The Official Movie Thread

What is everyone's favourite Vietnam genre film?

I would probably vote Apocalypse Now, but that has more to do with Coppola's superb adaptation of Conrad's novel. The mythology and political context that Coppola manages to write into that film rivals, if not surpasses, Heart of Darkness.

The runner-up would probably be Full Metal Jacket.
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i find that most of my favourites are movies that have 'nam in the background or allude to it in some way but aren't necessarily 'nam war films as such. COMBAT SHOCK applies there, but also stuff like SOUTHERN COMFORT, PREDATOR, FIRST BLOOD etc. my fav will always be that most clichéd of answers APOCALYPSE NOW though. such an intense and insane experience to this day.

the first half of FULL METAL JACKET is kind of amazing just for the flow of it - normally i'd find that narrative arc kinda old hat these days but it's elevated big time by kubrick's typical mastery of tone. like a lot of people i'm not so fond of the second half but i'm interested in hearing people's thoughts on how it relates to the first half and why it works etc. i've only seen that movie once and i rarely get very into any kubrick films first time around so i'll give it another try sometime.

JACOB'S LADDER is one of those movies i think i judge more harshly than most just because it's so fundamentally up my alley. there's such a moving and disturbing undercurrent of pathos and trauma there and it never feels like it's fully tapped into, it's like an amazing film trapped inside a middlebrow one. i don't rly care about the puzzle element like a lot of people seem to, i want a full descent into SYNECDOCHE NEW YORK-esque subjective existential crises, without any cheesy explanations or lame horror elements. i still like it though.

PLATOON is just too broad brush for my tastes, always too obvious what he wants you to think and feel at any given moment. when you've got a pair of characters who are so blatantly the personification of the good and evil wrestling for the protagonist's soul, i'm probably gonna check out no matter how well acted they are. the direction is pretty damned immersive in places though and it's entertaining enough.

speaking of 'nam films, michael cimino died today. i like THE DEER HUNTER a lot despite some of the overdone metaphors going on there. can never get enough of that gritty melancholy '70s naturalism, so much inner life to that movie, emotions in the margins. killer cast/performances too.
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I pretty much agree with Ein, though Deer Hunter is definitely a contender for me and I agree with old wainds about films with Vietnam in the background, First Blood especially comes to mind. Also Taxi Driver.

I still need to see some of the more popular ones though like Uncommon Valor, Hamburger Hill and Good Morning, Vietnam.
Deer Hunter and Born on the 4th of July are ones that come to mind that I really enjoyed.

For some reason I didnt even remember Vietnam being mentioned in Taxi Driver . Maybe because he went to assassinate the President? I need to watch that movie again.

I just finished watching a modern "cult classic" movie called Dope. It was awesome. So many throwback 90s hiphop music too. I enjoyed it a lot. I downloaded another one, Dear White People, because it got a ton of buzz when it came out last year.
For some reason I didnt even remember Vietnam being mentioned in Taxi Driver . Maybe because he went to assassinate the President? I need to watch that movie again.

He's a Vietnam veteran that suffers from PTSD that won't allow him to sleep, which is why he becomes a taxi driver so he can just work all hours of the night. Also his classic green jacket is military issued.
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Watching this for the first time

Watching this for the first time


That poster art is awesome, never seen it before. I love this movie, directed by Paul Michael Glaser (the original Starsky from the television show) too which is cool and random.

"I'm not into politics, I'm into survival."

"Uplinks, underground, uplinks, underground, if you guys don't shut up I'm going to uplink your ass and you'll be underground."

Enjoy dude!