Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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I'm feeling good. It's a Friday, I've got Adobe Photoshop to run on Linux and I'm looking forward to do some more productive things for the day.
Arch said:
I'm feeling good. It's a Friday, I've got Adobe Photoshop to run on Linux and I'm looking forward to do some more productive things for the day.
Ohh a sweet cow in the avatar! I want to touch at its soft pink nose...
Yes yes.. I am really much weird now.. I think I am trying to quit crying... F*ck you cancer!
And we had the most wonderful, cool, long thunderstorm here yesterday. :cool:

NF: Not too bad, though I'm still really missing some people right now, and feeling isolated. Also my sleeping rhythm is buggered up even more, my day is now split into 2 periods of waking in between a couple of hours of sleep at night and another couple in the afternoon. However, the positive thing is that I actually had breakfast today, and I ate more (and better) food at lunch time and had more just now for dinner than I normally do, and I'll even force something else down later on. I will put on weight, dammit. You just watch me.
NF: worried. i just attempted to cook some mexican food for a friend and im afraid he will get sick from it or hate it or something.
im also still not over tuska and i wish it were saturday again :(
Violet Baudelaire said:
NF: worried. i just attempted to cook some mexican food for a friend and im afraid he will get sick from it or hate it or something.
Depends how many chilies you forced him to eat. :p
i have never forced ANYONE to eat chiles, ever :p
i have witnesses

and well, if it tastes truly horrible ill just say all mexican food is that way
no one will ever know
I was typing this:
Naku ist krig said:
I could easily pick a barfight on this subject but i cant really bother, since i am having a horrible headache.
I am not saying that torturing animals is ok or anything like, cause it aint, it is just quite funny how some people cry for one dead being instead of really giving a shit of people for example dying to starvation.
It just seems to be somehow extracool to be on "the side of the animals" against the evil human race, which just sounds quite hypocritical to my ear, since i dont really belive in putting a boarder between "we" and "them".
If want to talk about this more, we got to decide if humans, cats, rabbits and cockroaches are equal and what happens when they go dead.
Soul, anyone?
I couldn't have said it better, especially the people's starvation (and general suffering) part.

@Naku: Hope you get well soon. :(

And then i killed my keyboard with a glass of carrot juice. :cry:
Rest in peace, my faithful companion, i enjoyed those 3 years with you.. :cry:

/Siren (who also deserves a painful death by short-circuiting and drowning, keyboards have a soul too after all, don't they?)
Thanks necromancy. :)
@Cael: i tried using mine after cleaning it thoroughly, but most of the keys would get stuck or wouldn't obey me. I love my new one too, it's so quiet. :)
rahvin: would you prefer this years Swedish summer wheater (i.e. 15-16 degrees C at best and constant raining :yuk: )?

What a day it was at work yesterday. First, we (the four guys at the conveyor belt)found a wallet with 900 SEK in it, which we shared equally without telling anyone else.

Then my partners in crime and I overloaded a sack elevator ( loading 70 kilos instead of the usual 30-35 :heh: ) so it broke down completely, almost dropping that 70 kilo-sack down on the floor from 5 meters height. It had to be welded up immediately. There was chaos before that in the laundry, and since that weak elevator was a essential part of the whole system, the production dropped to 84 kilos/hour insted of 140 kilos/hour as it's meant to be.

Tonight I'm doing my best to get 'slightly drunk'.

And I must say that I'm doing very good...
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