Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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idari said:
Awww, you two are so cute :) Or at least you, you really seem to adore her, and i assume (and hope) she's the same towards you. If she's not, i'll shoot her because then she doesn't deserve you :p You really seem like an adorable couple though ;p

NF: Coughing my lungs out :/
:oops: Thanks Idari, those comments have made my day.
We both put infinite amounts of love into the relationship. We're closer now than ever... and there's no need to worry about me being crushed by her, because I can trust her. When she's done stupid things in the past she has always come clean about it straight away. We never hold anything back from one another. After she cheated on me once just over a year ago, (she kissed some random dick head) She saw how Much it affected me and I think she loves me enough to never want to put me through that again.

@Onyx... I have also run out of apple juice (wo is me). I have apple soda though, but it just aint the same.:erk:

NF: Like I had a shit day at school. All the cocks who think they own the roost stole the seats from our area in the common room. They think they can treat us corner boys like we don't matter. It pisses me off so much that they did it literally just to spite us (get kicks out of making us feel low).
Anyway funily enough we planned to set off the fire alarm to get them out of our seats so we could take em back (we wouldn't have actually triggered the fire alarm, we're not naughty :D). Anyway it's funny because the fire alarm actually just went off on its own. So We took our sofa back once they'd all filtered out. I think if it's gone again tomorrow me and my loser friends should show them that we do matter by putting some ManOwar on the stereo, strutting up to them with maces and swords and then start swinging till every fucker is dead or twitching in a volatile manner. That would be ace.
rahvin said:
@koich: you remind me of a therapy? song that goes "i'm bitter / i'm twisted / james joyce is fucking my sister". and you're satanic if read sdrawkcab.

This means that I one of both a) are real well becoming at game, although those who very linear are and only you require to originate
material, if b) it is a free easy game. The jury is still from on that.
잘, 그 그 백치 성교는 다시 그것을 했다. 나는 상품의 회의의 얻었다bladen오늘, 낮았던 본다... 빈! 그들은didnt그들을 단 한다. 위에 두는 1 일im은 단stringcourse이라고Rambo, 코에 기차 통제와 처음 펀치 사람의 걸음 및 허세안에 그들을 걷어차는 간다. 단indiscriminantly. 자비. 아무도 아무것을 가지고 가는 준 내무반. 나가 고함쳐도 이지만tel. 접촉에 1개의 또는 다른kerel을 보는가 병자? 문서의 조각에 수를, 나 조차 할 수 있는다 그들이 나를 발견하는IT!when을 한 적으십시요. Grr. 나는 왁스안에 모든 수건을 그때 나가 얻어 유숙하는, 그들wasten문제를, 나 검사했다 나의 전자 우편을, 그때 샤워 있었다 두지 않았다. im이 잘 해내는transvasing을 할 경우의 샤워에게서 그때 얻어, 때문에I. handwasmachines과 문서 수건에 말림것은 이미 아픈에 성교하는PRET준다 너에게 뜨거운 끝을. 이 생존 자체 종달새에는arent너로 그것의 가을이 주의깊게 있는다. 나는 병자를 몇몇cds이 주말 구매 생각한다.
King Chaos said:
@Onyx... I have also run out of apple juice (wo is me). I have apple soda though, but it just aint the same.:erk:

NF: Like I had a shit day at school. All the cocks who think they own the roost stole the seats from our area in the common room. They think they can treat us corner boys like we don't matter. It pisses me off so much that they did it literally just to spite us (get kicks out of making us feel low).
Anyway funily enough we planned to set off the fire alarm to get them out of our seats so we could take em back (we wouldn't have actually triggered the fire alarm, we're not naughty :D). Anyway it's funny because the fire alarm actually just went off on its own. So We took our sofa back once they'd all filtered out. I think if it's gone again tomorrow me and my loser friends should show them that we do matter by putting some ManOwar on the stereo, strutting up to them with maces and swords and then start swinging till every fucker is dead or twitching in a volatile manner. That would be ace.

Only difference is that, i got off my lazy ass and went to the store and bought some Happy Juice :D

Manowar? Maces? Swords?
sounds interesting indeed :p

NF: Not very good. Not having anyone to talk to or hang around with is really taking its toll on me.
OnyxDragon98 said:
Not having anyone to talk to or hang around with is really taking its toll on me.
I hear you. Up until this fall I seriously thought that I liked being alone a lot. I don't. Loneliness wears you down.

NF: Liked I shouldn't think when I'm tired. I does only get weird.
King Chaos said:
:oops: Thanks Idari, those comments have made my day.
We both put infinite amounts of love into the relationship. We're closer now than ever... and there's no need to worry about me being crushed by her, because I can trust her. When she's done stupid things in the past she has always come clean about it straight away. We never hold anything back from one another. After she cheated on me once just over a year ago, (she kissed some random dick head) She saw how Much it affected me and I think she loves me enough to never want to put me through that again.
:) Good. You guys seem like you're also (best) friends, not just a couple, which is how it should be too. And yeah, she made a mistake over a year ago, if she was going to do it again she probably would've already. (which would be different if she'd had sex with someone else though, because those people never change)
I really hope you two will stay together :)

NF: I feel sorry for my friend. Poor thing for having a shithead brother. If he's got issues and disagreements with himself it doesn't mean he can take it all out on Allu, stupid cunt.
I also feel sorry for someone else, because he's probably SO lost and has no one who really understands what he's going through, and people think he's to blame for everything even though i'm sure he doesn't mean any harm :/ I really really wish he'll get the help he needs before it's too late.

