Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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@ Dave: oh no, i'm really sorry :( *hugs*

@ Anja: that's great! i wish i'd be able to do that kinda decicions. i'm able to dumb boyfriends, but i've never been able to dumb friends. hmm. i'd really like to stay friends with the boyfriends too, though. and i never throw out stuff either. i have dozens of cds i never listen to, but i want to keep them just in case i need them some day. same goes with clothes. and other stuff.
also: which brand is it? :D

@ Santtu: *hugs*
Thanks for the support people

Rusty said:
@Dave: I'm really sorry to hear it. :( Hmm, how long until you get a computer at home? Not having an escape makes it a lot worse. :/
Don't know, hopefully by tonight i'll have it back.. but knowing how things have been lately i won't count on it at all.

NF: Unresolved.
Nf: I miss him too. I don't want to go to work, I don't want to do anything except sleep and hope when I wake I won't feel like this. Mornings are always the worst.
NF: Disappointed, scared and weirdly optimistic.

Guess what! I have to find a new job! :D My agency doesn't need a junior writer anymore (they've got a senior coming in, so byebye, small fry!) so they're letting me go. Sploosh. I was thoroughly disappointed (now only mildly so) but then I thought this is an opportunity for me to take a break and figure out some things. Working there didn't give me the stability I need anyway. Now I have a few options:

1) Look for another ad job,

2) Go crazy and possibly get a job in a foreign country where I don't even speak the language! :D


3) Look up working holidays in the UK! Hrm, or the US? Anyone know anything about these??

I'm scared though because it's a pretty big decision and my life may change drastically regardless of the route I take. Still, I'm quite excited. No fucking way am I going to cry about this anymore. It's an opportunity :)
Caelestia said:
1) Look for another ad job,

2) Go crazy and possibly get a job in a foreign country where I don't even speak the language! :D
and like i said, i'll be happy to help you out as soon as i can force myself to do something besides pacing, smashing to the ground small pieces of furniture, and hum a certain song under my breath. hyena might have good ideas as well. not to mention that we both speak the language very well. :rolleyes:

3) Look up working holidays in the UK! Hrm, or the US? Anyone know anything about these??
i think we know enough about the latter. make it working holidays throughout europe, england is quite expensive.

I'm scared though because it's a pretty big decision and my life may change drastically regardless of the route I take. Still, I'm quite excited. No fucking way am I going to cry about this anymore. It's an opportunity :)
that's the spirit! (i suppose. not an expert of spirits besides the alcoholic kind, of late) can you send me the specifics of your degree/master/whatever that is? if i don't print it and eat it straight away, it might come in handy for the job hunt.
Sometimes the only thing to do Li is shit your pants and dive on in ;).

I feel awake :D. I think this is the earliest I've post on the forum after I've gotten a full night's rest. Woo hoo, thank the gods for work :D.

@Li: that's the right way to think! :) i don't have useful informations about possible jobs (i don't have useful informations about anything, never) but if you continue to think it like this you'll find something good and also have fun, drastic changes and adventure are the best thing some times.

NF: i'm scared. and i just baked some bread which tastes surprisingly good considering that i did it.
i'm not scared by the bread.
I am feeling perfect! I am feeling happy.. In the morning I applied to a master's degree programme of English LAnguage and Literature and I am hopeful about it!
And today, my boy friend is coming to the city I live whom I couldn't see since 13th of August...Yuppiieee:headbang:
wildfyr said:
Glad you're feeling better and not crying. Crying will give you wrinkles and make you look OLD. And we all know looking old is not teh win, right?

:erk: Sorry you are hurting right now. Try not to think about it if you can.
Awww thanks, you're sweet *hugs* Well if crying gave me wrinkles and made me look old i think i'd look like a 150 year old by now :p

Lili said:
2) Go crazy and possibly get a job in a foreign country where I don't even speak the language! :D
FINLAND!! I NEED MY TWIN SISTER! :( *cough* :eek:

nf: Excited because i just found shitloads of awesome clothes that i want, BUT i have no money at all so it's fucked up :bah: Also my piercing seems to be quite badly infected and now that i was a bit violent towards it it's bleeding like a waterfall :erk:

*hugs Ulla back*
@Li: you go girl! :D:mad:

NF: Nicely confused, tired, and worried.

EDIT: Errrm, I meant to type "hungry" instead of "worried". :err: Damn subconscious.

And nice new avatar Hil. :)
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