I'd like to suck noura's tits if she's a woman. CHOCHO UPYACHKA!!!
And what does it mean? Chocolate up your checkbook?
I'd like to suck noura's tits if she's a woman. CHOCHO UPYACHKA!!!
Don;t make me USE my photoshop!!!(If you can't make chocolate chequebook payments, I cannot supply the pictures) My workplace has denied this epitome of an evil site
Metalstrm, it's a strange world, no wonder we have AIDS.
noura, please. We are longing for pics, princess!
PS: wut a dumbass chick...
Maltian? Maltian?!
Maltian. It's Maltese. Omgggggg *headexplosion*.
You remind me of a guy, American, who once said we're Maltans.
You Ruskiy. Or whatever. Ruskyi. Ruskiya.
^^Is that your cute pussy in the pic?
Malteser, that was so lame that I will humour you. Yes; as you can see, it's a short-haired pussy (cat) and adorned with an Opeth O piercing on the (fore)hood.
I thought Russian referred to a nation and caucasian (cockasian) to a race?
Douche bag.
noun a small syringe having detachable nozzles for fluid injections, used chiefly for vaginal lavage and for enemas.
... "vaginal lavage".
Hey vaginal lavage, stop making retarded comments.