Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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rahvin@ you're a poet!! ;) hehe have fun with the new PC.....
soon i'll have a partly new PC...and many other new things :) *takes deep breath*

Miolo@ congratulations!! :)
Originally posted by rahvin
ah, my sweaty hands already caress the sleek surface of an enormous big tower

actually I thought he was talking about Thanatos ehmmm thingy :p :loco:

fv (kako paidi)
Originally posted by hyena
oh, shit.

it seems everything is in the way between me and making money.

the day's news (pretty obvious it was, but i'm forgetful when it comes to spending apparently) is that, seeing how i'm about to leave for a - fully paid, thanks god - tour of the nation to brief people who should conduct the bank's survey of income and wealth, i have to look the part. this means that jeans and a jacket won't do. this means that i am EXTREMELY sad, not because i have ideological bias against dressing smart (as some silly persons said in the past), but because there's a huge amount of cash involved in the process. fuck.

h (but the beat goes on, de dum de dum de dum dum dum)

i wish i had half your ambition and enthusiasm. seriously.

about the clothes: i think i can relate. i prefer comfort over stylish most of the time, but wearing a dress or a skirt can be a good esteem builder. i'm not sure what you prefer but i would maybe try a nice sweater with a mid-length skirt and some knee-high-heeled boots. :D

colors/fabrics is another discussion altogether but i suppose it would probably be wise not to go too far off on a tangent. ;)

good luck with everything!
today, as soon as i leave from work, will be dedicated to set the new comp up. alfred will join me in a perilous quest for working cracked software, propicious driver settings and astounding configurations.

@fathervic: no, just the above ^^^ refers to thanatos' ding-dong. :p

@wildfyr: there's nothing quite as ridiculous as me in knee-high-heeled boots, believe me. i can't relate to the "ambition and enthusiasm" bit this morning - i am feeling brainwashed into the middle class, i'd rather... i'd rather nothing since apparently there's no better alternative. there's some people here who know no menial problem, since they get driven around (remove all the stress connected with car accidents, parking issues, getting your car towed away, speeding tickets, other tickets, paying for fuel, paying for car repairs, paying for insurance, waiting for buses, paying for buses, getting soaked by rain while waiting for buses, getting colds as a consequence) and they get huge money (remove all the stress connected with not wanting to waste 1000 euros on suits, not having enough cash to properly invest in a record company, having to worry about where the fuck the dough for a home theater will come from, worryig about buying your friends upper tier dinners).

the worst of it is that i am indeed lucky, cos i earn twice as much as the average person in my age bracket, plus i have good perspectives if i don't crack up, and i have an interesting job. i guess we can't all be eminem (here's the "you wanna be me" thing explained, rahvin), and i guess a bit of toil at the starting blocks is all-important... plus, most people my age live with their parents and get income, food or clothing from them, while i steadily refuse to do that... and this is a source of pride.

i also want to die because i realized in a split second that a person i really care loads about, my (former?) mentor in some university, doesn't reciprocate. this was evident from his behavior when he came to visit the bank, i shut my eyes in front of the evidence but now tutti i pesci venivano a galla, since i tried to be honest with myself for one minute.

my mobile tells me "another radiant dawn" every morning when i switch it on. let's believe it and get slightly more optimistic.

doubts come to mind when one starts to trust a mobile phone.

h (my yearning to be bu)
Not bad, though i'm tired and:
i have 11 different "persons" (artists lives and their paintings) to study for friday, this wouldn't be so bad if 1) i was sure of which ones i have to study, 2) the fact that i estimated (i never opened this book) that i have about 100 or more pages to do. last time i got 9 in that test doing in this way....i hope i will this time too :s
I have fever.. last night my body temperature was 38.7°C.
But I have exams so I can´t really rest..
I slept six hours last night..
I'm feeling a hell of a lot better today. In an hour and a half I'm leaving for a fencing met, so I'll se how I can do at that.

Salamurhaaja: I'm not an expert on this, but my advice is to skip a normal day's activities after work and take some type of over the couner sleeping medicine or cold medicine that makes you fall asleep (Nyquil, etc.) Sleeping for 10 or 12 hours while stressed helps a hell of lot. Even if you aen't tired at first, this will help from my experience.
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