The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Guess who reached a new low today?
Joe reached a new low today.
I'm going speed dating :erk:
Mainly cos my mate wanted someone to go with him. And now we've got a big clusterfuck of people going. Some actually looking, others just moral supporting.
Having a beer, getting ready for In Flames' gig in a few hours.

I thought a lot before actually buying the tickets for the gig (my fiancee is going with me, it will be her first Metal gig), as their last records are pure shit.

Well, I'm going for old times' sake, In Flames remind me of great times, when I used to play Mage Knight (the miniatures game), I used to listen a lot to some of their albums (Whoracle, Colony and Tokyo Showdonwn, mostly). Also, it's their first time in Brazil.

I can only hope they play the old stuff. And that Claustrofobia (the local band) play a nice opening show
Having a beer, getting ready for In Flames' gig in a few hours.

I thought a lot before actually buying the tickets for the gig (my fiancee is going with me, it will be her first Metal gig), as their last records are pure shit.

Well, I'm going for old times' sake, In Flames remind me of great times, when I used to play Mage Knight (the miniatures game), I used to listen a lot to some of their albums (Whoracle, Colony and Tokyo Showdonwn, mostly). Also, it's their first time in Brazil.

I can only hope they play the old stuff. And that Claustrofobia (the local band) play a nice opening show

I highly doubt the set will be good at all but who knows. When I saw them last, in 2007 at Wacken, they really surprised me. Played lotsa old ch00ns.

The first time I saw them was awesome because they played mostly songs from the first 3 albums and the rest was pretty much Colony. Hardly anyone at the gig seemed to get into it but oh well.
Just got my picture taken for an opinion piece I wrote for the campus newspaper. Can't think of many better ways to get people around here to acknowledge my existence.