Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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NF: Bored and lonely

I did manage to get a payrise today though, ends up being about a 10% rise. I won't complain! My other boss thought i'd been working there for a year too, when it's only nearly 6 months. I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing, probably neither.

I was also amused today by another guy's second week at our company. He managed to take our entire domain down, losing everyone's emails, appointments and other settings, which in turn broke our Oracle database server and almost everything else... meaning everything kept screwing up today. And he kept making other little mistakes as well, i felt sorry for the guy but it was funny. Nobody really cared, we all just found it amusing, but he must feel pretty bad. Apparently last year though some guy had been working for us for a mere 2 hours when he dropped a clipboard into our web server which shorted it out and blew the computer and harddrive up (Not good for a web application company!)

MagSec4 said:
By the way, Rusty, do people in Britain use the 'word' enthused?
Yeah, but I suppose people would rather use a simpler word instead. It's still perfectly acceptable though.
NF: Complete and utter disbelief... every day i think things have reached their lowest, and every day things get worse.. this doesnt even make sense. Now would be a time i badly need to talk to someone, but it seems there's nobody to talk to...
NF: As if my car hates me. It just doesn't want to be fully roadworthy. As soon as I fix something, something else brakes or becomes annoying. I just want to be able to get to work and back :erk:
Very worried, my niece had to go to the emergency room b/c shes had a really high fever for about 4 days now, she got a bloody nose for no apparent reason, and it hurts her very much to move. :( :(

Last night i went from a friend, we talked, i expressed some doubts about the way my ex boyfriend behaved, and we came up with a different explanation (different from the one my ex told me) for all the story, i don't know which one to believe, we were just guessing last night, anyway, this last version makes me feel used, angry, used, blind, stupid, used again, and completely unfaithful towards people and relationships but still probably better than how i feel with the other one
Hiljainen said:
Last night i went from a friend, we talked, i expressed some doubts about the way my ex boyfriend behaved, and we came up with a different explanation (different from the one my ex told me) for all the story, i don't know which one to believe, we were just guessing last night, anyway, this last version makes me feel used, angry, used, blind, stupid, used again, and completely unfaithful towards people and relationships but still probably better than how i feel with the other one
:erk: :erk: :erk: :erk: I'm so sorry to hear this, and I'm sorry too for what I just did, seems like I have a talent for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time :erk:
@nick: i hope that she gets better soon. let us know what happens.

@hilj: breakups -> evil. if you want to talk to someone who is very experienced in the field, catch me on msn or pm me.
idari said:
Argh, what a slut :/ Glad that she failed trying to ruin your relationship though, and i'm not surprised that she did, knowing what you and your gf are like :) You did the right thing when you told your friend though, even if things ended up the wrong way. And it was also the right decision to stop being friends with him. If he believes his cheater-slut girlfriend over a good friend, then let it be so.
The best thing for all of you would be if you somehow managed to prove what she does, but that's impossible i guess. She obviously doesn't love your (ex-)friend though..If she did, she wouldn't cheat. That's a really fucked up situation for you to be in, even though you kind of walked out of it, but still hearing that shit about her :/ *hugs*
Im Glad you understand :wave: nobody around here does :erk:. Because she's all flirty with everyone she can turn people against people really easilly. She has some how managed to make out she's the victim and Im a bad guy for telling her BF in the first place. Funnily enough after I had told him he called me a "cunt" for not telling him sooner. I hate the injustice of the situation... but I've pretty much let it go completely now.

Thanks again Santu, by most peoples reactions to the situation I was starting to think I made the wrong decisions, but I know now what I did was right.
good luck to your niece nick

NF: .. I have a decision placed upon me which i am unable to make. And while people can give advice and try to help, nobody can really know what to do except me.. and well, there is no right decision now. So much has happened in the past weeks that it's beyond my comprehension.. i cant even find the words to talk of it... *stares blankly*
Hiljainen said:
Last night i went from a friend, we talked, i expressed some doubts about the way my ex boyfriend behaved, and we came up with a different explanation (different from the one my ex told me) for all the story, i don't know which one to believe,
believe the worst one is true. if you're wrong, it's just going to hurt more that you've been dumped by someone who wasn't being a manipulative shit, so you don't really wanna know.
Wolfman Von Jones said:
Very worried, my niece had to go to the emergency room b/c shes had a really high fever for about 4 days now, she got a bloody nose for no apparent reason, and it hurts her very much to move. :( :(

Urgh, I know how I'd feel if anything was wrong with my niece... very sorry to hear this, I really hope she'll be okay.

@Gav: it's Santtu, not Santu

NF: Nothing.
King Chaos said:
Im Glad you understand :wave: nobody around here does :erk:. Because she's all flirty with everyone she can turn people against people really easilly. She has some how managed to make out she's the victim and Im a bad guy for telling her BF in the first place. Funnily enough after I had told him he called me a "cunt" for not telling him sooner. I hate the injustice of the situation... but I've pretty much let it go completely now.

Thanks again Santu, by most peoples reactions to the situation I was starting to think I made the wrong decisions, but I know now what I did was right.
Nah, you did the right thing, and if people can't see that then just ignore them. Which is hard of course, since her behaviour is pretty hard to ignore :erk:

NF: Good-ish..Waiting for going somewhere :p
NF: I've cried all day long... I am feeling lost now... As if, cannot feel anything out of this agony, grief, anxiety!
On 2-3-4th of June, I went to a festival...







Those were the anounced groups....Marduk, Hatebreed and Vader didn't come. This was the first misfortune that my boy friend was very fond of Marduk and he became too sad, so as me, when I heard about Vader.

The festival was wonderful....
I took photos with Liv Kristy (Theater of Tragedy&Leaves Eyes), Atrocity's vocalist (how wonderful hair he has), all Amon Amarth, Destruction and Orphaned Land members, (Eden is so handsome, Orphaned Land), Also we had a very good chat with Steve of Blaze's guitarist and Blaze himself, even they invited me to their dressing room, And the most important one, Ville! :worship: :worship: Sentenced's Ville, so handsome, so nice, it was just like a dream for me to talk to him, and have a photograph with him!:headbang:

Then I came back to my home town, gave the photographs to the photoshop. I was excited when I was going to take them. What d'you think the salesman said? :erk: Since there was a problem with my camera...:yell: there were no photos.... :yow: Except one with Blaze Bailey of ex-Iron Maiden... :bah:

When I heard about it, I was about to faint.. :ill: My boy friend said I was all white, my face, my lips... When we went to my boy friends house, I collapsed like a potato sack...and cried a lot.... :cry:

What a chance huh? :zombie:

There were also my graduation photos, with my family and friends, and my sister's birthday photos all of which may be lived once in life....:Smug:
Sorry for the loss of photos, but after experiencing many of those bands on the bill I wouldn't be complaining at all. :)
Rock The Nations seems to have a great set of bands every year...or the 2 last years that I've had a look at it anyway.

NF: Surprisingly neutral, or even slightly happy. Go me.
aw i'm sorry about the photos :(

NF: crappish and hungoverish. i have failed to resist the power of imatra big band festivals, and therefore have been out in the center almost every night. alchohol has been involved in most cases. yesterday i got a bit more drunk than i was supposed to and ended up puking in the bar's ladiesroom. oops.

other than that i'm all good.
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