Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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NF: a bit pissed off, but good.

YaYo said:
NF: Might be going to the zoo it seems :) Wheeeeeee.. i'm excited!
we didn't go :'(

if i don't get the chance to catch up with you tonight or tomorrow morning:
it was really nice meeting you, you are a great, nice, talented, awesome person!! i hope your flight goes well! :)
Q: What is worse than a relative or a drunken person?

A: Drunken relative. My father´s cousin. Fucking annoying. I am this close to reaching for a gun and that way, a liberation.

NF: extremely cool and sensitive.
I was in a local bar last night with my friend and his friend, who i dont know too well, except that i have been drinking with him once and i know he is a bit special.
Well.. among the usual chitchat and discussing about life, we (me and my friend) complained to him (the dude) how shitty place this town o´ mine is, and i said, without thinking too much, that "i suggest that you travel to your hometown right first in the morning, cause staying here might force you to take 9-mm and blow your brains out". then i grinned, and he smiled also.
Next day i realized/remembered again what i had said to him, and i turned
pale: my friend has told me that this dude´s father had killed himself couple of years ago, with a gun if i remember correctly, and this dude has also tried killing himself.
And there is no point in saying that i am sorry, cause i guess that i wasnt supposed to know these little facts.
I just gotta stop making up those violent metaphoras, although i have always enjoyed my ruthless "style" of speaking about the facts of life.

About my ear:
Like i said earlier, i went to see doctor yesterday. She told me that is a evil-looking otitis [i checked from dictionary :p] and it has generated cyst/blister [again, i dont manage medical terms, not even in finnish] that is somehow attached to my eardrum, and that why i hear things in a "funny" way at the moment.
She wrote me a prescription of antibiotics, althought i just ate them few weeks back, a 7-day regiment.
@Tee: Sorry about your friend's mom, may she rest in peace. :(

@Naku: hope your ear gets well soon *huggs*

NF: i was quite troubled all day today, thinking about stuff a lot and not being able to get anywhere with my thoughts. but then i got online and got a mail that warmed my heart. :)
idari said:
NF: Hmm, i suddenly feel like crying. I was fine a few minutes ago. It's this damn song's fault :cry:
no, look.
"love's golden arrow at her should have fled... and not death's ebon dart to strike her dead." :wave:

don't, gorgie.... :)
and I'm with you in that thought on your parents. :err:

thx, everyone. my friends mom was 68. an older mom. her dad is 78. (my friend 29). second marriage to them it was.... however, she was dying of cancer. and she decided it would stop. just said she'd go eat "tomorrow", she'd take her pills "tomorrow". tomorrow never came for her. not here. she left with a scary rainstorm. even a rainbow appeared in the sky, right after her departure. was it a stairway to heaven for her mother? or was it......

on Tuesday we have this funeral.....
NF: Desperate... I haven't slept the day before as I wrote... Only 2 hours I slept. And now it is 3 o'clock at night! And again I am struggling to sleep. I've a different ache now. It is rather pain. As if somebody punched my stomach a minute ago that it is aching. Or as if I had an operation and have stitches all around my belly and my internat organs are all in pain. I don't know why all these are...
@necromancy: try to keep the area warm, and put your legs higher than the rest of your body. hope it helps. :/
TheFourthHorseman said:
NF: Very good and liiiiight. Not drunk per se, but just tipsy enough to feel niiiice. Very warm.
So many threads with new msgs. :/

Rinse and repeat. o_O Just slightly drunker this time around. Got a full stomach too, Finnish sausage & chips do rule, unhealthy or not.

NF: Full and, and as stated before, warm. Better go sleep practices tomorrow afternoon.
:confused: :confused: :confused:

rahvin said:
you should be glad you're not from turkey, or a turkey. :eek:
:yell: :yell: :yell:
:ill: :ill: :ill:

What the fuck a Turkish people did to you? What's your problem with us?
I've got a lot of Greek friends and we are good with eachother. And I am good with a lot of people from other nationalities. What's this bloody prejudice dear rahvin?

:Smug: :Smug: :Smug:
i guess he was only cracking a joke about the historical conflict between turks and greeks, plus another joke on the homonyms "turkey" (country) and "turkey" (edible bird). and you know, when there's something starting with homo to comment upon, he's always the first. no prejudice there. :lol:
necromancy said:
What the fuck a Turkish people did to you? What's your problem with us?
I've got a lot of Greek friends and we are good with eachother. And I am good with a lot of people from other nationalities. What's this bloody prejudice dear rahvin?
i was referring to the fact that most greek people with a low culture tend to have deep feelings of racial mistrust or hatred towards people from turkey. personally, i do not share nor support any of these, especially because i'm not from greece, turkey, or any country that had much to do with either in the past two thousand years.
there's certainly no need to get all excited over a simple comment, or start waving around "bloody prejudice" tags.
nf: entertained because a new blood for blood album is out and i'll hear it presto. i can only imagine the heaps of fun.

i'm also a bit annoyed at my paper, but it's the last day i spend with it so i should be a bit more positive.
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