Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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@miolo: it's a creepy place alright, but the owner is a friend of mine since five-six years. his name's andrea and we're in very good terms. he's some sort of satanic-obsessed post-fascist, but surprisingly he's an ok guy with a good sense of humour. he's dj-ing at the "onyrica" tomorrow night. he's into extreme electronic stuff, so that's what he'll put on. in case you have nothing better to do, just drop by (it's a club at the docks dora place) and you'll have a chance to meet me and rei.
don't forget your badge. :p

NF: slightly shocked because:
I realized that everytime I post a thread, Rahvin tries to demolish it somehow. And that will haunt me, eternally.
Originally posted by The Grand Wazoo

I like men with long hair!! :(
You don't see it _that_ often..
..outside the metal world anyway.

Just think about it. :(

Well, it's not shoulderlength...but pretty long, yeah I'll give it another week of thinking...It's funny actually, all my female buddies wants me to cut it while all my male thinks it looks good long.
Originally posted by poldarn
Well, it's not shoulderlength...but pretty long, yeah I'll give it another week of thinking...It's funny actually, all my female buddies wants me to cut it while all my male thinks it looks good long.
i was in the same situation as you. at the end i decided to cut them, i just couldn't stand them (the hair, not my friends :rolleyes: ) anymore. this is not meant to be an advice (take it as you want anyway :p ), decide by yourself. ;)

@xenophobe: i'm sorry. :cry:

I am female, though....

Ohgod, am I being strange again? :(
I am not crazy!!
Everyone always says I am crazy!
But I am not!
I am Napoleon, damnit!
..And witty as hell. :rolleyes:
Shoot me.
most of my female friends like long hair, but i resist and keep them very short, mainly because i'm really bothered by facial hairs (even the beard) whenever they're over a certain length. moreover, i see myself as less mediocre with very short hair. i don't think anybody's opinion is every going to change that.

xenophone@ that was sad :cry:

grrrrrrrr i'm away for a day and there is a whole page of threads i've not read :cry: and i feel so tired....
these last days i want to smash the computer...i;m working on a project and spend a lot of hours in front of the screen typing and being creative...adding to this the hours i'm surfing,it seems that my whole life has turned into a PC-full (peaceful? :p ) one :p
I feel like shit and that is putting it lightly, I think I am getting pissed on by someone I thought was a good friend (and if you don't know, I don't have many of those left, maybe two or three at most) and I don't really even know why, I have an idea, but even with that knowledge I can't quite comprehend this cold shoulder treatment I am getting.

This however is the least of my worries, as I found out when I started thinking about my friends behavior yesterday.

Basicly I am missing a reason to live right now, I have a job (back to that later) and an apartment, I have money to buy things that I may need and food, basicly on that side I am set. This is what puzzles me, now what?
Yeah, yeah, I know all about the wife, 2 1/2 kids, car, house and a white picket fance. If you know me at all you know that is not for me and that is nothing that will give me a reason to go on.

A girlfriend? Well, no, I haven't had one for so long I might not know what the hell to do with one, even if I managed to find one that would fit me in every other way and even if I did, that still wouldn't make me happy, it would just mean less time to think about these things, not such a bad deal, but in the end, it wouldn't last.

Recently I have found myself wondering why I bother getting up every morning and go to this shitty place to work my ass off for a payment that gets me by, but is definetly not enough for the effort I put in.
As you might know, I have changed my location twice in the last 2 months and also changed my job as many times.
Now, this place is total hell, I have more responsibilty here, but I also have to work 10x as hard as I did in my earlier job, which already was a high stress job. Every morning when I wake up, I feel like someone too a large sized bulldozer and drove over me a few times and then a few more just for laughs. I am mentally and physically at a breaking point, I have nightmares about work every night and I think I am about ready to be taken out of the oven.

I fear that if there isn't something to fix this situation, I may do something not so smart and most likely very destructive.

My only hope right now is my holiday which I hope to have in about 2 n 1/2 months, if I make it that far.
Yes, "puzzled" is the right word, Salamy. Let me see, you live on your own, you can do everything you want, to leave your work and find a new one is not a problem (you already did it recently), and your personal responsibilities start and end in your personal needs, which are mainly covered. You're... ¿free? And alive.

¿Are you tired of get up every morning to dance between flames? Leave that crappy work place. ¿A good friend is acting like stupid? Do talk with him or forget him. Life is always roughly simple, till the point of being so hard to our eyes. The chance is up to you. Now, ¿what to do? Personally, I've never seen, let's say, California, it might be an interesting goal. Or what about learning greek? Come on, there's a world outside. Take some benefit from your holidays and look for new horizons to explore.

About a girlfriend... er... I can imagine several things to do with her. :p :D

|ngenius (Basicly?)
@Salamy: I am not going to comment on your situation because I do not know enough, therefore I don't want to give approximate opinions.

But I have a question: why do you say that the white fence scenario has no appeal for you? I reckon that the 1/2 kid is going to be sad, I wouldn't like to be one half of myself, except for weight issues maybe...

@salmy: i think i can understand the stress issue, although i'm not really in a similar situation (except for the shortening number of friends). if you're close to the point when you break up, i guess you ought to start asking yourself a few question. substitute sleeping hours with time devoted to answer them thoroughly, since you'll likely just miss a few more nightmares. ;) forgive my poor sense of humour, it goes in my direction as well as in yours and that's why i'm a little more easy-going with it.
anyway, i was saying: questions.

1. how important it is for you to live a quality life where stress is contained and you're nonetheless free to do most things that you like? would you sacrifice peace of mind for any job, if you saw it as important enough? is your current job satisfying (in some way) to the point where you think losing sleep and being tense all the while is actually worth the effort? --- this should help you realize the basic structure of the kind of life you want for yourself: relying on a worthy cause to give you kicks, or indulging more the free-mental-time-for-relax-and-speculating side of things... possibly a mixture of the two, but having an idea of how you would like to see yourself five years from now might be an improvement.

2. what are the things you really miss in life at the moment? people to confide in? strong emotions of some sort? a way to share responsibilities? --- please be aware that it does not necessarily end with you getting a gf or giving birth to kids (especially not the latter), but it would also clarify where you stand regarding commitment: for instance, you might want to find relief from your everyday tension seeing complete strangers with peculiar lifestyles to completely divert your eyes from your problems for a couple hours a week, or on the other hand you could find it useful to be cuddled at night by a gentle soul in order to push the nightmares back, or something else entirely.

well, let's start with these ones... and most of all, hang on there: hard times are not forever. :)

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