Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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rahvin said:
@fireangel: i think the latter is more like it, and actually i'd be pretty surprised if i could make it to visit villain again before the autumn as well. :)
Okay!! :)

i know there's no one who loves me, and i know i have some issues, and i know for the most part of these past few years i've just been mindlessly used in many ways, but it doesn't seem so unbearable now. it appears i can sit still and bear it: the motions, if not the actual feelings, still belong to me, and through this i walk, if not unharmed, clearly unbroken.

:( Can´t there be for every person on the world someone else who loves him/her?

NF: I got a ticket for Children Of Bodom in Helsinki :loco:
Otherwise I feel the real life slowly dripping in the comfort I had around me during the great music weeks. I must work harder.
@santtu: ({)

@rahv, fire: I always think there's a person out there that loves at least one other person... its hard to see sometimes, but I think it's there... although, I could just be deluding myself, as usualy...

Kovenant84 said:
@rahv, fire: I always think there's a person out there that loves at least one other person... its hard to see sometimes, but I think it's there... although, I could just be deluding myself, as usualy...
my first instinct was to reply: oh, yes, there certainly is someone out there who loves one other person. :erk: but you're trying to be supportive, so i'll just say thank you.
Well... hrm... ok, I see the point there... where I meant it that everyone is loved by at least one other person, I phrased it so that everyone could love one single person that isn't you.

Basically, what I meant was that I like to think that there's always someone out there that cares. It's kinda tough, I know, when most seem to be these impersonal entities on the other side of a computer screen or phone line, and one never get s to see them in person, as I tend to feel sometimes about my life, but unless all of you are really, really, really well scripted bots, I tend to realize that there are in fact people out there that value what I think and say, even if I can't hang out with them on a regular basis.

I do tend to wish that more of them (you) were around here though. Thus my wish to move to Europe eventually...

Kovenant84 said:
I phrased it so that everyone could love one single person that isn't you.
i know. they're all trying damn hard to achieve this result right now, let me tell you.

sorry, more sarcasm. it's an awful period

Basically, what I meant was that I like to think that there's always someone out there that cares.
there's a few people who do care for me, fortunately. i was referring to the sentimental meaning of love: nobody does this latter, or will.

I do tend to wish that more of them (you) were around here though. Thus my wish to move to Europe eventually...
that's very sweet. i think most of us have the best intentions to try and be around each other for as long as possible.
there's a few people who do care for me, fortunately. i was referring to the sentimental meaning of love: nobody does this latter, or will

Same here, except for the former part. Sure, I'm the one responsible for that, one way or another... I just wish I'd know *how*.
I never forgot the first time my dad told me my life was, is, and always will be useless - a waste of peoples time. I tried all my life to proof he's wrong, but by now I'm slowly starting to realize it might be time to accept the facts instead of trying to proof he's wrong...
Gtranquillity said:
Same here, except for the former part. Sure, I'm the one responsible for that, one way or another... I just wish I'd know *how*.
I never forgot the first time my dad told me my life was, is, and always will be useless - a waste of peoples time. I tried all my life to proof he's wrong, but by now I'm slowly starting to realize it might be time to accept the facts instead of trying to proof he's wrong...
well, it's not true that there's nobody who cares. like kov said, caring can come even from afar, such as us proud members of this board and so on.

as from something being "useless", i guess this remains to be seen. you're certainly quite "useful" in plenty of situations: no one in his sane mind would pick someone else instead of you for a number of things. the point is - obviously - that no one whom you deem decent is consecrating your life to the kingdom of exclusive sentimental usefulness. in that, i can't say if your dad was right or not, i.e. if it's ever going to happen or not. if he was wrong, you should at some point make him regret he's ever said it. if he was right, even more so.
well, it's not true that there's nobody who cares. like kov said, caring can come even from afar, such as us proud members of this board and so on

Oh yes, I agree, however, considering the fact that my inbox usually remains rather dead aside from the many virus mails, spam, some ebay and read receipts (...) I can't say I notice much of all that caring (and there again, one way or another I'm the one responsible for that...) Lets say that approx. 60% of my e-mails remain unreplied to, 20% of it happily get a 1-2 or an exceptional 3 sentence reply... and for the remaining 20% I'm actually and obviously very-very grateful...!!

the point is - obviously - that no one whom you deem decent is consecrating your life to the kingdom of exclusive sentimental usefulness. in that, i can't say if your dad was right or not, i.e. if it's ever going to happen or not. if he was wrong, you should at some point make him regret he's ever said it. if he was right, even more so.

