Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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NF: :/

Tired of pretty much everything.

My grandmother passed away on sunday, not unexpectedly. I'd been in to see her on friday knowing it would probably be the last time seeing her alive, she didn't even open her eyes or show any signs of knowing i was there. So yesterday my sister flew down from sydney and we spent the day packing her stuff away from the nursing home, not the nicest experience. First person i've really known well who has died, though admittedly she's not really been here in mind for a fair while now (earlier this year she was telling us how she'd just gone on a trip to antarctica, and even flew under the ice). It's a bit weird to think about at this stage..

Parents arrive home tonight from their shortened holiday (i feel sorry for them :/ ). With them home and my sister down my peace and quiet at home ends, but this is probably a good thing because i've been lonely anyway. I could still do with having a functioning computer at home so i could escape..
well i study literature so probably wont ever be rich.. so i decided to use daddys credit card and stay in a nice hotel with tv, room service, free internet and elevators. ah back to civilization :D
and when my parents knew about my oddysey they insisted i stay longer here so
yeah, im smiling fondly at the memory now

im realy sorry to hear that :( hope being with your family again makes it a bit more tolerable
so hard to pin a single feeling down that I will have to go with 'muted' or 'numb'. Just got back from first day of work at new job since back from holidays, I don't wanna worh there (in fact right now I don't wanna work!), but I need the cash. The job itself is alot easier than the drilling I got in the interview would suggest, I would even go as far as to say that I can see it getting stagnant and boring like some of the other jobs I've had. But then again I need the money, and it's only a three month trial as it is, if I feel like it I can prolly work the three montsh to pay off my credit card debt, then do something to get fired and get back onto social services stuff (government pays you for looking for work) for a while until I find a DECENT job.

Eitherway, I'm not elated I got the job, not horrified that it's going to suck, not particularily happy that it's going to be easy, or worried that it's going to be boring.

In fact, I almost welcome this apathy compared to what I've been through in the last few weeks/months, but I've always thougth half my problem WAS that apathy I had all the way up till before I left my last job.

Right. Anyway, whatever.
@Dave: I'm really sorry to hear it. :( Hmm, how long until you get a computer at home? Not having an escape makes it a lot worse. :/
Salamurhaaja said:
:wave: cheers :D

rahvin: even though your parents didn´t beat you up or whatever, emotional hurting is not less bad than physical. I don´t mention it to make you feel miserable, but in order to say that these feelings are justified and you need not make them "smaller" by comparing that to others life. In fact I think that emotional hurting is one of the cruelest methods ever. :(

NF: I made a loooooot of decisions. :cool:
I tended to always include people in my life who once substantially helped me. Then things changed and still I would be friends with them just because of the good old times or that one specific help. Now I realized what a truckload of bad things happened and I didn´t want to realize them because I usually try to be loyal to my friends. Of course problems would be discussed in order not to let them grow too big, but still there was a lot more which has not been discussed. Besides I been disappointed in a bad way by some people and now I decided that I quit contact with a lot of previous friends. Things are just not the same anymore and also I changed so much that the conditions around are not the same anymore.

I feel very relieved that I could solve that. And I like to make decisions. Also when I come home I will change a lot of things at my place and go on a mega-rarities sell-out for music items that I don´t need any longer. I just noticed that I too seldom take a step back from my life and watch it from the outside and suddenly I realize that many things stayed the same though I changed, just because I never had time to "clean up" in between.

PS: I found a brand of bread that I really like :loco:
nf: Bored and already pissed of upcoming deeds, that I have to do for school.
I went to see the doctor today, but she didn't tell me anything, just told me to get my throat examined, in case of infections. I´ve always ('my always' is something like from 2000-2001-or so) disliked doctors, but somehow i always find another little disease to cry of.
I should really wait until somehow picks my eye off and I stop breathing until I go to doctor again.

fireangel said:
And I like to make decisions.
I´ve always hated doing decisions also, which is a property that should not exist in a great leader, like me. :p
:wave: :hotjump:

I kinda know what you mean about dumping "friends" I did that when
I moved to Sweden and now I have a few people in finland that I talk
to and a few in Sweden. I find it better not to get too fond of a lot of
people, I never have time for the ones I have now even :D

NF: Don't really look forward to going to work tomorrow, a lot of morons
are calling in and I am alone doing the job of 3 people, wee, so happy.
On the bright side, some 2 months to go until GTA: SA is out and I can
let all my aggressions out on that :D
That is, if I don't go on a rampage at work first...
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