Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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@thanny: boar salami as a starter, followed by gnocchi-like sardinian pasta called malloreddu with a sauce of onions, tomatos and bacon. then very thin beef stripes with dried mushrooms, and a salad. apples and pistachio icecream ended the dinner. a bottle of amarone for the main dinner, sauternes for the sweets. thanks to my father who brought me nice stuff from home, i also had the chance to show off very nice glasses (not exactly austrian crystal, but they were better than everyday stuff) including the nicest micro-tumblers i've ever seen for the dessert wine. i didn't even know such things existed, but they look fabulous.

nf: happy happy, i have no hangover. i'm flying to luxembourg this afternoon and hopefully i'm going to have a carefree week at the workshop, being able to focus on research stuff instead of the rough and tumble of the past two weeks. i'm a bit worried about the nightly banquets, because i don't want to end up being constantly drunk, especially because first item on the agenda is always dreadfully early in the morning.
@cael: you're welcome to have dinner with me anytime you're in this area. we'll eat on the patio, listen to rammstein, and then i'll be forced to kill you, just to keep in style. :p
:lol: :lol:

you see, i knew there was a reason for the whole killing habit.

aaah, sweetbreads.
i got to luxembourg in one piece and way too many drinks. since i booked the flight kind of late and there were no seats in economy anymore i ended up flying corporate, which meant outrageous pampering on the part of the airline, including too much wine. when i got to the workshop place i instantly fell in love with an englishman named tim who insisted i should immediately start drinking. he also insisted on buying me a beer when we got back to the hotel, so i am about five glasses of wine and a beer less than sober. i almost killed an american guy for saying that wine could be home-brewed. as if. and note, i said no more than ten hours ago that i didn't want to get drunk all the time. again, as if.
i'm a bit annoyed at my parents' lack of basic caring and consideration. they're on holiday in some region of italy or other and my dad just called me (it's 10:25am here). it takes me a while to take the call because i'm in my office and i usually rush out the door so i don't have coworkers/students listening to my phone conversations, which tend to be weird or at least in suspicious languages.
"hi," he goes. "did i wake you up?".
i do mention in a very cold voice that i've been at work since 7:35am. i don't mention that the last time i slept it was thursday, 17th.
YaYo said:
... exaggeration i hope!?
nope. since then, i've had brief episodes of loss of consciousness in a few situations (on the trains/planes to and from greece during the week-end i went to the festival with dt, in my hotel room in athens, and more recently at my place, falling wherever i was standing like a sack of... of something), which lasted some minutes, but no actual sleep. i know i'm reaching my physical limit, though: aural hallucinations are becoming funny, and i see shapes. i mean, shapes that are not there, not just shapes.
rahvin said:
nope. since then, i've had brief episodes of loss of consciousness in a few situations (on the trains/planes to and from greece during the week-end i went to the festival with dt, in my hotel room in athens, and more recently at my place, falling wherever i was standing like a sack of... of something), which lasted some minutes, but no actual sleep. i know i'm reaching my physical limit, though: aural hallucinations are becoming funny, and i see shapes. i mean, shapes that are not there, not just shapes.
:/ I'm really sorry to hear that rahvin. I didn't get much sleep over the weekend, but certainly nothing as extreme as your case. I hope you can manage some sleep soon, it can't be healthy to be awake for that long. You must get some rest so that you can be at your peak for tuska!
NF: So damn mixed up, I can never quite decide whether to be happy that I went or sad that I came back. Hopefully it will at least settle down one way or the other sometime soon so I can stop annoying myself. I also had my stitches out this morning, so I can finally wash my hair properly. :p
rahvin said:
i'm quite curious as to what you guys are about.
So am I.
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