Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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about an hour ago i went upstairs with my soon-to-be new boss to a storage area where we were supposed to check on the presence of very important (!) wooden planks we need to reconfigure the way a certain hall and the magazines therein will look.

the place is dark and abandoned, with boards criss-crossing the ceiling and sometimes hanging askew for reasons that have probably a lot to do with ww2, or stupidity, or both.
my coworker and i spot a few of the much-sought for planks in a corner and i suggest we go get them to measure them up.
"it's best to go get a flashlight first," he replies, "we risk breaking our neck in the dark." but of course i have to say "ah, who cares!" and start walking towards the far corner.

the metal board (so basically this forum) hanging from the ceiling hits me squarely in the forehead and i slip and fall backwards. "i'm fine," i say, then the room starts spinning - counterclockwise, for the connoisseur - and i touch my head and there's plenty of blood flowing down into my eyes.
so an ambulance gets called in a totally unnecessary agitated hurry, i'm brought downstairs into my office, and finally about ten minutes ago a plump doctor decides i just cut myself under my scalp and i should be ok in a few minutes.
"do you think you're experiencing loss of memory?" she goes at some point, and i say "unfortunately not", and she frowns, but ultimately decides head cuts are not supposed to make you sarcastic in any form or way.

this week is only halfway through and it's already been quite eventful when it comes to personal physical damage. let's see what's next!
NF: sleepy, i think i should go get a nap if i don't want to collapse tonight, but i don't want to. :zzz:
@rahv: I forgot time, I was checking hotels in Bonn. I quess I´ll make a reservation tomorrow.. if they don´t want the payment beforehand... :erk: and it seems that Alex, the woman I´m going to Wacken with, is the BEST! She´s offering me so much of help and support!! :)
I´m glad you´re feeling a bit better.. or I think you are.. let´s forget about the hand and head-injuries.. Did you see a doctor about the hand? hm?!

NF: need to pee.
Only you could make a funny store of cutting your head open ;)
Hope you don't injure yourself any more tho, otherwise I don't
think your boss or we can stand the sarcasm :p

NF: hmmm, not sure, kinda sleepy but ok, been getting up early
since I got back from the holiday and actually had time for coffee
at home in the morning :eek:
NF: Quite busy. The plan is no longer to just clean and tidy my room, I'm actually going through all my drawers (10) and cupboards (1, large) and chucking out a load of stuff I never even look at normally, never mind use. The eventual aim is to be able to put all the crap that sits on my desk (1) and on top of my drawers (2 sets; 1 large) and other surfaces (6, assorted) into the newly-cleared drawers and cupboards, so that the surfaces will be nice and easy to clean for a couple of weeks before all the crap accumulates again. There's also a box in the corner; I have no idea what's inside it, and I'm quite looking forward to clearing the foot or so of stuff from on top of it so that I can finally get inside.
rahvin said:
"do you think you're experiencing loss of memory?" she goes at some point, and i say "unfortunately not", and she frowns, but ultimately decides head cuts are not supposed to make you sarcastic in any form or way.
Am I an unkind bastard for laughing hysterically at this point?
Rusty said:
Am I an unkind bastard for laughing hysterically at this point?
Not really, i've been laughing my ass off too, but mostly because of the stupidity of her question. :p
Caelestia said:
NF: Annoyed and sad. I tried to persuade him to stay, I really did. He's bent on going so I should be supportive if that's what he wants. I tried to cry quietly in the dark but he sensed it and gave me the sweetest kisses for a long time. It might be a consolation that he has some feelings for me. Just unfortunate it's not enough to make him want to stay. Then again, it's selfish for me to wish it.
:cry: :cry: :( *hugs you tight* Don't worry dear, I'll take care of you! ;p

NF: Bleeeehhhh...We had family therapy today, it's soooo boring. It sucks. And the nurses are fucking annoying. The whole thing pisses me off, and there's no point in going there, it's useless. Bah.
@Gtranq: sorry to hear that :/

NF: today has been sort of terrible so far, i'm going to the cinema tonight, i don't know which movie we'll see nor exactly how do i get to the cinema, but luckily i don't have to go there alone or i'd get lost in the 100000000001 roundabouts they have put in and out this town.
NF: Like i've lost a large number of brain cells by just reading a fucking e-mail. It's quite pathetic how people think they are better then everyone else just because they are addicted to at least 20 different drugs. It's even more pathetic to know that I used to hang around with them, and used to think they were good friends, bahaha.

Well some people just can't be helped I guess :Smug:
Rusty said:
NF: Never quite good enough.

Hey I've got an idea! Listen to some Paatos and feel even worse! :D No really man, tell dr. Teijo what's wrong.

NF: Somewhat relaxed, was in the sauna a while ago. Pretty good all in all.

Damn, I was supposed to post this about half an hour ago.
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