The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I've been putting together the monthly spending totals for my financial spreadsheet, and I found out that I lost a receipt for one of my shopping trips. Now I can't break down that $100+ by spending categories (food, household supplies, etc). I searched all over my room and my car, and couldn't find it.

My OCD nerves are on fire.
Here's something cool...
I just went outside to smoke a cigarette, and a guy a couple of doors down came and talked to me wearing a Norma Jean shirt. Talked to him about metal, and he mentioned Napalm Death, and we talked more in depth about metal. Apparently he's starting a band and asked if I knew how to do any vocals and he asked me to start to do some Deathcore/Brutal Death vocals like Suffocation, to which I responded to in my drunken state.
So now he and his friend want me to come try out for their band. Should be cool, even if I fail.
It's not funny and borerline horror movie ish. scares the shit out of me

Going by the rating system, do you know what is more dangerous than swine flu?

The common cold.

Yup. It's based on how fast it spreads, not how dangerous it is. The only ones in any danger are the old and very ill, and who gives a shit about them?
Back from the SAT II. I got there at 7:45, as you're supposed to. We didn't start until past 8:40. This is because the test was being administred by two extremely old and legitimately senile fucks who had no idea what they were doing. They couldn't open the test packets and fucked up when handing them out, took hours to read the instructions, etc. And no one could help them. Pain in the fucking ass. I don't care what I get on the test as long as it's >700.
Back from Camden to see if they had the new Heaven and Hell cd.

They didn't so I ordered it and bought a Jethro Tull cd.

Before that I had SAT's. Did good at the beginning, but later I started to suffer from a caffeine crash, had to take a shit, and wasn't feeling well in general, so that effected me.
iirc the math is stuff like

If x = 7 and y = 5 then
x + 2y - x^2 =

a. 0
b. -22
c. -32
d. -49
e. -17

btw to everyone if you have trouble with this question kill yourself
Yeah, but there is also some Algebra 2 stuff on there too, which is hard for me because I haven't taken that coarse yet, or even Geometry.