Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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@ Ulla, you've been to opera so many times!? I want to go too. :cry: There are so many fascinating, classic operas in the world and modern ones too. I wish I could see them all. :/

NF: Frustrated. Should pack everything for Wacken tomorrow. Bah.
MagSec4 said:
I don't usually speak my mind here, but I'll give it a try..

I refused to go to work today. I'm sure they're pissed at me at the agency's office and I couldn't care less.. It's not like I had confirmed to them that I'd be there.. but I did ignore all their follow up phone messages and emails.
I went to bed last night with my head full of thoughts. And for the first time in a long time, hopelessness began to sip back in to displace my determination ..because a certain person, the thoughts of whom usually make me strong and bring me happiness, now made me weak..
She makes me strong, but she made me weak. :/

I gave in to the hopelessness for then and fell asleep. I slept 12 hours.. I can't remember the last time I truly felt physically rested. For a while now I hadn't been getting enough sleep, and I couldn't sleep well when I did.
But now I need my mind to be rested, because I can't function with it this way any more than I can with a tired body.
I need a hug from her.. but I can't get it when I need it most.

I'm sorry to hear this. :(
She must be someone special to have this effect on you. Is she someone you work with?
I hope everything works out for you, you're a good person who deserves to keep your determination and self-confidence. I know I speak for everyone here when I say any support we can give, we will. :)
NF: *yawn* Tired. I should go to bed soon so that i can attempt to be sleeping on australian times instead of finnish. First day back at work tomorrow after my little 2 week 'break'..

I'm disappointed that i've been through more of life's little games and not dealt with them properly, as usual. My thoughts and emotions are very weird at the moment, i'm thankful that i have a good 'base' which allows me to just idle around for a while and get past this stage. Enough good friends to get me by, a good stable job i dont have to worry about too much, etc etc..

One thing that has been stressing me out today is my musical projects, finding the right balance between the ideal and the possible.. finding the line that crosses from being less than perfect but able to be done, into something which is approaching perfection in theory but would never actually eventuate. There's the level i'm currently at with my 'album 1' which isnt to my standards.. theres a level that would be ideal that i've already accepted is out of reach.. then there's another level which isnt too far out of reach, but even that may be too much when my main motivation is focussed towards getting it done and behind me, rather than doing the best job possible.
NF: Frustrated and angry. My dad's being a real jerk again, picking on me and complaining that the 'atmosphere' at home is strange. He's just feeling left out. Real mature way to tackle the problem, dipshite. I can't say or do anything right so I stay away. And he wonders why I keep to myself. Dumbarse.
i have to make another post...

NF: Frustrated, too many of my friends who are great people are so depressed at the moment :( Most with good reason too, which makes it so hard to help. And at the moment i feel bad because i don't think i can help as much as i normally would, getting through my own problems has affected my ability to help others. And these people have helped me out before, i shall do my best i guess.
@ulla: if i were you, i wouldn't go around italy using these phrases... they are very last century and a tidbit violent. :p

nf: well, how would you feel if people started sending you text messages that they most probably didn't write? i hate this part of the big spy game that my life has become recently.
NF: :D
i fixed my cellphone!!!!! now i feel civilized again
met up with close friends in frankfurt, wacken in a few days... good
NF: worried. and my eyes hurt. and i dread going to the doctor tomorrow. but i'll be a brave girl and do it. :err:
NF: Extremely tired - rundown even. It's been a long and busy weekend, yet I've actually managed to get very little done. Had lots of interesting discussions, though, which somehow makes me feel rather satisfied (not that my teachers would agree - nothing new done for my graduation-thesis this weekend...)

Anyways, to all those whom it might concern: I'll get to you through email/PMs tomorrow or soon after that.

Villain said:
If you are asking for something more than just caring, then I'm probably the wrong person to comment about it... But I'll do it anyways :heh: (and here I may sound like a bitter old man): There are much more important things in life than some silly love. If you haven't found those things yet, go look for them and stop crying over something that eventually means so very little.
Just scanning over the last couple pages, and want to say, this is a damn good point that needed to be made.
nf: strange. just got back from the first of my mini-vacations - this one to Lake Placid. Saw a lot of cool scenery, swam some, and went for a nice long walk by myself around a lake late at night. here's the strangeness. I walked just to get a feel for how i feel and to try and clear my head and read my thoughts. All I managed to realize is that sometimes, or maybe most of the time, i'm incapable of thinking deeply on a problem. All I do is look at all the possible bad outcomes and what I'll do if they occur. It really upset and depressed me. I'm not quite sure what it means. i want to be able to sit down and just think something through for once without my mind whirling off on its own random tangents. <sigh>... anyway, off to sleep... see you all tomorrow.

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