ive had the extended editions of all three for over 5 years but still haven't go around to watching them.Watched the extended edition of The Fellowship of the Ring yesterday.
You really should. The scenes are so well integrated that I have no idea what's additional or not anymore.ive had the extended editions of all three for over 5 years but still haven't go around to watching them.Planning on doing it before the 2001 movie poll closes up
Fucking amazing!ive had the extended editions of all three for over 5 years but still haven't go around to watching them.Planning on doing it before the 2001 movie poll closes up
night moves (1975)
inherent vice (2014)
the long goodbye (1973)
lone star (1996)
night moves (1975)
touch of evil (1958)
the crimson kimono (1959)
drug war (2013)
the big heat (1953)
these aren't all exactly typical procedurals but they're all detective (or private detective) movies, and all really good.
El Secreto de Sus Ojos (The Secret in Their Eyes) (2009) - in the vein of difficult, obsessional investigations like True Detective, Zodiac etc
Coincidence I believe. I haven't seen the new one, but isn't it a thriller about eco-activists or something?
yeah one of my childhood favorites. They used to show this to us all the time in elementary school during "finals" or whatever they were called in elementary... we would take our tests and then go to watch movies in the auditorium for the rest of the day.I wholeheartedly adore that movie.