Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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yeah. up there with "you're a controlling asshole". last night i was discussing with wolfy the latest accusation you and I received of being plotters (!), and he just laughed and said: you know, what escapes these people is that the only one who plots here is me ;)

:hilj: damn! i don't know why i was sure your avatar was taken from Throne of Chaos Menace and Prayer cover....i really thought it was.... It's amazing, much much better than the one in the card!!!
I feel...anxious. I haven't studied for my math test in the morning and know I'm going to fail. So, I'm kind of worried that I've shot myself in the foot by not studying at all or doing any homework so far this semester. Oh well, I guess I'll do better from now on or fail and do nothing. That wouldn't be so bad. :)
@opethiansoul: it's just math, it's not anything important. ;) there's going to be other fields where you can shine.

@violetbaudelaire: i understand your dismay, but the part where the people you sold the car to returned it because it was cursed has to be the funniest thing i've read in a week. :D one way you could maybe get back some of the money you wasted on that thing would be to actually exploit the superstition and try to sell it to a museum or a collector on account of it being cursed.
collect evidence of your many accidents and unfortunate happenings, then come up with a creepy enough story about how the car was built under a bad omen, have the story spread around and you're set. :)

@rahvin: my heart overflows with joy on account of being this close to seeing you. :)
Originally posted by hyena
@rahvin: my heart overflows with joy on account of being this close to seeing you. :)

and i have a nice surprise that would probably make up for all the stuff i haven't had time to copy to you because of my cd-recorder malfunctioning. :)
it's still some 650km though, i won't express feelings of joy until i have conquered rome's juggernaut motorway.

@Rahvin: Take care when driving, respect the velocity limits, salute the romans by my side and be the good boy you are, little one. You should come back alive. Enjoy!!!

@Romans: A crazy Torino man is coming to see you (all?)! Get out of there! Evacuate the city!!! :p

|ngenius (A catalan crazy ¿robot?)
@Miolo: Thank you so much for copying the URL with my avatar, and don't worry, you'll catch me online sooner or later. In fact, I thought about a change of avatar, but I was too lazy to upload a new image to a server and so on. Me, lazy robot.

Tonight I went out with a bunch of "friends". And the proof that I am from another world was a clear evidence, or perhaps I was born with a deviated fun sense. I felt terribly bored, and I found nothing interesting. :erk:

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