The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

not sleeping. this totally blows. three weeks of working nights and now i gotta wake up in the morning... this sucks
yeah thats true. I dont find odd time signatures very difficult in general. They just have certain feels.

No, time signatures aren't difficult. Like I said it's the transition that's weird. Going from really quick paced thrash to slowed down in 6/8. And our drummer Josh got messed up cuz he has to start the measure on an up beat. It sounds more confusing then it is to those of you who don't know much about time sigs.

Right now I'm drinking orange juice and switching between listening to Demolition Hammer and playing guitar. Just wrote a riff that's very speed metal, except angrier and more evil sounding than most speed metal is.

For the record, orange juice with pulp is the only orange juice worth a damn.
Orange juice with pulp is horrible.

Sitting in bed, needing to get dressed and head for the bus.
I hate today. 10am lecture, two hour break, 1pm lecture, two hour break, 4 and 5pm lectures. I hate the two hour breaks. I'm never sure if I should just go down the hill, or sit in the union with people and chillax or what.
Orange juice with pulp is horrible.

Sitting in bed, needing to get dressed and head for the bus.
I hate today. 10am lecture, two hour break, 1pm lecture, two hour break, 4 and 5pm lectures. I hate the two hour breaks. I'm never sure if I should just go down the hill, or sit in the union with people and chillax or what.

Chillax in the union , play some pool, waste some money on the hitboxes or something. Tis fun.
Chillax in the union , play some pool, waste some money on the hitboxes or something. Tis fun.

Exactly what I ended up doing lol.
Won £6 on monopoly :D
And current (i.e. we only really started playing each other on monday) score is 3-1 to my mate in pool >.>
Now the shittier people have started playing to waste the time, so I don't have to get whooped by the decent ones.
I've recently got glasses. I only need them for driving and reading the board/ projector screen in classes though.