Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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I feel great, I got this in my email today:
I nearly died laughing, someone actually bothered to send me a virus in a web based mail, I guess they figured I would be dumb enough to download the .exe file (which was clearly marked as such) and then even execute it.

This goes to show what I always suspected, virii writers are the dumbest breathing things on earth, well, if you don't count script-kiddies that is :D

Oh incase you are wondering, here is what the message said:

This is a humour game
This game is my first work.
You're the first player.
I hope you would like it.

It contains an attachment called snoopy.exe which has a W32/Klez.h@MM as it's payload.
I've gotten only one virus so far (from a mailing list). My web-based mail automatically shut down to a blank screen when I opened the message... Good thing you didn't open it.

As for me, my exams are coming up in under 3 weeks. I'm nervous, but still incredibly lazy. I also worked for a good half hour to convert a Neopets shop blog (which looks like my website graphic) into an online diary. The bad thing is a Java-script error (weird pop-up--I didn't even use Java) resulted on the page even when I had tried three hosting services... so I decided to scrap the whole idea. Besides, I don't have time to update... and who wants to read my mindless thoughts? I'd also be tempted to put up a list of people I wish to kill.........
My humor was directed only at that one bit... which I find kinda funny in a dumb way :p. But yes, they mentioned that when comparing my friend:

Here's someone with your same attitude that's acutally funny: Now the rest of his stuff is dumb and immature like yours, but this one link is awesome. Take some tips if you really want to waste your time pissing people off with this website.

I actually find that website funny and have put it on my personal site. :lol: My friend found it on a board full of crude people which apparently has warped my mind. :lol:
i don't find it that funny. not said or done in bad taste either, just not really hilarious. but maybe i'm just not well today.
part of the reason is a new co-worker who's as annoying as fuck: having been told to refer/defer to me for all her needs she just keeps on calling and calling with the most boring and absurd requests. i think i'm gonna kill her.

@rahvin: Been there, thought that very same thing. This new guy here at work tags along behind me like a tail. Won't leave me alone for very long. Oh, how I long for something to smash into smithereens at times...
@rahve: get them the belle + sebastian discograpy & bore them to death

h(ungover. ouch.)
I feel like shit, my roomie has a girl over and they are most likely having sex as I type, got I want the hell out of here.
@Salamy: Are they having sex... in your immediate surroundings? I mean, can you see them directly? Ufff, there are people who don't know what the word "intimacy" means... :rolleyes:

|ng (Can I take a look?)
Nope, can't see them.
Seems it was rather fast, as now the girl isn't here anymore, but someone had taken a shower... :guh:

Gee that was almost a full 30 min :lol:

Quite fitting...
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