Other melodic death bands...

you guys all got to fucking check out Unsilent Phenomenon, i didn't notice how fucking good they were when i first posted their name, but these guys rock. this is the most fucking killer peice of music i've heard sense something wild and swamplord. i almost like this better than Kalmah (which is my favorite band) but like them more than Norther, Imperanon, Bodom and Frozen Paradise. This seriously kicks all forms of ass.

Listen to these songs (full length)





their's also three more songs at their site which is http://www.mp3.com.au/artist.asp?id=21766

fucking killer shit
DeFy said:
you guys all got to fucking check out Unsilent Phenomenon, i didn't notice how fucking good they were when i first posted their name, but these guys rock. this is the most fucking killer peice of music i've heard sense something wild and swamplord. i almost like this better than Kalmah (which is my favorite band) but like them more than Norther, Imperanon, Bodom and Frozen Paradise. This seriously kicks all forms of ass.

They have some very fast, technical licks but almost as good as Kalmah?! I don't think so. Kalmah is, and will remain, the best! :worship:
i would have to say that the solos are better though (maybe because their longer).. kalmah has better rythem though.. but Unsilent Phenomenon kick ass.
1.) ARSIS you can download a few songs from their site. the song *The Face of my Innocence* impressed the hell out of me when i first heard it. had to get their cd ASAP, and the whole cd is badass, too. CHECK THAT SONG OUT!
2.) NECROPHAGIST simply amazing guitarist, and the other guys are really frkn awesome, too.
(besides Kalmah)
skyfire's cool also.
not norther.
sry guys i dont do any of that 'uuuughh trolls of the ancient frost covered forest of satan uuuuuuuuugh' with the corpse paint. sry. kalmah pwns tho, mostly cuz their not like that.

i'll check out summa the band u guys posted, too :cool:
Arsis "Celebration of Guilt" CD is a must have... Very good LP. and NECROPHAGIST is amazing technical death metal.. killer solos
Ensiferum has some really good stuff on their new album IRON. I'm sure everyone here has probably already checked them out though. They have more a Viking sound than anything really. Some talented musicians too...Haven't heard Illnath yet though, I'll have to check 'em out..
yea check illnath...
it's more melo-black metal but imo it really kicks.... and they have an awesome singer... i've never heard such a high scream and then after that a deeeeep growl from one person... not to talk about the melodies... but their demo/ mcd "angelic voices calling" is best imo
damn world chaos productions should release the new album....

pther bands that are imo not mentioned yet are: graveworm, dorn and ceremonial oath...
somebody explain this whole "viking metal" thing to me please. it sounds dumb and cheesy as shit, but i havent heard any so i wont make any official assumptions. what defines this genre and who are some bands to check out? thx.
Viking metal is awesome, there are some truly talented people in that genre. It's exactly what it sounds like, "Viking". It's not really chessy if you have an open mind and like good, catchy metal songs. Catchy in a \m/ sense, not in a "poppy" sense.

For bands, check-out www.Metal-Archives.com

Select Genre's from the drop-down menu and type in Viking...

Also check-out Ensiferum, Einherjer, and Finntroll. Finntroll isn't neccesarily Viking but if you like the stuff you hear, you'll probably like them...
Revenant said:
For bands, check-out www.Metal-Archives.com[\QUOTE]

*wonders if you got that site from me* ;-)

viking metal is alright,. i'm not a huge fan of it though really. the power metal with harsh vocals and melodic technical fucking death/thrash metal is my genre.

also - may i add the kalmah song The Third The Magical is my least favorite kalmah song. I don't really like the viking metal style chorus and it doesn't have a guitar solo :-(
Revenant said:
Viking metal is awesome, there are some truly talented people in that genre. It's exactly what it sounds like, "Viking". It's not really chessy if you have an open mind and like good, catchy metal songs. Catchy in a \m/ sense, not in a "poppy" sense.

For bands, check-out www.Metal-Archives.com

Select Genre's from the drop-down menu and type in Viking...

Also check-out Ensiferum, Einherjer, and Finntroll. Finntroll isn't neccesarily Viking but if you like the stuff you hear, you'll probably like them...
ever heard of the band thyrfing?
DeFy said:
he already mentioned norther so i didn't say anything about them.

he didnt mention Throne Of Chaos though, but they suck swampballs ;-)

but he did say insomnium, and i think insomnium are quite boring. if you want just finnish melodic death metal bands then click on the link below....

Finnish Melodic Death Metal Bands

What is wrong with you? Insomnium is an amazing band.