I don't think my dad was referring to the emotional part only (or at all - I was 7 or 8 at the time) After literally not acknowledging me as his daughter for 10+ years, he seems to have changed his opinion about me slightly though, however, there were quite a few people standing in line to happily take over his role...
To all you who feel that there are not enough people who care about you: Open your eyes. Really. The world is full of people who care a lot of others, there are literally hundreds of people around each and every one of us (assuming that none of you are really living in a barrel) and to assume that none of them care about you is most likely false. It isn't always obvious, but believe me, there are people for you, somewhere. If you do not see them right now, it doesn't mean they won't be there or that you won't see them tomorrow.

There are a lot of people who I care about and there are even more people who care about me - yet I associate with only a handful of them on a daily basis. Some of them I see once a year, some even less often. There's a man, not far from where I live, whom I have known for some twenty years. We're not friends, not even close acquaintances. I haven't seen him for some years, and when we spoke to each other last time, it wasn't for more than a few words. Yet I care about him and yet I know he cares about me.

A few years ago, I learned that not all people are as aware in this regard; some of them simply do not see that people care about them - not even when it is proved to them time and again. That's why for the past couple of years, I've been trying to show out that I care about people - and I've improved on it, slowly but steadily. It might look like I care more nowadays, but that's not true - I just now make a conscious attempt to show it to people, while I've always cared about them.

I'm pretty damn sure that there are lots of people, who just haven't realised the same thing that I have and who simply do not show out, how much they care about people. About you.

If you are asking for something more than just caring, then I'm probably the wrong person to comment about it... But I'll do it anyways :heh: (and here I may sound like a bitter old man): There are much more important things in life than some silly love. If you haven't found those things yet, go look for them and stop crying over something that eventually means so very little.

TheFourthHorseman said:
No-one told me that anime was so emotional.
Uh, you didn't ask, did you. :p

But really, anime is emotional and that's exactly why I've been so fond of it lately. I have never cried to any movie, but certain anime-scenes make me teary-eyed even now when I'm just thinking about them. A good example would be a certain shocking moment in episode 12 of the excellent Now and Then, Here and There (Ima, Sokoni Iru Boku). It's such a horribly sad scene that it becomes almost beautiful. (I'm shivering and all my arm-hair is standing right now - and I haven't seen the said scene in several months!)

Oh, I just have to ask, what anime-series were you talking about?

Caelestia said:
Instinctively, I gave her the finger and told her to fuck off. [...]. I told her, "No offence, but fuck off."
I admire you for this. There's been plenty of times i regretted not doing this.
Villain said:
A good example would be a certain shocking moment in episode 12 of the excellent Now and Then, Here and There (Ima, Sokoni Iru Boku). It's such a horribly sad scene that it becomes almost beautiful. (I'm shivering and all my arm-hair is standing right now - and I haven't seen the said scene in several months!)
Ohh, describe it please? I must watch it now but I don't know where to find it.

@Siren: You should! People like that need to be put in their place. A bitchslapping would be great but that would be unladylike :p
Villain said:
If you are asking for something more than just caring, then I'm probably the wrong person to comment about it... But I'll do it anyways :heh: (and here I may sound like a bitter old man): There are much more important things in life than some silly love. If you haven't found those things yet, go look for them and stop crying over something that eventually means so very little.
I'm not sure what things you're talking about, but I can only imagine that these things will eventually mean so very little as well. Not that I'm an expert or anything, but just felt like commenting because... well yeah like I said, I'm not sure what you're talking about here. Anyways, I personally wouldn't mind some love right now just for the sheer novelty of it.

Oh and don't worry, you didn't sound old. ;)

(EDIT: I'm aware I probably missed the point. I'm good at that lately.)
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