The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Doing a project through this live google document collaboration editing thing. I got bored as hell so I kept putting a pic of a banana in it.
Zeph's post reminded me...
Cookie, do you know what the situation is for American students with regard to holding part-time jobs is? I really want to go to McGill, but it might be hard if I can't work.

Anyhow. Avoiding doing work.'s a Friday afternoon, so no shame in that.
Listening to the mix of my band's most recent recording. So far, it sounds pretty good; I'll let you guys know when we put it up on myspace.

A metal band? I remember you said you had an acoustic project or something but I assume that's a solo thing.
Just got back from seeing Watchmen. I'm wondering whether or not I should tell the ending to my friends in Hong Kong.