Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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@Li: ^_^

NF: I feel like shit right now. Probably look it too. I went to a workmate's place to have a few quiet drinks with several other workmates. After a few hours and many drinks, one of them got rather aggrovated...almost came to fisticuffs...I wasn't part of the aggrovation, but would need to step in if things got worse. Luckily, the owner of the place was the biggest there, so he was easily able to step in between.
I don't usually go out to those sort of gatherings, as I know from previous experience what ends up happening. I couldn't do much to fix the situation, but it seemed to cool down when some of them caught a taxi into the city. I decided to leave cause I wasn't feeling too well, from unusual drinks and unusual level of empathy and stress. Not feeling much better now :/
@Li: as the others said, go up and talk to him! :) He's cute and educated, and seems interested in you. :) You won't know what happens if you don't try... ;)

NF: a little lonely, but okay. :)
NF: Excited. It's Friday, Plan C looks quite promising, and I have 1 thing left on my to do list.
NF: Waiting for tonight. My parents are going out, HOPEFULLY my brother and his girlfriend will go out too, and I'll be in the house with only a large pizza and some beers for company, and will probably spend the night chatting to interesting people online and maybe ringing someone (again, no one in particular) up if I feel like it.
@li: oh yes, by all means do it. and let us know. it's always fun to send other people to the slaughter, we're evil. :heh:

@carl: not such a big deal. just managing a bit of cuddling and whatnot with someone who's about twice my age. i used to want that kind of stuff when i was younger, but it's not cool to aspire to that when you're a minor. now i'm long past my 18th birthday so i can enjoy the luxury, but i actually never had the chance in the past.

@rus: i envy you. i'll be drinking loads with too many people. tomorrow i will be home too.

nf: absolutely disappointed by something i just heard (nothing to do with forementioned events). we should never, ever even think of looking twice at nice, sensitive, good-looking guys without asking them "do you have a girlfriend?" first. pfffff.
after reading hyena's post, i'm leaning towards "oh shit." with my luck, he probably has a gf. i'd rather find out he's gay.

ps. i don't know what to say if i do see him (other than hi, i'm your stalker). any thoughts? :cry:
Nf: A combinatin of feeling useless, helpless and pissed off. I somehow broke my wrist while taking a fall in the football game we had today. Now I can't use the mouse with my right hand, type with it at all, pick up anything without feeling lots and lots of pain etc. At least it's the right hand though,
Argh I'm making so much typos that it's driving me up the wall.

We won 3-1, so that's good too. Was a good game, but this is so annoying.
:erk: Sorry to hear it, Fourth. But still, as long as you won, that's the main thing. :p

NF: Annoyed - not only did my brother and his girlfriend NOT go out after all, they also stole half of my pizza. :mad: Also a little worried but oddly (and temporarily) content as well. I might put another pizza in the oven too, just to show those slobbering mangy stupid poachers.
I don't know how serious it is...I hope not that bad. The fact that I can't stretch the wrist upwards more than a tiny bit from a "0 degree level" doesn't promise much.
It was very important for the team, since this season has gone like hell and playing wasn't much fun. Now we decided to do our best no matter what and there we go, we won. It's just really important for me to have both of my hands functioning, even if just for conventionality's sake.
I ate a bit too much of those dried fruits too, but at least not so much that I'd have a stomachache.
Caelestia said:
after reading hyena's post, i'm leaning towards "oh shit." with my luck, he probably has a gf. i'd rather find out he's gay.

ps. i don't know what to say if i do see him (other than hi, i'm your stalker). any thoughts? :cry:
Just say hello, and comment on whatever he's wearing, eating, etc. Or just bring something that will be a conversation starter (nice t-shirt, jewelry, CDs). Ask him if he likes metal!!!

Under no circumstances bring any bats (vampire or any kind, or turn into one). It doesn't work, unless said guy likes bats.

Even if he does have a girlfriend, doesn't really like you, etc, it's better to ask and find out, then spend all your time wondering if he likes you, etc... :)

You don't know if you don't try. Oh and if he rejects you, just ignore this small negative event and know that you can do better.

No guts no glory. :D
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