Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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TheFourthHorseman said:
Hey I've got an idea! Listen to some Paatos and feel even worse! :D
How about Swallow the Sun instead? I did listen to both Paatos albums this afternoon, now I have to keep listening to other stuff. I did say I've got a lot to check out. :p

Teijo, eh? About time I found that out, really.
I will have to kill you and everyone who reads it now. ;)
Swallow The Sun. :/ I guess I need to check out the album, but they didn't really impress when I listened to them the last time.
TheFourthHorseman said:
I will have to kill you and everyone who reads it now. ;)
I'll race you to it.
Fourth said:
Swallow The Sun. :/ I guess I need to check out the album, but they didn't really impress when I listened to them the last time.
Same with me, then I saw them live and thought they were great. Now I'm getting into the album too. The same happened with Daylight Dies last year.
NF: Well, I cried more than I've cried in a long time over a bunch of bits and bytes put together in a cute way. Art imitates life, eh?
Then I listened to Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds and if possible, felt even worse. It pays off though, letting the weight off with music rather than in other ways. No way I'm watching that series again tonight though. No-one told me that anime was so emotional.
I guess I'm feeling alright on the whole. Human, it seems, at least.
@larocque: if you mean the insomnia, i can't really remember when it started. at some point in 1998, and then it got worse in time. the feeling of not being ok is more recent, but quite stable at the moment anyway. the sun is always shining somewhere else.
@ rahvin - the not sleeping does not bother me - if things are good I sleep from about 5 to 11 - my sleep pattern changes when I'm feeling down - yesterday - I sleep from about 8 to 10 - then about 14-16 then 21 to 00:30 today - when will I sleep again I have no idea? The way I look at it if I can't sleep - I can read, be online, watch DVDs - so that's not so bad -
It's the being down that gets to me - I went into a deep depression about 2 1/2 years ago - it took I would guess about a year to get back to being normal (whatever that is?) and when these not so good feeling start and don't stop - it scares me and the thought in my mind is I don't know where to turn? The meds take care of that - (If it were not for my Family and a couple of true Friends - I would of given up long ago) - as I tend to ramble in all my writings please remember "A Friend in need is a Friend indeed"
- so now I'm going to play Exposures disc 2 at maximum volume, now that's a beautiful thing - Take care -
NF: Strangely okay.

Last night's party was great. Dirk introduced me to his friends and he has some really cool ones. I sense a potential buddy in one of them. I met his brother, who is very awesome. We chatted for half an hour, and I think it made him a little jealous.

Later we danced and one of the girls he knew from acting class came up to us. She also happens to be a former Miss Malaysia (ugh god knows how, and I swear I'm not being catty - not yet anyway). I thought she seemed nice enough at first until the hobag tried to be funny and offered to follow us home for a threesome. I was completely mortified. Dirk just looked at me.

Instinctively, I gave her the finger and told her to fuck off. She was rather embarrassed and tried to laugh like it was a joke. I told her, "No offence, but fuck off."

That night he kept waking to kiss me and a few times I thought I heard him sniffling. He definitely didn't sleep much. Once I could've sworn he was crying, so I asked if he wanted to talk about it. Then he went silent and still, probably hoping I'd think it was all in my head. I just let it be.

This afternoon I saw him off at the airport. It all happened so quickly. Bus ride, punctured tyre, lugging all his bags, check-in, next thing I knew it was time to say bye-bye. Of course, being the big idiot I am, I started crying. Expected. We kissed and he promised to return and write and all that usual shite. I watched him from the floor above and tried to snap a pic of him walking away. Unfortunately my friend's camera takes ages to focus and by the time the pic was taken, he'd gone.

OK, Now I feel really weird. No more Dirk. No more movie nights. No more holding hands, hugging, cuddling, kissing. Nothing. I can't even call him to hear his voice. Not for awhile anyway, and it won't be the same.
@li: your tale made the tidal wave of panic which is always lurking just underneath the surface dance dangerously and threaten to go out of control. but it's ok, i feel for you and the way you'll have to deal with things. maybe when you have some time we can talk on msn?
nf: confusled again. god, will my life every be ok for more than a week at a time.

In other news, she called me 4 times last night and left some upset messages because I wasn't answering my phone. Considering that when I woke up, my memory of the night before ended midway through a conversation with her, and my right temple was killing me (note: my endtable is on the right side of my bed), and I was hanging halfway off my bed with the cable from my phone's charger wrapped around my neck, I'm hoping she'll realize it wasn't on purpose.

NF: Weird.. just arrived home. havent slept for 2 or 3 days now. In melbourne airport i seriously couldnt tell whether the ground was shaking or whether it was me who was shaking. Probably me :/

Everything seems.. distant. I think i need to sleep
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