Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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NF: Exhausted, sometimes semi-homicidal.
Sometimes happy and full of vitality. :p

I had to ski over 10 kilometer (in school) and walk about 7km.
Some had balls to whine, after snowboarding and downhill skiing
that their feet hurt etc. and that makes me explode (not in that way). What a trial, use ski lift to get up and then use your weight to get down.
today i'm feeling almost euphoric, and that's because of four reasons.

1. even though i still need a wagonload of money, i'm looking forward to the moment when i'll be getting a place of my own. i know some family-induced stress will fade as soon as i am "my own person" in some small apartment near the centre of town and today i just feel positive this is going to happen soon.

2. most people - especially here - are backing me up a lot when it comes to what i write and how i write it. also, private messages with words of appreciation and general attempts at cheering me up abound. this makes me feel like i'm someone good and good at what i'm doing, which in turn makes me trustful and less inclined to neurosis. it seems there's not just people holding a grudge against me or misunderstanding me or making me feel miserable for no apparent reasons, and it also seems to me relation problems can sometimes be resolved.

3. i so love one of you regulars' sense of humour, every time i think back to the conversation we've had last night i'm having fits of laughter. not only is this a very different way to spend my mornings, but it also actually cheers me up a lot and makes me look forward to the rest of my day with the feeling that what's coming is material for light-hearted fun, not gloomy tension.

4. i've just listened to the new album by afi (one of my favourite bands) and it blew me away. i was so eager to hear it i dug out some headphones from the recesses of the library and actually listened to it during working hours. it's probably not as good as their previous, but it's still way ahead of the pack and brand new, so i'm really enthusiastic about it.

well, that's it. maybe everything will start sucking again badly in a few hours, and most of all i have a tendency to think back to luis and get teary-eyed, but for now i detect traces of hope and expectation in me.

@rahve: i behold in awe your very, very weird words. i will resist the temptation to break your bubu on account of it possibly being more realistic than I might think, so up your axe and let me know what the fuss is all about :lol:

h (kingmaker)
Originally posted by hyena
@rahve: i behold in awe your very, very weird words. i will resist the temptation to break your bubu on account of it possibly being more realistic than I might think, so up your axe and let me know what the fuss is all about :lol:

fuss? i already told you all what is about. do you want me to review afi's new record to get into further detail? ;)
as for it being "realistic", there isn't much of what i wrote that's open to question. of course my buying a house is completely surreal at the moment, but still i have a few hopes of it happening by the time i thought it would, which is not that far.
as for the rest, that's the way it is right now, it doesn't really rely on what the future brings.
besides, i already mentioned how i know it'll only get worse.

:s i feel always more like a polar bear with flu but at least i'm having a vacation from school.

I get teary-eyed too when i think to luis post :(

:D *imagines rahvin bursting into laughters for no apparent reason*

Hilj(random thoughts o_O )
@hiljainen: confess, witch! :)
i'm uncertain what the behaviour of a polar bear with flu is supposed to be, but shouldn't you lie down or something? and swap your addiction to cold tea with one to the hot kind of the beverage?

rahvin. (_the_ moderator)
I am under strong mood changes these days. In other words, I am living either thinking of me as a super-human being whose fate is to change the whole world to a better place to live thanks to my superb charisma, or seeing me as a stupid daydreaming.

When I look around, I see similar doubts, similar fears based on different realities. From the smartest one until the fool of the realm suffer the cold indifference of a world that seems not to have any interest or care of us. All along this year, being a regular here and since the dreams thread was born, we've analyzed a great amount of problems, some of them were mere transactional issues, some others were real tragedies, depending on each one pain scale, will to resist, and so on.

Rahvin finds himself euphoric today. He suffers in a way the most of people can't understand so well, because the average of people think that their suffering is strictly related to their confusion, and even more wrong, they think that when you can rationalize your problem, you stop suffering. Wrong. No one eludes the weight of his doubts, the almighty fear of being wrong and end up doing useless things, or simply losing opportunities. We spend a lot of time reckoning about our next step and its consequences, as well as we carry with our past sorrows. So, I guess our dwarf is also into a mood turbulence, quite different of mine, but disturbing as well.

And after all, I am not living painful tragedies. I am facing a moving abroad. The main obstacle is to defeat my own barriers, I assume.

|ngenius (Unconnected random thoughts, Part II)
Originally posted by |ngenius
Rahvin finds himself euphoric today. He suffers in a way the most of people can't understand so well,

:hotjump: thanks mate, you're sooooo good at cheering me up! :hotjump:
:p j/k

am i in a turbulence? well, i guess i am. sure some things have changed for me on a personal and professional level in the recent past, and some more will (hopefully) change in the near future. i don't think that my judgement is clouded or that i am easy pray to different moods, however. my usual mood, the disillusioned guy feeling a bit lonely, but powered by a good dose of inner energy, curiosity, care for his loved ones, who likes to act responsible and privilege his public persona stands by my side most of the times.
there are sparks of happiness here and there, kindly provided by those who are kindly enough to provide them (duh), but nothing that could make my priorities go topsy-turvy in the blink of an eye.
rest assured: you won't find me happy tomorrow morning. there, now you can all breathe again. ;)

Originally posted by rahvin
@hiljainen: confess, witch! :)
i'm uncertain what the behaviour of a polar bear with flu is supposed to be, but shouldn't you lie down or something? and swap your addiction to cold tea with one to the hot kind of the beverage?

rahvin. (_the_ moderator)

:D i surely have the agility of a polar bear now, and my addiction to tachiflu dec is compromised by its unbeliavable sweetness :yuk: (not so bad after all ;) )

ah, i'd say _the_ moderator
Originally posted by Hiljainen
:D i surely have the agility of a polar bear now,

good, lying down should come easier. ;)

and upon reading that part of the inner joke nobody else around here is going to understand, i had to run and hide in my office bathroom, not to mention open all taps to conceal my laughter under the merry sound of running waters.
as i told you, when i'm getting fired you'll be the first to know. :p

You know what I mean, and I was probably right, although it was included just to reply to your previous post, you, evil dwarf. I won't start arguing about your sad moments, it was enough to remark that you are sometimes down. I defined your mood changes as a "turbulence" because some noticeable details in your last posts.

@rahvin: come on, o little one, you're not getting my jokes now... :lol: i was merely trying to be annoying... ;)

as for "am i in a turbulence? i guess i am", this stands for the best line of 2003 prize so far, it sounds straight out of some eminem (bubububum?) song.

i keep on exiting the boardroom to post stuff on here. there's a lot of people who are going to be fired today apparently.

h (wondering how exactly)
Originally posted by hyena
i keep on exiting the boardroom to post stuff on here. there's a lot of people who are going to be fired today apparently.

stay inside! nobubu wants you here anyway! :p

well, i know you were trying to be annoying, so i felt it was my duty to act absolutely unflappable, given the positive mood and all...
if i did wrong i can back-edit my cheerful posts with some more depressed ones, it costs me no effort. :)

NF: Concerned about my brother and his alcohol using..
I am afraid that we will gain somekind problem of it for himself.
It´s a kinda family weakness.

NP: Satyricon - Immortality Passion
Originally posted by rahvin
stay inside! nobubu wants you here anyway! :p

you ungrateful little... dwarf. :lol:

i have a trillion thoughts in my head tonight, but since people seldom comment i'm going to keep them to myself. d'oh.


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