Maybe it is good, because "wisdom dressed in the blackest array". The more you think, the more sad you become...
At least that's the rule for me.
At least that's the rule for me.
Interesting. I would agree if I thought thinking was a reason for being sad. But if I were to be sad, that's because I have chosen to accept that I should be sad. Nothing causes me to be sad.Onyx said:Maybe it is good, because "wisdom dressed in the blackest array". The more you think, the more sad you become...
At least that's the rule for me.
Salamurhaaja said:NF: Slightly drunking.
I luv ya all, I hope you all doing fine.
I am grrrrrreat.
Ugh, sleep now must I.
I know :/Caelestia said:@John:I wish we lived in the same neighbourhood.
|,,/Tranquillian said:Waaaackeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen