incredible.

Btw: What's that about Rahvin attackin' everybody in sight? :confused:

Hmmm.. To go on topic again,
I feel quite dizzy today.. :ill:
Maybe I do have a concussion (of the brain)! :eek:
Nooooooooo :cry:
And I have a 'test-week' coming up, starting wednesday! (you know, exams, tests and shit..)

..Was it worth the trouble...? :s

(How do you know you have a concussion? ..I didnt have to throw up saturday or somethin.. :confused: )
@|ng: that line about rahvin was referring to a turbulent time in our lives when we were accused of stuff we didn't do by a group of people (who were, by the way, studying law, but this is coincidental). There was a pandemonium around the libel spread by those individuals, and now, after three years, I swear I have no idea of what I have done to them: there was a circle of lies concerning us two and we don't know what the content of those lies was, except that we were accused of doing something very bad and hurtful to other people. They just stopped talking to us, but had that been a formal trial we'd have been condemned on sweet nothing, without even knowing why. I have the impression that this is what happened with Andreotti, since I find the historical profile of the situation a bit incredible.

h (that's where we're at)
Clean room? Are you at all aware what black metal is all about? :rolleyes:

I feel quite ok today, didn't go to work again, really don't feel like wasting my time there, not to mention I didn't get any sleep during the nite thinking of all the shit I have to remember for the big move.

12 days of work left, this is 12 days too many.

You all know what? :eek:

I just bought the Special Extended DVD Edition for The Fellowship of the Ring and am going to watch it with my friends in a few minutes! :hotjump:

I feel like a kid at Christmas Eve... :devil:

-Villain :)hotjump:ing)
Originally posted by The Grand Wazoo
Hmmm.. To go on topic again,
I feel quite dizzy today.. :ill:
Maybe I do have a concussion (of the brain)! :eek:
Nooooooooo :cry:
And I have a 'test-week' coming up, starting wednesday! (you know, exams, tests and shit..)

..Was it worth the trouble...? :s

(How do you know you have a concussion? ..I didnt have to throw up saturday or somethin.. :confused: )
Hmmm... you might want to have your head checked at the school nurse? Oh yes, and we also have test-week at our school starting Wendesday :mad: Trouble is, I'm not sure how many teachers will let me take their tests :cry:
@Salamurhaaja: Not being afraid of getting a bit dirty/black under the fingernails from digging through the CD crates in search of that album...? ;)

EDIT: I'm not entirely sure of just how I feel right now. I just know that I'm running on empty... :(
Yeah...walking around concussed ain't fun... go see a doc or somethin...

I'm just wastin time i should be using to do the calc I'm currently failing... this place is great for that... such fun... arg... why must I have the hardest teachers in the school?!?!?... I'm only a freshman!!!

~Kovenant (no fun with muchness today)
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