The thread where you talk about non-metal music you like.

I will likely be getting an Ozric album my next haul, it is not known to me how I possess many wacky metal/fusion/experimental instrumental albums and yet do not own one of theirs yet.
Is Xiu Xiu any good? I can't say I dig this band all that much.

Times New Viking does rule, though.
Any Soundgarden fans here?

Plenty. Although they shouldn't have too much reason to be happy right now, apparently Chris Cornell has just released the most horrible abomination of an excuse for an album ever. Produced by Timbaland of all people. I've yet to hear it, but I've read some hilarious reviews.
Jesus. That's pretty much as bad as I imagined. And wtf is "screaming at the top of your head" btw?

man good question

also, @ Belligerent, TFF are one of my all time favorite bands. here are some of my favorites :


and so many more.
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I have a strange request. Can anyone give me some relaxing jazzy circusy avant-garde?