Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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i took a two-hour nap and am about to go out. if there wasn't always a sociopathic criminal lurking just beneath the surface in everything i do, i would be just fine.
i just remembered i talked to ormir on the phone just a couple hours ago. he has such a manly voice :oops:
but i heard little of what he said coz i was next to the tv and very excited. from the game, not from talking to him. :p
NF: Tired and un-accomplished. I hope tomorrow will be productive.
hyena said:
speaking of which, fireangel: germany's horizontal rain amazed me two years ago. it's the only place with horizontal rain.
Hyena, I am in Helsinki now =) And there is lots of rain, too - well, today not. :)

TFH: don´t know the Nevermore-board, but I know what you said about Opeth... unfortunately. The Swanö-board is still lovely, just not too much happening....

NF: First test ahead on wednesday. Let´s see how it goes, probably not that great, as I missed some lessons and the speed is infernal. I would do fine, if i studied all_day long, but those who know me know, that I rarely do that :p

Last week went to see Viikate, which was really really fine and funny, good concert. I expected worse, because someone said Viikate wouldn´t be a good live band, and I was just there to try out..... but it was cool =) And next week there is Tuska! :hotjump:

:wave: at rahvin :)
NF: Tired and not content. Also I just found out that Before the Dawn won't be playing my favourite song of theirs.
Siren said:
i just remembered i talked to ormir on the phone just a couple hours ago. he has such a manly voice :oops:
Ooohoohh, he sounds dreamy. I'd be drooling and inattentive if a hot guy called me. *giggle*

OnyxDragon98 said:
turned out to be a little worse than i thought, like to attack me (no joke, and i really dont know why) and this time was no exception. I got quite a work out too, i had 6 or 7 kids chasing me , these kids were around 10 - 11, if the were any younger i probably wouldnt have ran.
:guh: Bring a rottweiler or large dog next time. Or wear a grim looking t-shirt.

How odd kids attack you. Are you sure they're not drooling 14 year old girls? Our neighbourhood has a gang of kids. Most of the badly behaved ones belong to these gauche people who live two doors down from use. Like, these people have 5-6 kids in their house and trash strewn all over the yard.
Since I'm a snob, I always walk by without looking at them and sneer at them. They keep away from me. Um.. enough about my story...

Too bad about the battery experience. Use the batteries to build a bomb to attack those kids. It's your money. ;)

NF: hungry. I must start eating properly. :( :(
hyena said:
@rahvin: amy's going to be back in rome on the 11th. :ill: theoretically, she's just coming here for the wedding of her friend francesca, but i'm terrified at the thought. i am supposed to go pick her up at the airport: i need a new car and i need garlic to exorcize the memories of the past winter. ouch.
she's never going to go away again, let me tell you. isn't she scared of flying on an 11th? you know, if you can't beat them with common sense, or a spiked club, try with superstition.
i didn't really think about the possibility of her not leaving. she doesn't have a flat/money tho, so i believe that this time she'll get back to america, where btw she has a job. so far i'm just worrying about sunday - i found out that she's going to stay at mine for the whole day, until francesca comes to pick her up. francesca can't come here early because the poor girl is getting married and has wedding-related things to do - so it's amy until, say, 10pm. :eek:
I'm having a wonderful time with your fearless leader. And all this talk of dwarves is a bit exaggerrated, I must say. :p I'm practically the last person on this board to meet him, so you all know (or can imagine) what a generous, thoughtful host he is. He's working hard (or hardly working) somewhere else in this library at the moment, while I'm sequestered in some basement room, bracing for an incomprehensible (Italian) accusation of hogging the computer. :)
Lina said:
He's working hard
Lina said:
I'm having a wonderful time with your fearless leader. And all this talk of dwarves is a bit exaggerrated, I must say. :p I'm practically the last person on this board to meet him, so you all know (or can imagine) what a generous, thoughtful host he is. He's working hard (or hardly working) somewhere else in this library at the moment, while I'm sequestered in some basement room, bracing for an incomprehensible (Italian) accusation of hogging the computer. :)
lumitalvi said:
First they tell me they can come and then they say they can´t. I understand the situation is difficult and it´s not their fault but how the hell am I going to get in Wacken now...
Does this mean you'd have to go completely on your own without knowing anyone there? :erk:

NF: I'm being pressured into *gulp* cleaning my room. :/ There's so much crap here that I never use or look at, just lying on my desk and on various shelves/other surfaces, but there's nowhere else to put it and I really hate getting rid of it JUST IN CASE. Could be a long two days.
@Rus: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees :cry: and the train would cost ~200e!!!! and I don´t want to use the train!!! FUCK. Rigth now I´m asking around and trying to find a solution. So are my friends. But LUCKILY nothing is certain rigth now. Not even the thing that they won´t be coming. We are being affected by things that are not in our control.
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