The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Most of them don't do shit. They get what they deserve. Bassists who actually do shit get love, unless the rest of the band turns them down so they can't be heard. Honestly, whenever I see a review it seems like if the reviewer can hear bass they feel obligated to throw in a couple lines fellating the bassist. Imo inaudible-bass-following-the-guitar-line works best in most cases.

The solution is to just learn to sing while you play bass. Bassist/vocalists get mad love (Lemmy, Tom Angelripper, guy from Venom, Damnagoras on Heathenreel, Glenn Benton, etc). Man up.

Far too many metalheads don't even know what a bass guitar sounds like in a mix.
I think it's more the fact that so much music of every genre now is downplaying the instrument in the mix so much...more people likely have the *ability* to pick it out, but you on the other hand are listening as a bass player with experience listening to the bass and find more ease in following the instrument, even in a bad mix.
My father just dropped a quote on me I found rather amusing. "They say if you're under thirty and you don't vote Democrat you don't have a heart, and that if you're over 30 and you don't vote Republican you don't have a brain."

... I know one Republican who finds evidence to back up his points and doesn't just spew out opinions.