Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Yep, going with friends is what helps. That's what I found when I broke up with a guy. I also took up web-design (kinda) and writing as a way to vent my negative energy. Do things to keep your mind off the pain.
@Santu- Nope... She just blatantly denied everything. Then she was pissed at me for telling my friend what she had done and she went on a "try and ruin Gavs relationship spree". Every attempt she had failed miserably.
After my friend started believing her word over mine once Id complained about her literally shitting on my life I decided not to be friends with him anymore. You could say I dumped him for being a fuck to me (I was a very good friend to him and he really didnt appreciate my sacrifices). Its all very stressfull. They together were just ruining me. I spent all my time dealing with their problems. I think now they are happier than ever, which upsets me as everyday people tell me more and more fucked up shit about her (sleeping with people and stripping on webcams).
I wish my ex friend knew the truth about her, but he just loves her too much and is more comfortable living in denile.

:p It's not nosey to ask :wave:
NF: Disgusted. There's (was) this insect of some sort that's been in our house for half of last week and it generally doesn't (didn't) do a damn thing except at nights I think. Then when it does it just "jumps" (jumped) on the ceiling. Yes, that sounds stupid but it's the best word to describe it. It was basically impossible to kill it obviously. Now it finally started flying lower between the "jumps", and after watching it for about a minute with a magazine in hand it flew right past me to my hair or something, and then I thought it flew back up. Well it was on my shirt, so of course I start half-panicking and hitting it. It just dropped on the chair...I tried squeezing it between the chair and the magazine, but the chair is too soft. It dropped on the floor, and I squeezed it dead. It had a really hard shell...but fuck did that thing scare the shit out of me. Made the creepiest sound when it jumped on the ceiling too. What a horror story.
I'm such a pussy. :p I'm not the sort to start running around when I see a bee, but that was just plain nasty. Gah.
lol, i even left um open
i've just come home, i'm lucky to have my friends and you people here *hug* i lose hope but somehow i always fall again for someone. happy thoughts are too far now. bah, i'm so melodramatic i disgust myself...well, thanks again to everybody
Hiljainen said:
i lose hope but somehow i always fall again for someone.

Good for you. That's the spirit! :)
King Chaos said:
@Santu- Nope... She just blatantly denied everything. Then she was pissed at me for telling my friend what she had done and she went on a "try and ruin Gavs relationship spree". Every attempt she had failed miserably.
After my friend started believing her word over mine once Id complained about her literally shitting on my life I decided not to be friends with him anymore. You could say I dumped him for being a fuck to me (I was a very good friend to him and he really didnt appreciate my sacrifices). Its all very stressfull. They together were just ruining me. I spent all my time dealing with their problems. I think now they are happier than ever, which upsets me as everyday people tell me more and more fucked up shit about her (sleeping with people and stripping on webcams).
I wish my ex friend knew the truth about her, but he just loves her too much and is more comfortable living in denile.

:p It's not nosey to ask :wave:
Argh, what a slut :/ Glad that she failed trying to ruin your relationship though, and i'm not surprised that she did, knowing what you and your gf are like :) You did the right thing when you told your friend though, even if things ended up the wrong way. And it was also the right decision to stop being friends with him. If he believes his cheater-slut girlfriend over a good friend, then let it be so.
The best thing for all of you would be if you somehow managed to prove what she does, but that's impossible i guess. She obviously doesn't love your (ex-)friend though..If she did, she wouldn't cheat. That's a really fucked up situation for you to be in, even though you kind of walked out of it, but still hearing that shit about her :/ *hugs*

NF: Tired and annoyed that i have to leave too early.
i went on a date last night, and it somehow implied waking up at 4 am practically screaming (and no, it wasn't the drink, not only: i'm very mildly hungover, but otherwise ok). i don't want a world where i'm terrified of anything emotional, but apparently there's nothing else.
NF: That people (not just rahvin, lots of people seem to be doing it) should stop saying "write you" and stick a "to" in the middle instead. Bad mood, but I'll try to cover it with a: :p
Rusty said:
NF: That people (not just rahvin, lots of people seem to be doing it) should stop saying "write you" and stick a "to" in the middle instead. Bad mood, but I'll try to cover it with a: :p
british english and american english are both correct, you know. :p
Hmmm. :p Then at least the English people who've said it should stop it.

I've just heard about the possibility of baggage handlers in 17 British airports (including Heathrow, where I'll be flying from/to) going on strike over a pay dispute. Nothing's certain yet; they might agree to some different terms, they might not strike on the days I travel, but it's not something I wanted to hear regardless.
mousewings said:
Under no circumstances bring any bats (vampire or any kind, or turn into one). It doesn't work, unless said guy likes bats.
mwahaha, ironically we DID bring bats up. i mentioned i was nocturnal.

him: like a <insert name of nocturnal creature, i forget which>?
me: more like a bat.
him: nice-looking bat.
me: ... :oops:
him: :)


we didn't go to the movies. apparently people here have nothing better to do but watch films after work, so we can only get tickets tomorrow. everything sounds good so far except...

he's leaving in 3 weeks.


oh well. i'll enjoy his company while i can.
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