Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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@hyena: i'm addressing each paragraph separately. you put the pieces together, i'm too lazy to add a dozen "quote" tags. ;)

1. i think the conclusion is not so dire because there ain't no conclusion.

2. "people i know" is a terrible movie, since they sort of plagiarized some story b.e. ellis never wrote - i know it must be hard to do, but they somehow managed - and cast a flaccid, devastated al pacino in it even though there really was no need for acting to follow the flimsy storyline. i wouldn't cry over have missed that movie, except for the fact that of course i did not miss it. :confused:

3. d'annunzio had no sense of humour whatsoever. add to this the fact that he thought too highly of himself and there goes your vita eccezionale (for the non-italians, non-literate out there, it means exceptional life). so far you've been pretty lucky in upgrading and outgrowing the model, i daresay.

4. nothing of what you clarify later suggests you ought to stop getting drunk at punk shows, if it wasn't for issues connected to your health. and i think there are many paths to reach such a conclusion anyway, regardless of high-brow job opportunities and less whimsical lifestyles. you could just decide to shift the irrational to some less obtrusive place. take me and writing, for instance. it clearly represents for me some mental "way out", and yet i'd hardly call it disruptive or hazardous to my health. of course this does not mean you should write or "get a hobby" as such, nor does it mean i don't have disruptive, fairly dangerous habits as well.

5. i think wolfy is being a lot more... cooperative with himself than in the past. i saw him on saturday night (his friend from genova was there too, the one called giovanna) and aside from getting lost for some 30' while getting from my place to the old monk pub he behaved in a very self-conscious manner. also, he seemed to get along fine with this girl, who looked like having a lot of cultural interests and a straightforward approach (although she's a little too opinionated on some issues).

6. the report you mention (for the readers: i've seen it in its full glory) was dead wrong on at least one aspect. i don't have it here to check back the exact wording, but in its mentioning your lack of consideration for the consequences of your actions seemed at times to stress the psychological side of said consequences instead of the factual one. as if it was trying to say that you somehow focus yourself on getting the desired result without questioning further the acceptability of your methods in the light of things like common sense, third-party approval, widespread consensus, moral standards.
now, i really beg to differ on that one, especially when it comes to moral standards, but i do understand how those checking on you could have been misled. it does look like your intuition and genius are totally unbound, because of the inner freedom of the solutions suggested and the outer freedom of the way in which you propose/expose yourself. yet i think i know better: the rationale behind your decisions has its foundations on a pretty deep background of values - and, on a few occasions, bias - that do work hard at directing your willpower and your mental output towards goals that match the requirements. you wouldn't come up with a dastard plan to grab the money and run or consciously getting some advantage while trampling a few people in the between, because this is not allowed by your motherboard's chipset, as it were. it's just that you hardly ever mention the boundaries, and the fact that many of your best ideas may seem far-fetched at least and contrary to public opinion and feelings increases people's chances to seeing you as somewhat ruthless.

this is addressing about half of what you wrote. i'm posting this first, then get back to the rest later. btw, i still need to know how i'm gonna get to your place on friday.

rahvin: overwhelming thankies for what you wrote. waiting for the following part.

(i disagree on what you say about "people i know". you didn't see that movie. it doesn't exist. and i also disagree about giovanna. she bores me. but, of course, i am not to go out with her ;) )

directions? later in the day, i promise. now my clock's bubu, i gotta work.
:D today the famous anatomy teacher told us what grades we will have on our school report (in the middle of this month) i have 9 (highest is 10) :D :D

The funny thing is that in the letter that the school wrote to us all to salute us in the beginning of this scholastic year it's written: "at the end of the first half of the year, that is on 31st of February..." :err: 31st?? :lol:

re-edit: is that (above) some sort of menace that the year will never end?:guh: i'm scared

hilj(random thoughts ;) )
Originally posted by Hiljainen
:D today the famous anatomy teacher told us what grades we will have on our school report (in the middle of this month) i have 9 (highest is 10) :D :D
damn! i never had a 9. :cry:
perhaps if i studied, that would have helped a bit. :rolleyes: ;)


Aaaaaaaagggggh, booooored. I need to spend tommorow at home too. I'm finally getting out of this doctor-ordered rest holiday on Wendesday...

rahvin, come on the undernet mp3 channel or something to entertain me. :|
i am THE FUCKING BOMB. i cracked in about thirty minutes a code that a team of people paid heaps of money couldn't figure out. i should be a secret agent or something.

How do I feel right now ? Absolutely good.

Success, for once, in whatever field of my life I can think of, is finally at the threshold of my door. I savor every bit of it, for a change, which is a fantastic improvement on my part.

Champagne's on me for all of you, boys and girls. Even the underage.
1- today i found the roll of my architecture drawings in the drawing room at school, i suppose i left it there saturday morning since that was last time i was there...i didn't even know that it wasn't at home....where do i have my mind?? :confused:

2- always today at lunch break i went in a sort of restaurant with some classmates and a guy from the other 4th class....i found out that he is wonderful ( :eek: ) and to think that last year 2 guys that were in my class invited me and my friend to that-wonderful-guy's home with them an evening (not in "that" sense)...and we didn't go :Smug: grrrrrr! :yell:
unsettled. i came back from work at around 8.20 pm, unboarded the bus, reached my car, and found that someone had stuck a piece of paper under one of the wipers. this piece of paper said "who the fuck gave you a driving licence? you shouldn't have parked that close to my car, asshole". now, it's not like i think i have incredible parking skills, but the problem is that, had that person waited for me to come home to club me in the face, i would probably be in a hospital now. who tells me he's not there tomorrow to do it? someone who takes the time to write such an aggressive note could well ambush me. and if it's a 6'5'' guy, what do i do? tell him that he's going to regret it? shoot him with a water pistol?

i am not a one-man army in the physical sense of the word. i keep on getting in troublesome situation, mainly on account of having a car (which i think i'd better sell, seeing how much tension it generates, in a crescendo of crashes, minor accidents, and now threats). maybe it's on account of being a single woman in a big capital. i can't have a gun legally in this country, and as everyone knows unarmed self-defense is only good as long as the opponent is not twice one's size.

also i am not getting bodyguards until i am about 50, probably, so this leaves me with dramatic issues.

being unsafe sucks.
Originally posted by Salamurhaaja
Damn, I wish we had fencing here, I have always wanted to try it, tho I don't quite think I would fit the image :lol:

You could fence if you found a place to, a lot of places let you borrow the equipment if you don't want to buy it, and there are a lot of beginner classes. It's fun :)

Plus, stabbing people is a good thing :D
@hyena: maybe it's just part of the quaint surroundings of your new home. you know, as the saying goes, northern people just mumble to themselves and keep a low profile, while southerners are quick to anger [warning: i'm talking about italy here, ok?].
you see, while i admit you're sometimes a bit on the awkward side when on the road, parking very close to other cars is something i (have to) do a lot, and noone ever complained, either verbally or in poetry or prose. it's commonly accepted that the conditions taking place when you do park are not automatically the same the other car's owner will find once he gets back, so that when you eventually find your car tightly closed between two others you can't really place the blame so easily: either of the two could have been careless, unless you actually contributed by parking 2cm from a three-ton stone wall.
should people start a fight every time they're uncomfortable when unparking, they'd only build hospital parking lots in all the big cities. that guy was just a nervous asshole, try and relax. he's gonna be too busy writing notes to his colleague who accidentally emptied the coffee machine to remember about the episode.

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