Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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King Chaos said:
That's wierd, I usually pass off loads of other things to come and hang out on this board.

I've only been doing 3 things this first part of my summer.
1. Going for pointless walks and end up running into some people i really dont want to
2. Post on this board
3. Playing games i've finished like 5000000 times
OnyxDragon98 said:
I've only been doing 3 things this first part of my summer.
1. Going for pointless walks and end up running into some people i really dont want to
2. Post on this board
3. Playing games i've finished like 5000000 times
Buy a drum kit and become a kickass drummer... if your parents wont allow the noise or whatever just get a funky electronic one (you can still learn how to keep the beat on one of those you know). Then join a Metal band. I bet you theres some random fucked up kid who's just dying to explode his music all over the metal scene in your area but can't because he's drummerless.

I go on Random walks too, but I go through all the crazy fields behind my house (I never bump into any evil Mortals there... just evil Immortals :p).

NF: Pretty tired. I'm gonna go to bed. Bloody school tomorrow :bah:.
King Chaos said:
Buy a drum kit and become a kickass drummer... if your parents wont allow the noise or whatever just get a funky electronic one (you can still learn how to keep the beat on one of those you know). Then join a Metal band. I bet you theres some random fucked up kid who's just dying to explode his music all over the metal scene in your area but can't because he's drummerless.

I was acctually thinking of buying an instrument sometime soon, so that may be one more thing i can do in the future
idari said:
I also feel sorry for someone else, because he's probably SO lost and has no one who really understands what he's going through, and people think he's to blame for everything even though i'm sure he doesn't mean any harm :/ I really really wish he'll get the help he needs before it's too late.
If you're talking about who I think you're talking about, then I agree. I also think that he IS to blame for becoming like he is in the first place - no one forced him into it, it was his own choice; by his own admission he wasn't depressed, he was quite happy at that point. I know he's paid for it many times already now and he has less control over what happens now, it's still more down to him than anyone else. And if he can't/won't (and sometimes it TRULY does seem like he doesn't want to, which is something his counsellor has said as well so it doesn't just come from frustration on my part) help himself, there's only so much others can do. And more than anything else, I cannot stand what he's putting the olds through, because they really do not deserve it at all.

And if you're NOT talking about who I think you're talking about, then... oops. :p

NF: Nervous but also relieved that I'm going to see a nurse tomorrow, who'll give me a quick check-up and do some tests as she registers me for a new doctor. For a while now I've wondered if there's something wrong with my heart because it goes through periods of very odd beating at a worrying frequency now, and my mum thought not too long ago that I had anaemia (not that I have any clue whether that's serious or not anyway, but still), so if there is something wrong with me hopefully it will be discovered in the urine sample I'm supposed to produce tomorrow morning and the blood she'll take, and whatnot.
Child, Malaclypse, Ony:rofl:, etc..:
You'd think a person'd get used to loneliness at some point huh..
In my case it's probably mostly my fault since the things I expect of people just don't really occur anymore..
Perhaps they never did ..and I'm just living in my own big world of delusion and naive expectations :/

Naku: Get healthy, man. Good luck.
MagSec4 said:
Child, Malaclypse, Ony:rofl:, etc..:
You'd think a person'd get used to loneliness at some point huh..
In my case it's probably mostly my fault since the things I expect of people just don't really occur anymore..
Perhaps they never did ..and I'm just living in my own big world of delusion and naive expectations :/
This reminds me of my own life. In my opinion, people are ungrateful. It doesnt matter how much time you have spent with them, one day, when you need them, you sometimes understand that you are all alone at all.. this is just like a slap on your face. And you may feel lost in this big world in which you are left alone. You see that people are not like you, the one who you are. You probably should try to get accustomed to the people who will not meet your expectations ha? Otherwise, they hurt you aren't they? :cry: :erk:
NF: exhausted, impatient, and dirty. I just walked around for about 2 hours trying to find an Office Depot or Staples ( i ended up walking in the wrong direction :mad: ) . I had to buy some school supplies for my first day of Senior year which is tommorow :D ( i cant wait any longer :hotjump: ). And now i'm sweaty from all that walking which is why i need to take a shower now.
MagSec4 said:
In my case it's probably mostly my fault since the things I expect of people just don't really occur anymore..
Perhaps they never did ..and I'm just living in my own big world of delusion and naive expectations :/
i hear you on this one and i'm sorry to say i'm pretty sure they never did. i call myself lucky for hyena and federico, who are never going to let me down, leave me waiting, push me back, keep the truth from me, no matter what. the rest will remain a wasteland.

