Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Salamy: :cry: hope you feel better soon

i feel quite good now, except for the fact that i don't manage to finish homework for tomorrow (no, this time it's not my fault for once ;) ) i lost hours of this work at school because i had to do another work for the teacher with my friend, so tomorrow we're going to ask him to let us other 2 hours (the time that we lost friday)..
Last night i enjoyed a lot going out with my friends, very amusing :)
NF: I was fine but i started to listen to Burzum - Dunkeltheit mp3 and my life-functions almost stopped.. this song kills me.

NP: Burzum - Dunkeltheit
to everyone in pain: try to cope, people. :(

PISSSSSST AWWWWFFFFFF!! about many things

some of which are...

1) so-called "world leaders" who are INSANE! :cry:

and rather trivial:
2) no hot water for a shower thanks to my oh-so-thoughtful neighbors downstairs, ie, the family of FIVE :eek: who live in a ONE-bedroom apartment.... :s :erk:






salm...hey damn, I felt something like that a year and a half ago, and everything seemed dull and stagnant...but one day something happened and everything started working again...
for me I never had destructive thoughts but I can tell you that my studies went crap, my job was crap, my emotional life was horrible and i had just had an "accident" with my mother that made me change my views of "family"...
so in the end...don't worry, something will make you get a grip on yourself and start pumping life in you again...
you could also hear Ingenius...greek is a damn great language to start with ;) :p

fathervic (now, where's my white picked fence?)
siren@ what's wrong? exams? :cry:

Salmy@ :cry: I'm sorry you feel so bad......i hope you'll start feeling better soon.... Rahvin has made a good point..looking for some answers is for sure helpful,at least more helpful than sinking into sadness & frutration.... seeing what's wrong and trying to fix it is good....i don't think it is so easy as |ng suggests,since sometimes one's thoughts can be confussing and influenced by many factors other than the real problem, and also because sometimes the thing that comes and changes our lives is something we had never expected or thought/wished for...Anyway i think you should try to start from somwhere, at least taking action against stress and protecting yourself....maybe noting your thoughts down will help.....Above all, do not forget to look at the good sides of your life & yourself,it can help you get a lot of strength...
Good luck!!

i'm tired :( and i hate projects,PC and shit....grrrr
Originally posted by Siren

i feel rather .zip today. :(

@wildfyr: sorry for your shower (this is the most original "sorry for" i've ever come up with :p), but maybe you can ask one of your neighbors to let you borrow his? ;)

Thanks people.
Well, for what it's worth, I send _her_ a few messages yesterday, but as of right now, no answer, I know she is in a pretty weird situation right now, but oh well.
And yes that is the thing that ills me the most right now, anything else I can deal with, but losing one of my best friends is not that much fun, especially when you don't know why.

I will give it a while and see how it goes.

As for your comments, I will give them thought and get back to you later.

I think I am not gonna get any worse.

"I been so far down, that my ears they popped..." fitting song for this situation to say the least.
Originally posted by wildfyr
rahvin: pffffff. yeah. :mad:

don't worry too much: "pfffff" is becoming mine and hyena's vocal utterance of choice of late. want to join the pfffff club? admittance is free, but getting kicked in by some external factor usually helps. ;)

@rahvin: feeling .zip? this means you're even shorter than usual? i cringe (and compress) at the thought. :)
i really can't wait for you to be here. it's been way too long.

and as for my life... [drumroll]

success is my only motherfucking option, failure is not

i feel upwardly mobile. this should be corrected if i keep on spending hours online instead of working, cos this will lead to me being kicked out of here for a start. but since this is not to become a habit, i can sleep peacefully (at least i can sleep peacefully as far as the few hours i have for this purpose are concerned).

i have a cool job giving me lots of cash. i am about to formally start a record company. i am about to buy a flat that i will turn into a home theater and resell to some rich american for two times its original price. i also feel especially attractive today, but i understand that my opinion is not the one that matters. :lol:

Just one more exam tomorrow (the introduction to legal think they'd have that first, but nooooooo).
The result of this exam will determine whether I stay in law school, or puruse another course of action...
rahve, your mindi is in the gutter. a small one.

my day turned to shit at lightning speed, just when i was telling the world i was really happy. some years ago, my hometown's public transport company sent me some fines for unpaid tickets, except that i never was caught without a ticket on those lines, and i never even boarded some of them. this was a part of a scheme that hit poor wolfy too: apparently, some dickhead public transport workers decided they weren't making enough money out of the regular fines, so they made some up. at the time, i wrote to the company, but i don't have proof that i did, since i am stupid and didn't send the letter in the needed form.
two years after, those fines have become payment injunctions, and i have to pay a grand total of 700 euros for something i didn't do. again, apparently i failed to meet the conditions to oppose them in due time, and now i have one month to intimidate those people (ie get a lawyer that will tell them to either shut up or face dire public opinion consequences) or pay. i believed i had to pay today but thanks bubu it's in one month. i will try, but i'm still really, really annoyed.
@Mel: Not really exams, you can mostly call it guys....

The last couple days i feel i'd like to disappear (except maybe from one or two _good_ friends).
I feel like shit... I have a cold :(
I had exams last week. and damnit, I don't even get an extra day off after them, just the weekend. And next Saturday I have to be out of town all day at a fencing tournment, even if I don't fel well, although I have a damn good chance of winning.
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