Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Right...and people in real life aren't really prone to lying and misleading other people, as we all know.
Parents can be so illogical sometimes.

(1) even if you're going through hell, you have one thing to be really happy about: i'll be eternally grateful to you for introducing me to gli atroci. i'm listening to i guerrieri del metallo now and i think i'll never stop laughing, especially because of the ending

[che cosa noi suoniamo? il metallo!
che cosa noi vogliamo?
il metallo!
in cosa noi crediamo?
nel metallo!
che cosa noi mangiamo? il metallo!
con cosa ci vestiamo? col metallo!
con chi ci trastulliamo? col metallo!
con chi ci confidiamo?
col metallo!
per cosa moriremo? il metallo!

combatti! uccidi!
uccidi! combatti!

what do we play? metal!
what do we want? metal!
what do we believe in? metal!
what do we eat? metal!
what do we wear? metal!
what entertains us? metal!
who do we share secrets with? metal!
what will we die for? metal!
fight! kill!
kill! fight!]

:lol: :lol: :lol:

it's just wonderful.

(2) about the whole manipulative liar issue: in the end, i've come to realize that most breakups are driven by reasons that have nothing to do with the victim, hence it is a bit difficult to define exactly what constitutes manipulation and evil. i don't know what happened in the specific situation, but i have the feeling that normally people just don't know what they're doing. for each horrible bastard that cheats on his girlfriend enjoying the additional power, there's one hundred no-backbone cases who sit at home, listen to what their soul supposedly tells them and end up crushing their partners' lives because "it is not feeling right to me anymore", "i'm not in love anymore", "i think you're preventing me from realizing my potential" (this is my favorite one).

frailty hurts more than evil. ask anyone who ever got glass shards in their eyes.
nf: fucking annoyed. my mother is getting on my nerves big time.
I´ve always thought that she is flexible and she appreciates my judgement but obviosly i was wrong.
I guess it is just so fucking hard to even breathe right, if the world is filled with narcomaniacs, satanworshippers, murderers and with music "that is really suspicious".
When my mother called somehow "radical" yesterday (or day before that), i felt honoured - Now i know I should not have or at least i should have not let it show.
Now that she went to sleep, i just wonder if she can sleep at all, because there is a possibility that i just might stab her to death.
This is just so fucking hilarious.
NF: Still pretty good. Wonder what's wrong with me? :tickled: Also, tonight's plans: Either a free beer or two with a friend or a nerd-night with my cousin! He got himself a force feedback steering wheel so Colin McRae Rally 4 should be kick ass to play with that. Oh, the agony! Two beer or not two beer (but rally)?
just drink and drive, how about that? it's really funny to see the round trip times get worse and even more so.
TheFourthHorseman said:
NF: Still pretty good. Wonder what's wrong with me? :tickled: Also, tonight's plans: Either a free beer or two with a friend or a nerd-night with my cousin! He got himself a force feedback steering wheel so Colin McRae Rally 4 should be kick ass to play with that. Oh, the agony! Two beer or not two beer (but rally)?
I vote for the friendly beers. :p
Hahah, no that wouldn't work, Malaclypse. My cousin isn't the kinda guy that I'd drink with (or without, in his presence that is) anyway.
I'll call about the friendly beers soon if he doesn't appear on msn and then we'll see...

NF: Somewhat tired and sore. Spent the last 3 hours or so first changing the tyres to my bicycle and then cleaning it.
TheFourthHorseman said:
Hahah, no that wouldn't work, Malaclypse. My cousin isn't the kinda guy that I'd drink with (or without, in his presence that is) anyway.
I'll call about the friendly beers soon if he doesn't appear on msn and then we'll see...

NF: Somewhat tired and sore. Spent the last 3 hours or so first changing the tyres to my bicycle and then cleaning it.
What kind of a finn are you? :p The company doesn't matter that much, you're supposed to drink anyway ;p

NF: Good-ish..A bit worried about my drinking habits, once again.
Today my dad caused a huge incident in the piercing store, which annoys me..
I had the time booked at 3 pm, and dad ran in at 3:20, and when i told him that i hadn't got the piercing yet because Mika was busy, and that he'd have to wait, he snapped.
me: "No. You can go, i'm not coming"
dad: "Yes you are"
then he grabbed me and tried to drag me out, but i shook myself off him and said "Go away. Just go home."
Then he had a go at Pasi :s

The look on Pasi's face was exactly like the MSN :| smiley :s He looked at my dad with eyes wide open wondering wtf was wrong with him..
Then he asked "was that your dad?" and i said "yeah" and was really ashamed of him..

But anyway, the piercing's ok..Not nearly as cool as i expected but oh well, didn't cost much for me :p And now Mika is piercing my belly again for free :) He rules :cool: And so does Pasi. AND MIKA'S PUPPIES <3

Ooh, eek, change of plans, Allu just called and i'm going over there to get wasted, muahaha :p
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