Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Befriend a backpacker and maybe they'll take pity on you as well and sneak you in to their dorm! Of course that could be dangerous, but so could sleeping on the street :p
with my luck, the backpacker i befriend would be some sort of crazy psycho that is carrying the chopped up body of his last "friend" in his backpack... i could try finding other hostels but at night and with this cold, and with my really really bad sense of direction... would be disastrous. i would wake up in norway or something.

but thanks for your concern :)
i survived. the strangest part was sitting in the train station and some guy coming up to me and saying, "do you want drugs?"
me: "no."
he: "no?!" surprised.
me: "erm thanks".
guy walks away.

worst night ever.

NF: as bad as it gets. and lonely and depressed. and i hate the internet.
nf: the result of drinking little a bit of alchol, smoking few cigarettes and sleeping not enough recently. The hardest part is the not-sleeping one.
I was drinking at Imatra with Ulla´s little friends - like Joni and Pulli, just to mention few - yesterday.
I had nice time, though some of the soldiers got opressed by the eating fire.

edit: untermensch at textual expression.
still here but now i ate
amazing how food can make you feel better when you havent had some in some time
nf: well
@violet: :D @ your odissey. sleeping in the streets, not having any food... aaah, these moments of extreme poverty you will remember when older, richer and no longer able to cope with such conditions, and you will possibly smile fondly at the memory.

nf: elated. my friend's gone. not that he was doing anything horrible, only i haven't had a moment of quiet in the past 30 days: first another friend came to visit for a week, then i spent some time with my family, then i was on holiday sharing a room with the friend who was here now, then he came back with me and stayed for a week.... now i'm going to a conference and i will be surrounded by people for ANOTHER week; i might go berserk. it must be said that most of next week's meetings will be beneficial for both my research and my career, plus they don't have any dangerous emotional content seeing how it is strictly business (exceptions: my friend ivan is coming with me, he's not strictly business being a friend, but he's most definitely not dangerous. moreover, i'm seeing tim for drinks, but i'm more afraid of the drinks, given my current health conditions, than of him). i'm going to BE ON MY OWN FOR ALMOST ONE WEEK when i come back. hooray. finally.
Violet Baudelaire said:
still here but now i ate
amazing how food can make you feel better when you havent had some in some time
nf: well
I'm glad you made it through. Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?
NF: Upset and so sorry for my sister. I thought everything was perfect for her now, and she deserves her happiness, but now i found out that there's a giant problem/fear/sorrow haunting her forever :cry: She so does not deserve this :'( And i feel like i owe her for all she's done for me, so i kind of feel like i should give her what she wants. But i can't, i won't, ever :/

edit: I admire her positivity about it though..She's so strong and brave, i wish i'll be like that someday..
today i was walking down the aisle of a mall with hiljainen when i suddenly spot a girl by a payphone and she reminds me of someone. i go "i think i know that girl", then i turn and stare while walking by. she starts waving frantically in my direction. that's when i recognise her: she's a student whom i met in my library once, and to be accurate the last day of work before summer break. she had dropped by to say hi to the people at the desk, whom she knew from before, and i was around dragging my miserable bones through the last sleepy afternoon. at the time, she had kept me with my back to the wall for about half an hour, ranting about her plans for the future (i don't know why, except that she's a chatterbox and always appears overexcited about any event in reality) while i nodded my way through the monologue. i can't say i feigned attention, because she wasn't boring. she was simply mentioning too many concepts and details for my brain to keep up unless i decided to gave her my whole attention, which is something that at the end of july i was quite incapacitated to do.
so today after waving at me and saying hi she motions me to wait until her call is over, and then proceeds to expand on her day/week/lifelong experiences, with the usual enthusiasm. i ask her if she wants to come along to the movies with us, but she replies that it's her birthday, so she's waited for at home. i was sort of glad that she remembered my face enough to recognise me out of the blue and in a crowd, and that's my reason for reporting the event here. most of times i feel pretty transparent, and my not having much to say to people probably justifies why they wouldn't notice me much or at all. it seems a prudent attitude of nods and interested remarks is indeed sometimes able to fix my persona in someone's mind for about a month. nice to know, especially so i can avoid it if i want.
a few days ago on the green carnation gig i had this remarkable feeling that something fundamental about me was to change in this second; it all had some sort of religious foreboding/feeling whatever. i was thinking about losing ambitions, about my realization that i'm just one of 6 billion others, when i came up with the following thought.

no one can be like me.

the thought made me happy and left me somewhat idiotically grinning and moody in front of the stage, and it hasn't faded even now.
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