Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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@od98: how can it be 4.17 if it's barely x.10 here? :err: i thought you couldn't gradually change time zone. :p

i'm in a state of near shock: i found out the young girl at the reception where i work, whom i've known for more than 3 years, was sent away because she was responsible for all the thefts from the library lockers.
@rahvin: It was 4:17 when i started to type that message, but it took me half an hour to press quick reply, because i drifted of into space for a while. Newfoundland has its own time zone if you didn't know, its 30 minutes ahead of Atlantic time, why? i have no idea.
NF: quite good =) I collected my booked COB-ticket from the ticket office and now its safe in my closet :cool: Probably until then I won´t visit any more gigs since my ears still hurt from the QStock-festival (and all that stuff before). I shouldn´t have stood in front of the speakers (with earplugs), not even in order to see STD from rather close :ill: I don´t know how rahvin survived that, without earplugs hanging out in front of the speakers for several bands. Aren´t you ears hurting at all?

Otherwise I got a lot more motivation (yeah, it´s always motivation and it never lasts really long, but maybe it makes me go some steps forward) to go on with my life, so that I feel well. Everything seems solvable. :) Hope that one day it is actually solved. So I am superrelaxed now =)
NF: happy that some things were finally settled in a nice way. :)

also quite :ill: that i'll be dragged to an 80s-music thing in a bar tonight, i think i'll drink a lot. :ill:
Siren: please request something by The Human League, just for me. ;)

NF: That it's typical that the day I ring up the careers place to arrange an interview for some guidance is the very last day before they introduce a new system whereby I would have to pay £55 for a single decent appointment. Of course they were fully booked for today, the last day it was free. Otherwise the usual, though at least I should get drunk tonight.
NF: kinda good actually.
I´ve finally accepted the fact that my vacation is soon over, and i need go to school again. I am almost starting wait for it to happen, so that i can start verbal clashes with my arrongant schoolmates. I´ve never actually had one, but because i can almost remember how annoying they were few months back, i thirsting for it.
My ear is still under somekind of infection, but i can hear at least almost correctly at the time, which is nice. And actually, I am starting to think, that my (longlost) ability to tell the difference between pitches has maybe approved even a bit.
NF: excellent :D i went to see two operas today (yesterdayish), Cavalleria Rusticana and Pagliacci. THEY WERE BRILLIANT! they could almost be counted as one opera, cause they're short (only 1.5h each) and they're always (i think) shown together. Mascagni's Cavalleria Rusticana inspired Leoncavallo to compose Pagliacci.
i've seen 10-15 operas and i've always thought that Faust is the best opera there is and ever will be, but obviously i was wrong. CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA'S MUSIC WAS SO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL IT MADE ME WANT TO CRY. and Pegliacci's music was amazing too. it didn't quite make the same effect Carmina Burana did a year ago, but it was close.
the directing was really good too. it was a modern version (a finnish one), and it had whores and junkies all other nice things in it. VERY entertaining. for some reason my mother didn't quite enjoy the visual side, but i thought it was hilarious.
the operas were also really educating. they taught me some really useful italian phrases, such as "So che sei pura e chasta al par di neve!" (i know you are chaste and pure as whitest snow!), and "E se in questo momento qui scannata non t'ho gia, gli e perche pria di lordaria nel tuo fetido sangue, o svergognata, codesta lama io voä il suo nome!!" (and if i have not cut your throat already at this moment, it's because i want his name before this blade is fouled with your stinking blood)
gotta love operas <3

NF: A little tired, but generally happy. Currently watching "The Last Samurai" for the first time since I watched it at the cinema. It's great :)
NF: An annoying pain in the neck. And a sense of bewilderment at the new furry smilies :err:
And I'm wondering what to pack for the move. We already have an apartment but now we've seen a house that looks nice, and since there's more storage in the house we could bring more stuff, but we won't know until Monday if the house is a possibility or not...
NF: A little hungover and generally slow and crap. I have a feeling I'll be finding the old smileys and uploading them to use here as well. Damn stupid change.
Last night i was wandering with rahvin in the (desert and creepy :p ) countryside around cuneo to find a winery (mentioned some posts ago in this thread) in a little town that apparently was kept secret by its inhabitants, all the signals to go there appeared after, when we already found the place (thanks to Federico, or it really wouldn’t have been possible :p ) and were coming back.

The place was very nice and the owner very kind, visit it if you are ever somewhere around cuneo and you like adventure, in the village there was probably more life than in my town, that has i don’t know how many more thousands of inhabitants :bah:

So it was definitely fun, i confirmed the fact that i get lost everywhere i go, but i guess this was part of the fun :goggly:

Well i describe things as well as a boiled potato, so maybe rahvin will write something too :)
I don't usually speak my mind here, but I'll give it a try..

I refused to go to work today. I'm sure they're pissed at me at the agency's office and I couldn't care less.. It's not like I had confirmed to them that I'd be there.. but I did ignore all their follow up phone messages and emails.
I went to bed last night with my head full of thoughts. And for the first time in a long time, hopelessness began to sip back in to displace my determination ..because a certain person, the thoughts of whom usually make me strong and bring me happiness, now made me weak..
She makes me strong, but she made me weak. :/

I gave in to the hopelessness for then and fell asleep. I slept 12 hours.. I can't remember the last time I truly felt physically rested. For a while now I hadn't been getting enough sleep, and I couldn't sleep well when I did.
But now I need my mind to be rested, because I can't function with it this way any more than I can with a tired body.
I need a hug from her.. but I can't get it when I need it most.

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