Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Let's see..

Last night i had a great conversation with a really good person who ever so slowly opens up bits and pieces about herself to me.. and she helped me out about some stuff, which was very good of her. A very good thing.

Today i was in a meeting at work for 8 hours (with a lunch break in the middle.. but still). It was a waste of time too.. and i was so tired it was hard to take anything in... at least there was one hilarious moment amongst it all, but also i didnt have to do any work at all which is possibly good because i wouldn't have been able to anyway and this way my boss is to blame instead of me. I'd probably consider this a good thing in the end, when considering the alternatives.

Not much sleep again.. but significantly more than expected.. A bad thing, but not as bad as it could've been.

And my passport finally arrived, a relief in some way.

And then there's other stuff that makes all the above insignificant..
NF: Very...clean :| haha. I just swam for about half an hour in the pool while listening to BTD :p Awesome ;DDD
It was a little shocking though when my nice pink floating chair betrayed me and made me fall underwater, and i nearly had a heart attack then and ran out of the pool :eek: But then i decided to be a brave girl and jumped in again and swam for ages :cool: very refreshing. Now i'd go see my friend if they ever bothered to answer the phone :bah:
idari said:
It was a little shocking though when my nice pink floating chair betrayed me and made me fall underwater, and i nearly had a heart attack then and ran out of the pool :eek: But then i decided to be a brave girl and jumped in again and swam for ages :cool: very refreshing.
If it's not the sea, it just doesn't count. :p
NF: Like I - almost literally, I guess - have been dealing with a lot of shit at work today. And blood. Weee.

A girl at work who started at the laundry yesterday have been given an easy start. (Unlike me. I had to start in the "gore department" immediately. :mad: ) She does only have to deal with stuff from hotels, which is clean compared to the stuff the hospitals are sending. So today when it was my turn to work at that workstation were she was standing, there came a towel which was a little blooded on the conveyor belt. She said 'eeuuh' and acted like this smilie :yuk:. Aaah, that was fun. Can't wait to see her reaction when she gets introduced to the core business.
NF: little bit ill: cough and stuff, but "I can breath correctly" at the time.
As i know (you dont probably), i´ve been little bit bored within last weeks, but i found a solution for my problem today: TV.
I´ve watched "Melroce Place", "Young and the restless", finnish serie "Salatut elämät" (two episodes), Ed and Mile High. Now i am waiting for "Cold Case", but it seems that they started to show Dragnet - which is weird.
Naku on kaiken arkipäiväisen ulkopuolinen voima, joka elää silloin, kun itse en jaksaisi
eli vitut se mikään vitun rotta ole perkele - selvä kenguru.
Isäsi on pöhkö.
My eye doctor told me i should wear glasses, until some years ago i had a perfect sight, if i go on like this i'll be blind by the time that i'm 30. I knew that though. I mean, the bad sight thing, not the 30 thing o_O
Luckily he gave me also some eyedrops that seem to work for my allergy, it was starting to become impossible
NF: FUCK! Just.....FUCK! Can't the world ever revolve around me, just so that SOMETHING would fucking go RIGHT?

Tired of waiting for fucking nothing...
NF: Pretty bad. I havn't posted in what seems like ages and I'm depressingly far behind with the chit chat socialising Common of my favourite online group :wave:.

I had a band practice with a new band and it was terrible. They lived like 20 miles away... getting to and from the practice involved two seperate journeys while carrying a guitar and a 7 stone amplifier. It was such a bastard. The actual practice was shit aswell. The drummer didnt know much about keeping a beat. They were wierd people, but I can't complain, At least I've learnt from it.

I didn't get to see my girlfriend today :cry:. I see her nearly everyday and when I dont see her I feel like I've missed out on something really special. I'm talking to her on the phone. Her friend is running away because she has had her heart broken in a terrible way. It's really upset My GF, which in turn has upset me.

On the upside School has been easy reacently. Tomorrow my English lesson is canceled, Which makes the day soooo much more relaxing :zzz:.
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