Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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NF: Not too bad right now, beer is helping of course. Plus I need to get some practice in for next weekend. ;)
idari said:
A bit worried about my drinking habits, once again.
You're not the only one. :p
NF: Pretty good, listening to some music, eating a quaker oatmeal bar. I haven't got much to look forward too in the near future, except my birthday on the 20th, but my birthdays are never any good, or at least they haven't been since 2000.
nf: words. fail. me.

from october 21st to march 21st, my life was sequential failure. then it was harsh tiredness and stress. then june 26th came and everything started going in the right direction. work's peachy, i have a shitload of things to do but i manage to do them one by one and also to have some nice ideas. i have a nice guy to see every so often, and even though i sometimes feel quite panicky re where we're really going it's always a pleasure to have someone who calls me at work, wants to go out with me, invites me to places and portrays his desires for life as something i understand. and, to top it all, the famed mr. r who was mentioned here in the past treated me to dinner and a movie tonight, for no particular reason. at dinner, i talked about the new guy and asked for his advice, and not once i said 'you don't ever practice what you preach'. the movie, the stepford wives, was positively scary for the first half (although it was supposed to be a comedy), but then i relaxed.

now, follow my forays into level-headed evolution. the stepford wives is about a village populated by idiotic bimbos who serve men's every whim because their brains have been modified. it has a happy ending, but some scenes had me positively cringing, and i mean it. note that i told him. at the end, he said that he was happy that we had seen the movie (i was too, it turned out to be quite funny all things considered) and we should go to the cinema together more often. i said that it would be fine for me, but i mentioned that i draw the line at things like independence day or the day after tomorrow. he told me that it wasn't a problem because he could go and see silly movies with heather love. i didn't shoot him. how's that for restraint? :p
NF: Major disbelief. This is the least sense i've ever been able to make of something happening in my life. It just doesn't make sense..

wtf :/
@yayo: :/

NF: a little drunk, i drank a ridiculously little amount of alcohol but it was 20 minutes ago and i drank it surprisingly quickly, so now i could wait ages before posting this message just to think about the origins of my slippers. i hope this feeling doesn't go away before i go to bed and fall asleep.
mousewings said:
Ahh... at least idari's parents approve of her going on boards.

Mine don't. So this is all my big secret. Shhhh....

TheFourthHorseman said:
Your parents don't approve you writing on an Internet message board? :err:
Why parents don't let their children's going on boards? They find it harmful? Parental advisory...huh?
My parents weren't letting me to use the internet while I was connecting with a dial-up connection, but then, we bought cable modem. (So we have a stable telephone bill now.) So my parents stopped being mad! This time they are complaining abiout the electric bill...
Huh...Boring to live with parents isn't it? But I need their support and MONEY :)
Rusty said:
NF: Not too bad right now, beer is helping of course. Plus I need to get some practice in for next weekend. ;)You're not the only one. :p
idari said:
A bit worried about my drinking habits, once again.
Unlike you two, I didn't go for beers after all. :) On the contrary, it's 3am and I've been playing soccer and CMR4 with my cousin most of the day (and night). Watched The Good, The Bad And The Ugly, too. Great movie, great soundtrack.

Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
I feel, how I would imagine dying feels.

Is killing yourself to save someone else worth it?

As for the question, I feel that sometimes it would be, sometimes not. If the decision came to me, I don't know.

NF: Simply tired. Off to bed soon. My shorts are totally sweaty, but I don't want to complain about the summer really.
hyena said:
@yayo: whatever happened?
I've lost an important friendship and been hurt by someone who even now doesnt want to lose the friendship or hurt me, when i've done nothing wrong and don't deserve it (even they say i havent and dont).

Make sense? Because it doesn't to me...
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
Is killing yourself to save someone else worth it?
I don't believe so.

Are you talking of a question like "if a murderer was going to kill either you or the person next to you, and you had to chooose.. who would you pick?"? I get the impression that maybe you arent..

If you're talking of a situation where one person simply believes the other is better off without them, then i dont think it is worth it. Death is not the only way to remove yourself from someone's life if it is necessary, and i see very few ways where someone's death could really save another person.
YaYo said:
I've lost an important friendship and been hurt by someone who even now doesnt want to lose the friendship or hurt me, when i've done nothing wrong and don't deserve it (even they say i havent and dont).

Make sense? Because it doesn't to me...
It doesn't make sense Dave :erk: Almost sounds like the friendship is broken on the basis of some 'socially innate rule of friendship', whether or not you and the other person desire it.
Sounds like a sincere conversation is needed to resolve some things.

That's my interpretation based on very little for the day, I hope you clear your confusion somehow :wave:
Of course, i'd imagine a situation where someone was seriously considering their own death for the sake of another could never be explained in a simple few sentences. If it . But death would be a permanent solution to what is probably a temporary problem, as much as it may not seem that way now. If a person is in a situation where they need someone else to die in order to save them, then i see no way that this could possibly solve things either, at most it would be a temporary fix and the more fundamental causes would remain and not truly be solved.

I can't see how someone's death could realistically be a good thing in these kind of ways..
Hopea, I'm with Dave. I don't really see how it would help in the long term. I hope you get it sorted. :/

NF: Tired after a really odd night, weird dreams and waking up all the time. I've also found out that when I go with my mum to visit my brother's family tomorrow, she wants to leave at nine in the morning, and I really doubt I'll be awake enough to feel like driving a long way by then. Clever mother. Otherwise I'm ok, I just can't really be arsed with anything right now, just want to sit here with my eyes closed, since I can't fall asleep.
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