Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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I understand about that photos thing... I'd probably be depressed too. Once when I used to backyard wrestle my friends camera destroyed a tape with a match I had just had on it. I nearly got concust from this one weapon shot I had taken, when I found out I couldnt watch it back I was well depressed.

NF: Tired. Just done my stupid paper round. I'm so lazy today.
nf: completely confused. my day with you-know-who was extremely weird. he blew hot and cold, sent a gazillion mixed signals. i was ready to accept that i probably won't see him again after tonight, but then he was back to normal after the movie. some things about him don't seem to add up. i'll stop overanalysing before i drive myself crazy :ill:
Maybe it was you, and your company, that made him act crazy

Sometimes a person can have that effect on the mind of his or her beholder.
NF: Damn useless. On the positive side though, I just found out this baggage handler strike is now off, so hopefully my flights will at least go smoothly.
rahvin said:
believe the worst one is true. if you're wrong, it's just going to hurt more that you've been dumped by someone who wasn't being a manipulative shit, so you don't really wanna know. hurts less, it does hurt to think that he was a manipulative shit shomehow too though, it just make all seem like a load of fake good things i never understood, and makes him be the coldest and best liar that i've ever seen...i'll explain more in private probably, i dont' feel like writing 2 pages of explanations and theories, flooding the board and soaking the keyboard.

NF: right now horrible, but later i'm seeing my friend again, he has the power of always cheer me up and he's ready to get drunk when i want to even if in theory he doesn't drink anymore, probably drinking isn't good since in 3 days my stomach has seen a donut, 1,5 sandwiches, some potatoes with meat, and a lot of coffee, but i don't really care.

@hyena: thank you for the offer :) i'll calm down a little before
Don't drink much at least. Ending drinking in vomiting is always nasty, and it happens too easily when drinking on an empty stomach (and a tired mind).

Rusty said:
NP: Damn useless. On the positive side though, I just found out this baggage handler strike is now off, so hopefully my flights will at least go smoothly.

Long songtitle. :p
You aren't useless, you just introduced me to a kick ass album last night!
TheFourthHorseman said:
Sorry for the loss of photos, but after experiencing many of those bands on the bill I wouldn't be complaining at all. :)
Rock The Nations seems to have a great set of bands every year...or the 2 last years that I've had a look at it anyway.

NF: Surprisingly neutral, or even slightly happy. Go me.
Maybe you can come to the following one huh?

@idari: I really pissed off! :ill:
That would be bit of a stretch, as much as I'd like to. This is one of those things that I'll do "one day" (visiting Turkey that is). Sooner or later.

Glad to hear it, idari. Hope you start feeling better.
mom: "What's going on? You've cried"
me: "I was just looking at pics of Olli and Mortti.."
mom: "Oh, is that it? Nothing else going on?"
me: "No, that's it."
[mom leaves]
me: *hears mom walking up the stairs and dries tears quickly*
mom: "Santtu i can see something's happened. What is it?"
me: "Nothing, i'm just tired."
mom: "Who are you talking to?"
me: "Lasse and Li" comes upstairs..
dad: "What's going on?"
me: "Nothing. I'm just tired, i'll go to sleep soon."
mom and dad: "Take the medicine and go to bed."

NF: I hate when my parents know how i feel. And i hate not seeing Heidi for 3 weeks, i have a feeling i'll need her. Fuck.
Ahh... at least idari's parents approve of her going on boards.

Mine don't. So this is all my big secret. Shhhh....

Eeek! Yesterday UM was down and now Coldplaying forums are down. I wanted to comment on something. :(
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