Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Onyx said:
Maybe it is good, because "wisdom dressed in the blackest array". The more you think, the more sad you become...
At least that's the rule for me.
Interesting. I would agree if I thought thinking was a reason for being sad. But if I were to be sad, that's because I have chosen to accept that I should be sad. Nothing causes me to be sad.
My mouth is full of blood and i want to kill a certain doctor! :yell:

edit: the pain is starting to kick in, someone please hug me. :cry:
Drowning in self-pity.
I HATE being ill, and what I hate more than being ill, is when my being ill prevents me from eating properly and sleeping, which will then lead to a headache which I can't take any painkillers for because all the best headache pills are bad for my stomach and will make it even worse than it is now.
I'm tired and getting more pissed off by the minute, since my modem has decided to disconnect me every 5 minutes.
@siren: ({)

nf: that i've had some kind of frightening revelation. besides the obligatory dream about my gf and her best friend (female) sleeping in the bed in my apt. on friday night (it happened, there was no where else to sleep, I was on the other side of the state....<tears>.... :p... i know Arch'll sympathize...), i somehow managed to dream what my true serious problem in life is. i am able to recognize my faults, but completely unable to do anything to change them, or to motivate myself in anyway to bring about a change. it scares me as much as it hurts me to know that this is true. anyway... work time...

Salamurhaaja said:
NF: Slightly drunking.
I luv ya all, I hope you all doing fine.
I am grrrrrreat.
Ugh, sleep now must I.


NF: cool.
Profane Omen have finally a gig I can actually go to, after two years of waiting... :hotjump: *wheeeeheeee*

Everyone else around is invited to see them aswell =) (Villain, do you come there?)
It´s at August 27 at Nousu (Nosturi) in Helsinki. There are more gigs around, in Turku, Lappeenranta and Lahti.
And this week I will finish a major amount of stuff which I have to do, so I feel working, which is also good.
@Spike: he cut out 2 wisdom teeth. (})

@Kov: (}) it's not true that you can do nothing to change them. imo it's more important that you can recognize them, because if you couldn't then you'd really have no chance to fix them. now you're halfway there, you just need to somehow find the way to do it. it's all in your hands. :)
@siren: ow, wisdom teeth suck :( . I had all 4 pulled last summer.

What I need is a big 'ass-kicking' machine to kick me in the ass whenever i'm slacking or just not motivated. I have no self-motivation, no real goals, no real aspirations.... it's just very upsetting. And it just feels like I have no will to move around anything in my life or even to try sometimes...

~kov. (i really don't know why...)
NF: A little happy. Movie night with friends after work tomorrow, then on Wednesday I'm attending a friend's wedding dinner. Haven't seen her in years. Also wondering how my ex is doing.

Ouch, wisdom teeth. Poor Siren *hug*

Get well soon, Anna.
NF: Tired :zzz:
Had (hopefully) my last exam of the summer today, it wasn't so hard and went ok. Now I'm about to clean my apartment after a month chaos. Tho I'm starting to get more interested on my little finger, seems like some bug bit it, after little scratching the whole finger is red and swollen and it's hard to bend it. Wonder if I have one finger less tomorrow. *scratch scratch*
NF: Like I'm in a sauna.
I wish the sun would go away already, I hate this sweaty stinky feeling,
feel like a shower every 2 hours at least.
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