nf: on the verge of whatever you're supposed to be on the verge of after two weeks without sleep.
NF: tired but excited since this is the day of my second stage of driving school :tickled: Tomorrow there will be the final lessons and then it´s over, FOREVER!!!
I am wondering a bit what´s happening inside my head, in my dreams. This week they have been very strong and dark nigthmares and I always wake up after it stops, like a serie in TV. There are always dying people and bloody, old corpses, and something that I must do or else... something will happen.
Looking forward of this night... not.
And hey, at least I GET sleep.
Rusty said:
If you're talking about who I think you're talking about, then I agree. I also think that he IS to blame for becoming like he is in the first place - no one forced him into it, it was his own choice; by his own admission he wasn't depressed, he was quite happy at that point. I know he's paid for it many times already now and he has less control over what happens now, it's still more down to him than anyone else. And if he can't/won't (and sometimes it TRULY does seem like he doesn't want to, which is something his counsellor has said as well so it doesn't just come from frustration on my part) help himself, there's only so much others can do. And more than anything else, I cannot stand what he's putting the olds through, because they really do not deserve it at all.

And if you're NOT talking about who I think you're talking about, then... oops. :p
No, it's not really his fault. He made ONE TINY MISTAKE, and has paid for it for 6 years now. Everyone makes mistakes, his mistake just caused a lot more than it should've. I'm strongly on his side in this. And of course he sometimes feels like he can't be bothered to try. What do you think you'd feel like in his situation? Could you just be strong and keep trying if you felt like you're doing it for nothing? I don't think so. After 6 years it's no wonder he feels like giving up sometimes.
And what he's putting people through..he's not doing it intentionally to hurt them. He's not doing it to cause any harm, he's doing it because he has no choice.

*highfives Ulla back* TIMMAYYYYYYYYY!
NF: Suddenly sad...but in a good way (if you can understand that). A lot of things are racing through my head, both good and bad, leading me to feel both insignificant and yet omnipresent. Also feeling a little like Idari describes above. Where's a Limppu when you need one? ^_^
nf: why does everything good always come with a hangover? :lol:

very very eventful night i had yesterday. it started with too many beers in a crappy local outlet called smatch. then i met my ex boyfriend and his new boyfriend (yeah, these things happen). i bonded immediately with the new boyfriend and we started berating my ex for keeping on saying he's bisexual and will never bat for one team only. we told him to stop the crap already and stop putting people in danger of hurt with his immature behavior. i had many many laughs, playing the knight in shining armor for the new guy. hehe. then i left them to their own gay ("really happy"?) devices, and went to a really happy (not gay) meeting of my own, which is going to be a good memory for a while, and also had the important symbolical value of achieving a longtime goal of mine. the process entailed two bottles of wine, very fine cognac, waking up at 6 am this morning with a dreadful hangover, going back to sleep, waking up later with a dreadful hangover (going away now but i'm still a bit sickly). i don't know what it is with going away/abroad, i seem to become exponentially more attractive as soon as i step out of my city. must become the regular traveller, at home i only get the hangovers without the benefits.
idari said:
No, it's not really his fault. He made ONE TINY MISTAKE, and has paid for it for 6 years now. Everyone makes mistakes, his mistake just caused a lot more than it should've. I'm strongly on his side in this. And of course he sometimes feels like he can't be bothered to try. What do you think you'd feel like in his situation? Could you just be strong and keep trying if you felt like you're doing it for nothing? I don't think so. After 6 years it's no wonder he feels like giving up sometimes.
And what he's putting people through..he's not doing it intentionally to hurt them. He's not doing it to cause any harm, he's doing it because he has no choice.
I think it was a little more than one tiny mistake. :/ He knew what he was getting himself in for, he's admitted that too, but he went ahead and did it anyway. And he's said after that time he wasn't even bothered about doing it again, but he was offered it and did it again. That's a BIG mistake. And like I said, I know he's paid for it already and what's stemmed from that isn't so much his fault (though he's still had some control over it, you can't possibly deny that). And please don't think I'm not on his side. Yes there have been moments of frustration and other things (as you said, I make mistakes too), but I am very much on his side too.

EDIT: NF: I also want to get very very drunk.
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