Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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NF: Very good, excited, a bit tired though. I bought the wedding dress today and just can't get enough of it, I just have to go and see it every now and then and check if it still exists. :loco:
hiljainen said:
i'm not scared by the bread.
I'm glad you straightened things out. I was getting confused.

hiljainen said:
i'm scared of a number of things, today the biggest is school, but i'm not scared in a completely negative way
I understand you. I'm a little scared too. :cry: I'm moving to Gothenburg on Saturday and I do know the address of my school, but I've got no idea about how to get there from my apartment. I found a map over Gothenburg in dad's bookshelf. It's from 1977.:Smug: (Yeees.) They have been rebuilding central Gothenburg constantly the latest 20 years or something. :erk:

So soon I'll be lost, not only mentally, but also physically.

And then there's the 'one thousand and one things a hillbilly have to learn when he comes to teh bigg city'. Yay.
NF: occupied.
I have tried prepairing myself for a text,that i gotta write tomorrow in two hours, today. for a normal person that is piece of cake but for me it´s more like a piece of rotten rat´s ass, cause i cant write properly nor manage my thoughts in that time. I should also start prepairing other works for school but i am feeling kinda limited.
I am going to do some heavy hardware updates tomorrow and with mycka otur, i might not be able to return to the Otherworld anytime soon.
Child of Time said:
I'm glad you straightened things out. I was getting confused.

I understand you. I'm a little scared too. :cry: I'm moving to Gothenburg on Saturday and I do know the address of my school, but I've got no idea about how to get there from my apartment. I found a map over Gothenburg in dad's bookshelf. It's from 1977.:Smug: (Yeees.) They have been rebuilding central Gothenburg constantly the latest 20 years or something. :erk:

So soon I'll be lost, not only mentally, but also physically.

And then there's the 'one thousand and one things a hillbilly have to learn when he comes to teh bigg city'. Yay.
i'm scared by the town, also if i'm not moving there for now, but mostly i'm scared by going to study something i know almost nothing about, between people that will almost all come from scientific high schools, i did a stupid art school :erk: . i'm also excited though and i want to try to get some good results, doesn't matter how much i have to study :) , it's the only thing i'm sure about now.

NF: a little lost mentally, it's not a bad thing.
@Li: You know I'm on msn right now to talk about it if you'd like. :)

@Naku: Good luck with the text. Writing can indeed be frustrating, especially if you find it difficult collecting your own thoughts and ideas. I hope you do well on it.

NF: All sorts of stuff right now. Pasi leaving Amorphis is still getting to me. Have only a week of holidays left and I have a couple novels to read yet, and so much shopping to do. Aye...
uncertain when it comes to what i should do. nothing still seems the safest option, and i really should concentrate on my own plans. but i feel uncomfortable walking around pretending i don't care.
NF: Hate

I'm emotionally worn out still, trying to figure out exactly how i can reach a resolution for this stage of life. "Time" is probably part of the answer..
NF: :cry:

this morning i flew back home from finland.
my thoughts in the plane were "for 10 more minutes I'm in finland. enjoy."
next to me sat a nice finnish lady who i talked with about all kinds of stuff (finland-related).
when the plane was over poland, i got nervous: "damn, i'm so far away from finland already..."
when the plane was over the slovakian area and close to the border to austria, i knew that i'm going to be depressed for the next week at least. the cloudy humid weather didn't help the situation at all of course.
when i finally sat in the train back home, my only thought was like "return to the airport right now."

:cry: now i'm home and all's familiar and i'm sitting in my beloved big living room again and I don't feel fine at all :( all i can do is sigh and move pictures from the camera-card to the computer.....

idari said:
Also my piercing seems to be quite badly infected and now that i was a bit violent towards it it's bleeding like a waterfall :erk:
New piercing or old? :err: Or did you get that one 'redone'?

Northern Viking said:
Well at least you can cry.
Not being able to cry is far up the list of most cruel feelings ever :erk:
Word Teddy. Then again, I have come exceptionally closer to that than I have in a very long time in the last couple of days.
The edges of Frustration, Futility and Exhaustion.... Oh, and Intoxication.

NF: Tir
opacity said:
now i'm home and all's familiar and i'm sitting in my beloved big living room again and I don't feel fine at all all i can do is sigh and move pictures from the camera-card to the computer....

Would you like to know what it is like after nearly a month... there are no more pictures to move. :erk:
naku: :wave:

ouga: thank you. But I think that I "overlook" bad sides for a long time, but then I just can´t take it any longer, and then I just have to "dump" friends (the word sounds not right for me. Because in many cases I don´t have really hate, and I keep appreciating the good things that happened. I just know that right now this is too much bad, so in order to protect myself, I gotta go).
Concering Leipää: some kind of monivilja, called "real", from Oululainen. Looks almost like german dark bread, just that its sweeter (why they put syrup in bread??) [/finglish]

Salamurhaaja: :) good you understand =)
I like to have few friends and enough time for them, too. I can´t deal with a huge amount of people :D

Hope that they find some more people to your workplace aswell.

NF: I wish I would speak better Finnish. I had some funny afternoon at the KELA (health insurance office).
@nick: after talking to you on the phone, it makes me laugh to imagine you really horny or passionate, but that was probably a very gay thing to say.

@fireangel: i agree. focus on a few selected people and set fire to the rest. we're really on the same buzz, aren't we? :err:
I should have someone to cook for me, when suddenly i'm the only one who's supposed to have dinner in the house i end not having dinner unless i'm very hungry. If i lived alone and felt down all the time i'd save a lot of money.

NF: apart from dinner, bad.
Hiljainen said:
I should have someone to cook for me, when suddenly i'm the only one who's supposed to have dinner in the house i end not having dinner unless i'm very hungry. If i lived alone and felt down all the time i'd save a lot of money.
i'd cook for you, but you picked the wrong town for university. preparing meals for people is quite allright, as long as i'm not asked to share.
NF: Horrible as usual..I'm starting to get used to this again :bah:

Northern Viking said:
Well at least you can cry.
Not being able to cry is far up the list of most cruel feelings ever :erk:
Yeah i know that feeling way too well :/ And it definitely is one of the worst feelings ever, when you're just hurting too much to even be able to cry :/

@ Spikkeli: The newest one..Nah i haven't got that one back yet, but i will soon.
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