The Official Food Thread

I doubt you have any food either.

But really, I would like to see the pictures of some of the free food he gets. I won't compare it to the food you cook obviously, but if it looks at least somewhat nice then it's just not fair considering the prices you get in restaurants. (I doubt it).

On a related note, I don't post pics of cooking czech goulashes and schnitzels because the camera on my phone fucked up but I will start again when I get a new one. Being without a phone camera makes me want to take pictures of everything and I know this enthusiasm will only last like three days after I have a new phone. I also want to imitate some of the food Serjeant posts based on his pics and description when it's time. Should be fun.



PP's mom's tomato pie. Like crack/lasagne.

I don't blame you, cameras are hard to come by now a days, if only they came on cell phones, lap tops, computers/virtually anything you buy... If only.

i could prolly take pictures of the free food with someone else's camera

which i might actually do
This is a pretzel town, pretty boy.

Here come the pretzels!

Pretzeled bread:

They also come in parmesan herb flavour.

A pork shoulder roast, before cooking in a crock pot:

After cooking for 9 hours, it shreds to become carnitas.

Put it on a taco.
^ Everything looks so delicious. I want to eat my computer screen now.

My terrible lasagna that I made with my sister last week. The top layer didn't cook well, and we were afraid of leaving it in longer because it was beginning to burn on the bottom. It was pretty bad.

How did you make it? Did you not follow a recipe? What temperature did you cook it at? Also, it appears to have not enough sauce.
Half heartedly followed the recipe on the back on the lasagna box that the pasta came in.

But cooked the meat first with peppers, onions and season. Then grated cheese. And then we layered it in the pan. First the bottom pasta, then we put the meat and then the cheese. We put sauce on top of that. Then we put the pasta noodle on top and ran out of sauce and cheese so only the middle got some. We put it in the oven for 325' for 30 minutes (the box said 30 minutes) but realized it wasn't cooked so put it in for an additional 15ish minutes.

I'm not sure what happened... are you supposed to cook the pasta first?