Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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King Chaos said:
My GF has cheered up now which is cool. Now I crave Apple juice. I just had 2 glasses and now Im gagging for another. I'm trying to resist.... Im failing

*Drinks another glass of Cold, tangy apple juice* :cool:

Hahaha..welcome back then man. Apple juice is by far the best juice :) i want some
*runs upstairs and returns with a sad face* none left :cry:

Edit: ah yes im feeling fine
NF: Defeated. Plan A didn't work. Neither did Plan B. :(
King Chaos said:
I didn't get to see my girlfriend today :cry:. I see her nearly everyday and when I dont see her I feel like I've missed out on something really special. I'm talking to her on the phone. Her friend is running away because she has had her heart broken in a terrible way. It's really upset My GF, which in turn has upset me.
Awww, you two are so cute :) Or at least you, you really seem to adore her, and i assume (and hope) she's the same towards you. If she's not, i'll shoot her because then she doesn't deserve you :p You really seem like an adorable couple though ;p

NF: Coughing my lungs out :/
NF: Tired, it's 7:30pm and i'm still at work, as i was told to be. Yet i'm the only one here, the remote server i needed to connect to has gone down and the other person who was supposed to be there has gone offline. So i'm sitting here bored out of my mind and considering whether to just leave..

Everything is very quiet..
NF: Crappy, bored, lonely, and frustrated. I can only look forward to Tuska, which I'm also nervous about. Apart from that there's really nothing at the moment...
timmy's a major lust for life case. four kids, two wives, now single, but he's not as awfully dark as i would be if it was my life. also divinding his time between the usa, the uk and here. he's one of these people who literally devour opportunity and have devastating amounts of energy. wouldn't ever want to be on the receiving end of his 'more, more, more' moments. anyway, i now have to convince him to let me come here for three more weeks in september, in order to get some serious work done. need to gather all eloquence i have. wish me well.
TheFourthHorseman said:
NF: FUCK! Just.....FUCK! Can't the world ever revolve around me, just so that SOMETHING would fucking go RIGHT?

Tired of waiting for fucking nothing...
hello =)

you seem to hang out here more often? Fine, stay here :) (for sure more things will go right then, too :p )

Btw, nice avatar, Arch :)

NF: SOAKED. I even though I had an umbrella, it doesn´t help when the rain goes horizontal :erk: Now I am trying to dry before I need to get outside again.... Looking forward to tomorrow noon, when my lessons are over until monday, and I have some less hectic time. And I may go to a gig tomorrow... :)
@hyena: good luck. This Timmay guy sound very... bleh.

*giggle* I just found evidence one of our forum members likes S&M porn. *giggle* :lol:
@mouse: thanks. the talk is going to be tomorrow in the afternoon. timmy is not blah, he's sort of reminding me of a snowstorm.

speaking of which, fireangel: germany's horizontal rain amazed me two years ago. it's the only place with horizontal rain.
fireangel said:
hello =)

you seem to hang out here more often? Fine, stay here :) (for sure more things will go right then, too :p )

Hey...probably about as much as on the Nevermore board. Just like that board, there's not much band-related threads here that I feel like participating on, and even less off-topic ones. It's much better that way though, if you compare it to the Opeth board for example, where the thread of the day is 'Mikael Åkerfeldt's nostril' or some shit like that. Still, this is such a community in the word's real meaning that I don't feel like pushing myself in much. I'll just lurk and post once in a while...
Well, those those idiots fucking did again it. I got the bladen today of the Council of goods, and lo and behold... EMPTY! They didnt do them only. One day im only put on a stringcourse Rambo go, pace of train control and beginning punch people on the nose and
kicking them in flatulence. Only indiscriminantly. No mercy. The none given quarter, taken nothing. Sick TO SEE one or other kerel with the tel. touches whereas I scream? WRITE DOWN a NUMBER ON a PIECE OF DOCUMENT, I EVEN CAN DO IT!when they find me. Grr.

I put all towels in the wax then I house got, they wasten no problems, I checked my e-mail, then a shower had. Then got from the shower, since I when im do done transvasing.

Drying with handwasmachines and document towels IS NO PRET FUCKING AT

This living itself lark have its fall as you arent carefully.

I think sick some cds this weekend buy.
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