Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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NF: like shit. I came back home from another metal festival (Nummirock) yesterday. We partied, rocked and drank like animals for about 3 days and nights. :p Needless to say, I am broken at work.
rahvin said:
i'm looking forward to a conversation with you, ulla, the other finns i haven't met yet. i'm quite curious as to what you guys are about.
Well according to Lasse we'll (as in me and you) get stuck talking to each other all day :p
And apparently i'm a walking disaster, so that should give you some kind of an idea of what i'm about :p
idari said:
Well according to Lasse we'll (as in me and you) get stuck talking to each other all day :p
i'm sure there's worse fates than that. ;)

And apparently i'm a walking disaster, so that should give you some kind of an idea of what i'm about :p
oh, i'm very good at receving disaster. please remember to focus your havoc-wreaking attitude towards fire and flames, as those are my best/worst natural friends/enemies. :)
nf: timmy majorly puzzles hyena. chubby finnish girl looks lost: timmy kisses her knuckles and says "It's a pleasure to have you here". beautiful taiwanese girl looks lost: timmy hugs her tiiiight and kisses the top of her head. hyena looks (understandably) lost: timmy hands her a cool beer and says "have a drink". ordinary women get affection, i get alcohol. :rolleyes:
@hyena: I'd kiss your knuckles, hug you tight and kiss the top of your head but something tells me you wouldn't appreciate it. In fact, I'm almost certain you would beat me up :(
NF: Quite lonely and very down at the minute... unwanted. Also very confused and unsure about the future... very soon is the time when I'll have to make some big decisions, and it's damn scary.
i know the feeling, Santtu :( i have to leave Leevi in autumn too :'(

NF: alright. i got my drivers licence today, so i've been driving around town a lot today. i managed to cause an incident (luckily not an accident), though, which pisses me off a lot. i'm very hard on myself when it comes to doing stupid things. other than that i'm good.
i'm also a bit excited cause jazz festivals start in a few days in my town. it's the best time of the year, a lot of people from all around finland come here. it's a good time to catch up with friends, listen to good music and meet new people.
aaw my sis' younger kid is sleeping in my bed right behind me <3 <3
@cael: hey, hey, i'm most definitely not a homophobe! :D so i would not beat you up for being nice to me. and i invited you to dinner, remember. still, i must admit that ladies being all sweet are not the center of my best imagery.

nf: i know it sounds silly, but i wish acohol did not exist. i've spent the night mistaking swedes for finns, until one of said swedes (a girl) agreed to come with me to a dropkick murphys' gig tomorrow (wheee!) if i can find the club, which is not going to be too easy since it's in some small village in the middle of nowhere and i don't have a car. i'm counting on my ex of all people to give me and the swede a lift. sometimes people like that come in handy.

here's flashes for the night:

luxembourg city is choke full of suspicious-looking black men (no racism intended, but they actually were looking suspicious) who approach people and offer them gold necklaces they've just stolen.

i saw a lady who had her glasses supported by a beaded string that looked horrifying.

there exists a small group of non-drinking swedes and it was sitting next to me. one of them got a spoonful of korma sauce on his pristine pants thanks to my utter clumsiness, after we discussed the effect of the euro on national central banks (i was bored and only wanted to space out, not a single thought for the eurosystem at all).

timmy still wasn't sweet to me. no hugs or kisses, but we progressed to him winking and me rolling my eyes and looking positively high, plus sucker-punches (on his part, i always am the innocent bystander or, in this case, victim). he challenged me to a drinking game. i lost, since he's about twice my size and british to boot. but he was drunk and driving a van, i was not drunk and sitting in the back of the van talking about punk rock with a huge american girl who's named gaetano, which is a male name in southern italy. he only offered a comment about irish-americans being funny, but declined to come to the show although everyone was cheering him on. that's when we almost hit a cab, so the cheering stopped.

@nick, if you're reading this: what kind of road signs do you have in chicago? we drove by a sign with three straight arrows, meaning that the highway was changing from two-lane to three-lane, and a sociologist from the uni of chicago said "why do we need to be told that the lanes are straight?". i patiently explained, but he thought i was making fun of him.
NF: Very violent towards my brother. I reckon I'll have to take a walk or keep otherwise occupied to make sure I don't do anything stupid.
Rusty said:
NF: Very violent towards my brother. I reckon I'll have to take a walk or keep otherwise occupied to make sure I don't do anything stupid.
In my case, my brother is the person I get along with the most; and on a fairly regular basis we take 3-hour walks around the quiet boring Albertson NY neighborhood, at around midnight, to just talk and hang out :)

..oh, and don't do anything stupid :err:

Hiljainen said:
I just sliced an eggplant and a finger, but the plan wasn't to add some meat to the dinner :erk:
:erk: ..that's happened to me quite a few times
(though not with eggplants, those I don't like :p )
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