The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Dakryn is close to my ignore list. The problem is, his opinions on music are actually not bad...just his opinions on everything else. The same thing has kept Krig off said list.
edit: I've also started creating a language I might use for music or something. I'm trying to make it somewhat complex. There are 12 words for the. For the three genders (masculine, feminine and neuter), for singular and plural, and for animate and inanimate nouns. I might add another six for dual but I'm not sure.

You gain +500 Zeuhl points.
Mathiäs;8152634 said:
Slap is really hard for me. I can do it well on the open strings but when I need to go up the fret board I just can't do it. Also, what kind of bass do you have? I have a Modulus which kicks ass.

I actually have a modified Peavey Grind 5-string, which is a grandchild of your Modulus. The Peavey Cirrus' shape was based off of the Modulus Quantum, and then the Grind was based off the Cirrus. I've modified it to be active/passive. It's not that great for slap so I don't even bother. I'll buy a different bass for that.
Probably not, i wolfed down a gargatuan pulled pork sandwich on a hoagie roll with about 1/2 pound of ovenbrowns(spicy fried potato chunks) and some rice pudding. Hell yes i am a bad mofo!

Box of cereal, shit load of chocolate, half a box of pasta, 4 pieces of bread and some other shit. Sometimes I eat whole pizzas too. Real pizza not some small "personal pizza" shit you throw in the microwave.

I only do this once a week though. Saturday through Thursday is very low carb. Under 30g a day.