Hmm..this makes me think of Rudi's suicide again..*sigh* :( What was so wrong that he couldn't handle it? Everything was supposed to be fine. Everything seemed fine. He was supposed to be over all the shit he'd been through before :'( There went a great person that everyone loved..

I wonder why i was so tired the whole day today. And the morning was all weird :s I just totally lost all my strength at work and couldn't do anything..I wasn't sleepy, but just somehow sooo tired that i could barely move. I just sat on the window sill staring at the rain for ages. Then i couldn't even be bothered to go to the store after work even though i was supposed to, and now i've got nothing to eat. *starves*

Hmm..I miss Tintti and Ville. Even though i saw Ville today, but not for long. They need the damn VCR so we can watch movies and play games and do fun stuff again..and Jussi too! Damn Jussi for moving to Hyvinkää :/ I don't know whether i should be happy or sad that i mean so much to them.. *sigh*
I want Tintti to know everything that's going on in my head. I want her to know how i'm doing, and i know she wants to know. She worries all the time anyway. Though i've been surprisingly good lately, but i've been thinking a lot for the last couple of days and i kind of wish i could talk to her about it, but i can't.
I also need to talk to someone else about something but i don't want to annoy or pressure him, since he can't be bothered to think about it :/ And i kind of don't want to talk about it anyway.

Damn ruisrock, i want to go there but i don't think Jussi and Anna can take me.

Oh, just realised i'm seeing Heidi again in a week. Hmm..odd. Don't know whether to talk about things or not. I've been really dumb earlier, ignoring some important stuff because i was ashamed or something. There are just some things i don't want to talk about..but should. Oh well *sigh*

I should go to bed soon, unless i starve to death before i get there.
nf: like a man who has decided to go and see a doctor tomorrow. i hate doctors but it seems that i dont have a choice: breathing is difficult again and i am coughing constantly.
aaw i cough all the time too, Hannu. breathing isn't difficult for me, though. (yet? :erk: )
good luck with the doctor and stuff. go to Honkaharju btw, one of the doctors is really cute :eek: oh! and i can pick you up some day and bring you to BB festivals (muahaha and i will muahaha), cause i have my drivers licence now :cool:
hyena said:
timmy is not blah, he's sort of reminding me of a snowstorm.
Now I understand after reading more, the dude sounds kinda iffy if he's been divorced twice, etc. but it's all good as long as you're not into him. :)
rahvin said:
you're satanic if read sdrawkcab.
Ooh, ohh! I daer sdrawkcab.

Anyone ever read "God of Small Things"?

OnyxDragon98 said:
Not having anyone to talk to or hang around with is really taking its toll on me.
*sigh* same with me here...
ouagadougou said:
aaw i cough all the time too, Hannu. breathing isn't difficult for me, though. (yet? :erk: )
good luck with the doctor and stuff. go to Honkaharju btw, one of the doctors is really cute :eek: oh! and i can pick you up some day and bring you to BB festivals (muahaha and i will muahaha), cause i have my drivers licence now :cool:
I cough all the time too. Whee let's all cough together!

Haha that's like me..when Rus fainted i just drooled over one of the doctors :eek:
@gougou-ultsi: i dont feel like putting any effort to this doctor-case, so i think i´ll just stick with the local fuckers :)
well all the unlonely ppl surely have got something better to do. and i wouldn't post here much either were it not for the daily dose of boredom, honestly. and i guess that's the same with almost anyone. not that i didn't like it here, but still i prefer real life encounters if i can get them.
Malaclypse said:
well all the unlonely ppl surely have got something better to do. and i wouldn't post here much either were it not for the daily dose of boredom, honestly. and i guess that's the same with almost anyone. not that i didn't like it here, but still i prefer real life encounters if i can get them.

Yeah i know exactly what you mean. But since i made a load of bad choices recently, and got the short end of the stick (no friends in this case) i have nothing to pass time with, and end up just sitting around and being a lazy slob.
Malaclypse said:
well all the unlonely ppl surely have got something better to do. and i wouldn't post here much either were it not for the daily dose of boredom, honestly. and i guess that's the same with almost anyone. not that i didn't like it here, but still i prefer real life encounters if i can get them.
That's wierd, I usually pass off loads of other things to come and hang out on this board. I could be practicing guitar now... but no. I do find posting fun and oddly addictive, especially when the floor of this forum is humming like it is tonight. Everyone has sommat to say... and I like it. :p :hotjump:
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