Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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@Santtu: ({)({) :( I'm sorry to hear that... the same thing happened to my brother a few years ago - he was writing a story for like 2 years, and we had to format the computer - my mom backed up everything (she thought), but we later found out that everything he had ever written had been erased.

How about taking it to a professional and having him/her have a look at it? Some of my dad's very important work stuff disappeared a couple of years ago, and he couldn't retrieve it using any program he could find for free, but took it to a bloke who got everything back for him. Worth a try?
NF: Angry and really really disappointed. Not just at myself, not at Dirk, but at my mother. She snooped through my files ONCE (that I know of anyway) and tonight I JUST caught her reading my email. Who the fuck does she think she is?!? I'm so frustrated and hurt I feel like smashing something.
@ Brendan: (})(}) Thanks dear. Bah, that's fucked up..He never got it back? :/

@ Rus: I doubt my dad's willing to pay for that..

@ Li: God, your mom's even more fucked up than some ways at least. I'd probably accidentally kill my mom if she did that. What did you say to her?

NF: :( scared, and disappointed in myself..
The guys who search lost data for their living sure know what to do, and usually they succeed to find the files they´re supposed to, but they´re also quite expensive, so I might think twice.

@caelestia: wtf? That isn't something that a normal would do. If my mother - or anyone else- did that, i would get mad.

nf: sleepy but fine.
Exactly. Even if you're a concerned mother, that's NOT the right way to show it. That's precisely why I don't care to share things with her. The more she sticks her nose in, the less I feel like it. I mean, I really really do wish I could talk to her, but I've been trying for years and it's never worked. Anyway, I told her off and said some nasty things (immature on my part, I know) :\ But we're okay now, I think. I still don't trust her.
when i was a kid my mom used to intrude into everything private that wasn't safely locked away. she never actually went as far as looking for stuff, but if i was ever to leave letters and messages lying around my room - yes, my childhood hails from a dark era when pen and paper were still commonly found in most houses - i could rest assured that by the following day mommy dear would have rummaged through them to her heart's content.
now, considering i've never been exactly obsessive about keeping secrets, i would have accepted the interference with a light heart, hadn't been for the fact that she completely misunderstood every single word she read or conversation she "accidentally" overheard. her judgement of my character has always been dead wrong. not once did she perform an act of intuition, or even basic rational understanding of anything concerning me. to assume that she could feel empathy, or have the faintest idea about the way i feel at any given point in time is to assume that you can comfortably squeeze eight hippos in your pocket.
this lack of a mother figure is rumoured to have been the origin of many of my issues (unappeased desire to satisfy others, obliviousness to personal safety, excess of sensitivity, fear or being alone, passive-aggressiveness in competitions, and of course the badly amputated bodies down in the basement), but i don't particularly like deterministic theories, and after all parents are hardly ever forgiven for things we forgive everybody else about almost every day.
NF: Meh. Lonely. Dreading what will be a fucked up weekend..

Today was really sad and awkward, but I guess some day in the near future will be a lot sadder.. don't feel like expanding on that.
NL so I hope that your test results will be useful for british universities aswell. :) And also now I am not so confused anymore about the whole moving thing when I read it ;)

rahvin sorry to hear about your parents :erk:
YaYo said:
NF: Meh. Lonely. Dreading what will be a fucked up weekend..

Today was really sad and awkward, but I guess some day in the near future will be a lot sadder.. don't feel like expanding on that.
Well that sounds damn bad, whatever it is. I'm sorry to hear it. :/
NF: Kinda relaxed. I think I'm just ignoring the problems in my life right now, but it doesn't feel all that bad. I still have that odd numbness though, and its starting to wax and wane oddly during the day. Oh well. I'll probably just wait for it to go away.

NF: It's a Friday and I feel great. I don't know how long this greatness will last throughout today, though.
NF: I am tired. So tired. I was energetic when I was on holiday. Since I've come to my home town, I've been lazy, idle, dozzy.... I am often at home, surfing in the internet or TV channels. But today I went to my university to have the true copies of my University Graduation Certificates to be sealed and signed. I went to the strudents council and then to the dean's office for 4 times and the distance between those two buildings is about 15 minutes on foot. All my day passed with walking.. Walking to the bus stop, going to the school, walking in the unnecessarily large school campus from a building to another. Going to the bus stop. Walking back home... I will apply to different universities to have my master's degree. But before it, there are many many procedures to be completed. Oooohhh..I am tired... Tired.... I feel old.. :bah: :bah: :bah:
NF: Ready to take on the more in-depth and existential questions of life, yet I have no audience or challenge to my ideas...if I had control, timezones would be the first object I would vanquish.
necromancy: Yes, we're getting too old for this shit.
I say let's all retire to some island now and live off the rest of our lives peacefully :p

Ethereal: Make a finger puppet out of some string and napkins that may be laying around and tell him all about your thoughts and dreams for now :p
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